Get Slightly Famous: Become a Celebrity in Your Field and Attract More Business with Less Effort

Steven Van Yoder

  Get Slightly Famous: Become a Celebrity in Your Field and Attract More Business with Less Effort  Steven Van Yoder  Bay Tree Publishing.   The best clients and customers are those that seek you out because they've already heard of you. Get Slightly FamousT shows how to build visibility and credibility by making yourself a thought leader and indispensable resource to your potential clients and customers. This expanded new edition provides a toolbox of strategies for: Getting consistent media attention; Using speaking engagements to cultivate your target market; Becoming a center of influence within your industry; Leveraging the Internet and Web 2.0 to its full potential;Creating ancillary info-products that supplement your income and build public awareness.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Bay Tree Publishing. The best clients and customers are those that seek you out because they've already heard of you. Get Slightly FamousT shows how to build visibility and credibility by making yourself a thought leader and indispensable resource to your potential clients and customers. This expanded new edition provides a toolbox of strategies for: Getting consistent media attention; Using speaking engagements to cultivate your target market; Becoming a center of influence within your industry; Leveraging the Internet and Web 2.0 to its full potential;Creating ancillary info-products that supplement your income and build public awareness....

Bob Mizer: Athletic Model Guild (AMG): American Photography of the Male Nude 1940-1970, Vol. 7

Janssen Publishers

  Bob Mizer: Athletic Model Guild (AMG): American Photography of the Male Nude 1940-1970, Vol. 7  Janssen Publishers  Janssen Verlag.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Janssen Verlag. -...

Реализуй себя на 100%. Как увеличить собственную результативность, зарабатывать больше, быть здоровым и жить счастливо

Брайан Трейси

  Реализуй себя на 100%. Как увеличить собственную результативность, зарабатывать больше, быть здоровым и жить счастливо  Брайан Трейси  SmartBook.   21 ступень к успеху.   Известный специалист по психологии социального успеха Б.Трейси предлагает простые и ясные рекомендации, позволяющие каждому человеку изменить собственное мышление и в полной мере раскрыть свои истинные способности. Книга адресована читателям, желающим добиться максимального успеха во всех сферах жизни.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин SmartBook. 21 ступень к успеху. Известный специалист по психологии социального успеха Б.Трейси предлагает простые и ясные рекомендации, позволяющие каждому человеку изменить собственное мышление и в полной мере раскрыть свои истинные способности. Книга адресована читателям, желающим добиться максимального успеха во всех сферах жизни....

Paranoia: Extreme Paranoia

A. Varney

  Paranoia: Extreme Paranoia  A. Varney  Extreme Paranoia is an essential gaming supplement for Paranoia XP, perhaps the most unique roleplaying game ever produced. Filled with the same black and ironic humor, Extreme Paranoia is a valuable gaming tool introducing new play styles, new mandatory duties, adventure/campaign materials for characters at all levels of security clearance and more!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Extreme Paranoia is an essential gaming supplement for Paranoia XP, perhaps the most unique roleplaying game ever produced. Filled with the same black and ironic humor, Extreme Paranoia is a valuable gaming tool introducing new play styles, new mandatory duties, adventure/campaign materials for characters at all levels of security clearance and more!...

First Collier (Guardians Of Ga'hoole)

Kathryn Lasky

  First Collier (Guardians Of Ga'hoole)  Kathryn Lasky  It is a time of Legends and a time of chaos. Warlords vie for power and marauding outlaws roam the land. Good King Hrath and his queen, Siv, noble Spotted Owls struggle to keep peace in their kingdom. Grank, noble Spotted Owl, friend and supporter of King Hrath, has exiled himself to Beyond the Beyond, where he has developed his firesight and learns how to work with embers, fire and how to forge metals. He is the First Collier. Deep in a volcano in the farthest reaches of Beyond the Beyond, he discovers a magical Ember but fears its awful powers will be misused and hides it again. (continued)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин It is a time of Legends and a time of chaos. Warlords vie for power and marauding outlaws roam the land. Good King Hrath and his queen, Siv, noble Spotted Owls struggle to keep peace in their kingdom. Grank, noble Spotted Owl, friend and supporter of King Hrath, has exiled himself to Beyond the Beyond, where he has developed his firesight and learns how to work with embers, fire and how to forge metals. He is the First Collier. Deep in a volcano in the farthest reaches of Beyond the Beyond, he discovers a magical Ember but fears its awful powers will be misused and hides it again. (continued)...

<<<  Жизнь вдвоем, или Где свершаются браки?. ...             Зеленое небо, бело-голубое крыло. Олег Винокуров >>>

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Get Slightly Famous: Become a Celebrity in Your Field and Attract More Business with Less Effort. Steven Van Yoder . Книги.

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