Building Better Web Pages: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians

Yuwu Song

  Building Better Web Pages: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians  Yuwu Song  A practical introduction to Web design in a library setting, this book begins with a non-technical overview of the various functions library Web sites can serve, and then presents a process for planning, designing, and developing them. Defining the library?s goal for the site, planning content with the user in mind, producing and promoting the site, and keeping it current are all covered from both managerial and technical perspectives. Separate chapters on purely technical content provide reliable documentation, recommend appropriate software tools, and provide references for more complete information. These chapters cover: HTML Basics, Beyond HTML, Web Graphics, Multimedia, Interactivity, and Other Web Formats and Technologies. Sites withkey information and/or programs to download are listed and a CD-ROM complete with sample products, templates, and source codes will make your work far simpler. No other package available is as thorough, hands-on, and specific to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A practical introduction to Web design in a library setting, this book begins with a non-technical overview of the various functions library Web sites can serve, and then presents a process for planning, designing, and developing them. Defining the library?s goal for the site, planning content with the user in mind, producing and promoting the site, and keeping it current are all covered from both managerial and technical perspectives. Separate chapters on purely technical content provide reliable documentation, recommend appropriate software tools, and provide references for more complete information. These chapters cover: HTML Basics, Beyond HTML, Web Graphics, Multimedia, Interactivity, and Other Web Formats and Technologies. Sites withkey information and/or programs to download are listed and a CD-ROM complete with sample products, templates, and source codes will make your work far simpler. No other package available is as thorough, hands-on, and specific to......

Male, Female, Email: The Struggle for Relatedness in a Paranoid Society

Michael A. Civin

  Male, Female, Email: The Struggle for Relatedness in a Paranoid Society  Michael A. Civin  Internet sex, electronic stalking, and the simulation of alternate cyber identities are only a few of the more extreme possibilities of a communication technology that has, for better or worse, irrevocably changed how we relate to one another. From shopping for groceries to seeking medical advice, the internet has insinuated itself into realms of life that once unavoidable involved face-to-face contact.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Internet sex, electronic stalking, and the simulation of alternate cyber identities are only a few of the more extreme possibilities of a communication technology that has, for better or worse, irrevocably changed how we relate to one another. From shopping for groceries to seeking medical advice, the internet has insinuated itself into realms of life that once unavoidable involved face-to-face contact....

Multimedia Document Systems in Perspectives

Peiya Liu, Arif Ghafoor

  Multimedia Document Systems in Perspectives  Peiya Liu, Arif Ghafoor  Multimedia Document Systems in Perspectives brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Multimedia Document Systems in Perspectives serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most challenging research issues in the field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Multimedia Document Systems in Perspectives brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Multimedia Document Systems in Perspectives serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most challenging research issues in the field....

Online Family: Your Guide to Fun and Discovery in Cyberspace

Preston Gralla

  Online Family: Your Guide to Fun and Discovery in Cyberspace  Preston Gralla  Plan a complete family vacation on the Internet. Learn how to keep your kids safe online. Get news and reviews on family-oriented movies, television, and music. Find out where to go for help with homework. This user-friendly, jam-packed guide is a great resource for finding the best family-related sites on the Internet. Preston Gralla, author of Online Kids and a leading authority in the field of family computing and Internet resources, explains how families can best access and use cyberspace. His expert advice covers everything from choosing the right online service and navigating the World Wide Web to sending e-mail, using newsgroups, and keeping safe online. You'll discover the best places to go online for current events, entertainment, and up-to-the-minute information on vacation and travel, home improvement, games and hobbies, finance, parenting, and much more. Each chapter includes dozens of useful site listings. Put the awesome potential of cyberspace to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Plan a complete family vacation on the Internet. Learn how to keep your kids safe online. Get news and reviews on family-oriented movies, television, and music. Find out where to go for help with homework. This user-friendly, jam-packed guide is a great resource for finding the best family-related sites on the Internet. Preston Gralla, author of Online Kids and a leading authority in the field of family computing and Internet resources, explains how families can best access and use cyberspace. His expert advice covers everything from choosing the right online service and navigating the World Wide Web to sending e-mail, using newsgroups, and keeping safe online. You'll discover the best places to go online for current events, entertainment, and up-to-the-minute information on vacation and travel, home improvement, games and hobbies, finance, parenting, and much more. Each chapter includes dozens of useful site listings. Put the awesome potential of cyberspace to......

Простоквашино. Старые и новые повести о дяде Федоре

Эдуард Успенский

  Простоквашино. Старые и новые повести о дяде Федоре  Эдуард Успенский  Астрель, АСТ.   Дядя Федор, пес и кот, Зима в Простоквашино, Тетя дядя Федора, Любимая девочка дядя Федора, Дядя Федор идет в школу, или Нэнси из Интернета в Простоквашино, Праздники в деревне Простоквашино, Неприятности в Простоквашино, Приведение из Простоквашино, Новые порядки в деревне Простоквашино.   Юные читатели с удовольствием встретятся со своими любимыми простоквашинскими героями и узнают последние новости из этой замечательной деревни.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Астрель, АСТ. Дядя Федор, пес и кот, Зима в Простоквашино, Тетя дядя Федора, Любимая девочка дядя Федора, Дядя Федор идет в школу, или Нэнси из Интернета в Простоквашино, Праздники в деревне Простоквашино, Неприятности в Простоквашино, Приведение из Простоквашино, Новые порядки в деревне Простоквашино. Юные читатели с удовольствием встретятся со своими любимыми простоквашинскими героями и узнают последние новости из этой замечательной деревни....

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Building Better Web Pages: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians. Yuwu Song . Книги.

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