Tiger by the Tail: China and the World Trade Organization

Mark A. Groombridge, Claude E. Barfield

  Tiger by the Tail: China and the World Trade Organization  Mark A. Groombridge, Claude E. Barfield  Prospects for the accession of the People's Republic of China to the World Trade Organization in the near future have diminished considerably. Recently, many policymakers predicted that the PRC would most likely enter the WTO no later than 1999 or 2000. Given a variety of recent economic and political developments in both Asia and the West (particularly the United States), it now seems likely that the negotiations concerning China's accession will be much more protracted. In Tiger by the Tail, the authors analyze that impasse by assessing the sticking points in particular sectors. More importantly, they propose guidelines for how the WTO should address the accession not only of China but of other nonmarket economies as well. The authors focus both onthe terms of China's accession to the WTO and on the terms of transition after China inevitably enters. How the WTO deals with nonmarket economies will be critically important to building an effective multilateral trading system based...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Prospects for the accession of the People's Republic of China to the World Trade Organization in the near future have diminished considerably. Recently, many policymakers predicted that the PRC would most likely enter the WTO no later than 1999 or 2000. Given a variety of recent economic and political developments in both Asia and the West (particularly the United States), it now seems likely that the negotiations concerning China's accession will be much more protracted. In Tiger by the Tail, the authors analyze that impasse by assessing the sticking points in particular sectors. More importantly, they propose guidelines for how the WTO should address the accession not only of China but of other nonmarket economies as well. The authors focus both onthe terms of China's accession to the WTO and on the terms of transition after China inevitably enters. How the WTO deals with nonmarket economies will be critically important to building an effective multilateral trading system based......

Managerial Communication: Bridging Theory and Practice

Charles, E. Beck

  Managerial Communication: Bridging Theory and Practice  Charles, E. Beck  Innovative in perspective, this book emphasizes the extremely close connection between communication and the traditional functions of management. It explores both the objective elements of communication (sender, message, channel and receiver) and the subjective elements (assumptions, purpose ? intention/audience, and interpretation. It recognizes ? and emphasizes ? that human communication is complex and that communication is not the message sent , but the message received. Describes how communication works. Discusses the basic communication skills in listening, public speaking, writing, and networking. Explores communication in relation to management and leadership -- and the communication climate. Addresses specific types of communication that managers need in motivating people, helping teams function, conducting meetings, and managing conflict. Considers special topics in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Innovative in perspective, this book emphasizes the extremely close connection between communication and the traditional functions of management. It explores both the objective elements of communication (sender, message, channel and receiver) and the subjective elements (assumptions, purpose ? intention/audience, and interpretation. It recognizes ? and emphasizes ? that human communication is complex and that communication is not the message sent , but the message received. Describes how communication works. Discusses the basic communication skills in listening, public speaking, writing, and networking. Explores communication in relation to management and leadership -- and the communication climate. Addresses specific types of communication that managers need in motivating people, helping teams function, conducting meetings, and managing conflict. Considers special topics in......

The Economics Principles of Confucius and His School

Chen Huan-Chang

  The Economics Principles of Confucius and His School  Chen Huan-Chang  Volume 1 of a Two Volume Set The Economic Principles of Confucius and His School is a unique work. The author, Chen Huan-Chang, was a civil servant in the last years of the Qing Empire. After a traditional education in classical Chinese, Chen befriended and became a student of the great reforming scholar and leader Kang Yu-wei, who deepened and broadened his knowledge of Confucianism. Finally, he went to the USA and took a Ph.D. in economics at Columbia University, studying with such noted names as Edwin Seligman and John Bates Clark, producing his Ph.D. and this book in the very year of the collapse of the Chinese Empire, 1911. Uniquely, Chen was trained in both classical and reformist Chinese schools and Western economic thought. It is from this perspective that he produced The Economic Principles of Confucius and His School, a meticulous comparison and contrasting of classical Chinese and classical Western economic doctrines. His reformist position means that he does not...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Volume 1 of a Two Volume Set The Economic Principles of Confucius and His School is a unique work. The author, Chen Huan-Chang, was a civil servant in the last years of the Qing Empire. After a traditional education in classical Chinese, Chen befriended and became a student of the great reforming scholar and leader Kang Yu-wei, who deepened and broadened his knowledge of Confucianism. Finally, he went to the USA and took a Ph.D. in economics at Columbia University, studying with such noted names as Edwin Seligman and John Bates Clark, producing his Ph.D. and this book in the very year of the collapse of the Chinese Empire, 1911. Uniquely, Chen was trained in both classical and reformist Chinese schools and Western economic thought. It is from this perspective that he produced The Economic Principles of Confucius and His School, a meticulous comparison and contrasting of classical Chinese and classical Western economic doctrines. His reformist position means that he does not......

Global Corporations and Sovereign Nations : Collision or Cooperation?

David J. Saari

  Global Corporations and Sovereign Nations : Collision or Cooperation?  David J. Saari  Should 185 sovereign nations allow 750 giant corporations to invest corporate profits as they alone see fit, or must public authority be mobilized to protect public interest by reining in these economic behemoths as they roam the global markets? By integrating many fields of knowledge and bringing to bear their disparate viewpoints, Dr. Saari makes his own viewpoint clear: The people did not elect investment bankers and CEOs, and neither group represents the people and the public interest. His book is a compelling argument for offering others a place at the table and for giving them a voice in deciding how billions in world currencies should be spent or invested. Comprehensive, multidisciplinary, empirical and analytical, Dr. Saari gives a coherent, reliable examination of the many pressure points between globalizing corporations and the nations in which they are embedded (and to which perhaps they should be indebted).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Should 185 sovereign nations allow 750 giant corporations to invest corporate profits as they alone see fit, or must public authority be mobilized to protect public interest by reining in these economic behemoths as they roam the global markets? By integrating many fields of knowledge and bringing to bear their disparate viewpoints, Dr. Saari makes his own viewpoint clear: The people did not elect investment bankers and CEOs, and neither group represents the people and the public interest. His book is a compelling argument for offering others a place at the table and for giving them a voice in deciding how billions in world currencies should be spent or invested. Comprehensive, multidisciplinary, empirical and analytical, Dr. Saari gives a coherent, reliable examination of the many pressure points between globalizing corporations and the nations in which they are embedded (and to which perhaps they should be indebted)....

The Emotionally Intelligent Manager : How to Develop and Use the Four Key Emotional Skills of Leadership

David R. Caruso, Peter Salovey

  The Emotionally Intelligent Manager : How to Develop and Use the Four Key Emotional Skills of Leadership  David R. Caruso, Peter Salovey  We have long been taught that emotions should be felt and expressed in carefully controlled ways, and then only in certain environments and at certain times. This is especially true when at work, particularly when managing others. It is considered terribly unprofessional to express emotion while on the job, and many of us believe that our biggest mistakes and regrets are due to our reactions at those times when our emotions get the better of us. David R. Caruso and Peter Salovey believe that this view of emotion is not correct. The emotion centers of the brain, they argue, are not relegated to a secondary place in our thinking and reasoning, but instead are an integral part of what it means to think, reason, and to be intelligent. In TheEmotionally Intelligent Manager , they show that emotion is not just important, but absolutely necessary for us to make good decisions, take action to solve problems, cope with change, and succeed. The authors detail a practical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин We have long been taught that emotions should be felt and expressed in carefully controlled ways, and then only in certain environments and at certain times. This is especially true when at work, particularly when managing others. It is considered terribly unprofessional to express emotion while on the job, and many of us believe that our biggest mistakes and regrets are due to our reactions at those times when our emotions get the better of us. David R. Caruso and Peter Salovey believe that this view of emotion is not correct. The emotion centers of the brain, they argue, are not relegated to a secondary place in our thinking and reasoning, but instead are an integral part of what it means to think, reason, and to be intelligent. In TheEmotionally Intelligent Manager , they show that emotion is not just important, but absolutely necessary for us to make good decisions, take action to solve problems, cope with change, and succeed. The authors detail a practical......

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Tiger by the Tail: China and the World Trade Organization. Mark A. Groombridge, Claude E. Barfield . Книги.

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