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The Economics of Power, Knowledge and Time (New Horizons in the Economics of Innovation Series) Michele Javary
?This is a remarkable and highly original book. Not since Shackle has anyone made such an interesting study of the role of time in economics, and not since Marx has anyone tackled the question of the turnover time of capital in the context of political power, and the role of knowledge in relation to that power. Many books in economics are marginal in both senses of the word ? they are in the marginalist neo-classical tradition, and they add little to the body of knowledge. This book is not marginal in either sense: it tackles some of the most fundamental questions in economic theory and it adds a great deal to our knowledge about them.? ? From the foreword by Christopher Freeman, SPRU ? Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, UK and Maastricht University, The Netherlands This book examines the significance of technological, organisational and institutional change as crucial factors in the analysis of the turnover time of capital.......
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Business in Asia Pacific Sonia El Kahal
Oxford University Press. Business in Asia Pacific brings together an account of the Asia Pacific business environment with an analysis of management styles and decision-making techniques in the region. The book begins with an analysis of the Asian economic miracle and of the crisis of the late 1990s, including a detailed country by country review of all the region's major economies in the aftermath of the crisis. Part II then goes on to investigate the socio-cultural bases of the Asia Pacific management environment, focusing in particular on the cases of Japan, South Korea, and China. This is followed by an analysis of post-crisis strategies for companies doing business in Asia Pacific and of the most effective ways of establishing markets in the region. The book concludes with an entire section of detailed case studies illustrating the experiences of a number of major multinationals in doing business in the region, including Daewoo, Wal-Mart, Nike, Dell, Matsushita, Coca-Cola, and Samsung....
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Медицина Ниши. Золотые правила здоровья. Лечение без лекарств Кацудзо Ниши
Астрель, АСТ. Эта книга поистине уникальна. Впервые в России увидел свет самый известный труд выдающегося японского ученого Кацудзо Ниши - создателя оздоровительной системы, которая не просто лечит болезни, а создает здоровье человека, рассматривая его как единое целое, как неотъемлемую часть Вселенной. В своей целостной системе Ниши применил древнюю китайскую, египетскую и греческую практику, народную тибетскую и филиппинскую целительную методику, йогу, исследования современных специалистов в области профилактики болезней, достижения диетологии, водолечения и физиотерапии. Заслуга Ниши в том, что из огромного материала он выбрал самое важное и объединил в систему, которую может применить каждый человек в любом возрасте, в любое время и в любом месте. Почти за 80 лет, прошедших после создания системы, по праву считающейся революционной, она получила признание, как в академических кругах, так и среди широкой публики. Она годится всем: как здоровым людям для профилактики......
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Introduction to Ip Telephony: Why and How Companies Are Upgrading Private Telephone Systems to Use Voip Lawrence Harte
This "Introduction to IP Telephony" book explains why companies are converting some or all of their telephone systems from dedicated telephone systems (such as PBX) to more standard IP telephony systems. These conversions allow for telephone bill cost reduction, increased ability to control telephone services, and the addition of new telephone information services. By upgrading their systems, companies can immediately reduce their telecommunication costs 40% to 70%. Because IP telephony systems allow theend user and system administrators to setup and disconnect telephone numbers and services, this provides increased control over their telephone features and services. IP telephony is usually based on standard data formats (Internet Protocol). This permits information systems (such as product catalog information) to be more easily linked to the telephone system, thus providing the ability for companies to increase sales through interactive telephone and Internet order processing......
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Principles of Verilog PLI Swapnajit Mittra
Principles of Verilog PLI is a `how to do' text on Verilog Programming Language Interface. The primary focus of the book is on how to use PLI for problem solving. Both PLI 1.0 and PLI 2.0 are covered. Particular emphasis has been put on adopting a generic step-by-step approach to create a fully functional PLI code. Numerous examples were carefully selected so that a variety of problems can be solved through ther use. A separate chapter on Bus Functional Model (BFM), one of the most widely used commercialapplications of PLI, is included. Principles of Verilog PLI is written for the professional engineer who uses Verilog for ASIC design and verification. Principles of Verilog PLI will be also of interest to students who are learning Verilog....
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The Economics of Power, Knowledge and Time (New Horizons in the Economics of Innovation Series). Michele Javary . Книги.
Обнинск, Ульяновск, Альметьевск,
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