Right from the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role

Dan Ciampa, Michael Watkins

  Right from the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role  Dan Ciampa, Michael Watkins  Have you recently been handed a new leadership challenge? Are you about to start a new job, or are you expecting a big promotion? With today's surge in start-ups, spin-offs, change initiatives, and reorganizations, chances are that you'll be in a position to accept a leadership role sometime soon. Before you do, let Right from the Start show you how to balance the tensions and challenges inherent in any leadership transition. It will prepare you for the often treacherous task of navigating an organization's strategy, politics, and culture so that you can smoothly and effectively get to work on your new agenda. Whether you are succeeding a much-admired boss or charged with implementing sweeping, potentially unsettling change initiatives, a new role is fraught with obstacles that can undermine your efforts to establish authority and build support. In Right from the Start, authors Ciampa and Watkins lay out an action-oriented framework to follow during the first six months in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Have you recently been handed a new leadership challenge? Are you about to start a new job, or are you expecting a big promotion? With today's surge in start-ups, spin-offs, change initiatives, and reorganizations, chances are that you'll be in a position to accept a leadership role sometime soon. Before you do, let Right from the Start show you how to balance the tensions and challenges inherent in any leadership transition. It will prepare you for the often treacherous task of navigating an organization's strategy, politics, and culture so that you can smoothly and effectively get to work on your new agenda. Whether you are succeeding a much-admired boss or charged with implementing sweeping, potentially unsettling change initiatives, a new role is fraught with obstacles that can undermine your efforts to establish authority and build support. In Right from the Start, authors Ciampa and Watkins lay out an action-oriented framework to follow during the first six months in......

Dojo Wisdom: 100 Simple Ways to Become a Stronger, Calmer, More Courageous Person

Jennifer Lawler

  Dojo Wisdom: 100 Simple Ways to Become a Stronger, Calmer, More Courageous Person  Jennifer Lawler  In the hours spent perfecting their skills in the dojo, or training hall, martial artists practice much more than how to master a punch. They also learn essential lessons which help them become stronger, calmer, and more courageous people-and enhance their lives. In Dojo Wisdom , Jennifer Lawler, a martial arts teacher and second-degree black belt, shares one hundred of these life lessons from the martial arts to help anyone find his or her inner warrior. Each lesson begins with a description and explanation, then offers a short exercise to illustrate how to apply the teaching in everyday situations. Dojo Wisdom will show you how to: ? Develop your perseverance and patience ? Strengthen your endurance ? Center yourself during moments of stress This accessible, encouraging, and inspiring book can show you-whether or not you ever step onto the mat-how to tap into a power you never knew you had.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the hours spent perfecting their skills in the dojo, or training hall, martial artists practice much more than how to master a punch. They also learn essential lessons which help them become stronger, calmer, and more courageous people-and enhance their lives. In Dojo Wisdom , Jennifer Lawler, a martial arts teacher and second-degree black belt, shares one hundred of these life lessons from the martial arts to help anyone find his or her inner warrior. Each lesson begins with a description and explanation, then offers a short exercise to illustrate how to apply the teaching in everyday situations. Dojo Wisdom will show you how to: ? Develop your perseverance and patience ? Strengthen your endurance ? Center yourself during moments of stress This accessible, encouraging, and inspiring book can show you-whether or not you ever step onto the mat-how to tap into a power you never knew you had....

Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z: Strategic and Practical Guidance for Buyers and Sellers

Andrew Sherman

  Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z: Strategic and Practical Guidance for Buyers and Sellers  Andrew Sherman  AMACOM/American Management Association.   Издание на английском языке.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин AMACOM/American Management Association. Издание на английском языке....

Measuring the Non-Observed Economy: A Handbook (Statistics (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development).)


  Measuring the Non-Observed Economy: A Handbook (Statistics (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development).)  Oecd  Good-quality, comprehensive national accounts are vital for economic policymaking and research. Exhaustive coverage is difficult to achieve, however, because some economic activities may be illegal, informal, household production for own final use, or missed because of deficiencies in the data collection system. Such activities are said to constitute the non-observed ( Good-quality, comprehensive national accounts are vital for economic policymaking and research. Exhaustive coverage is difficult to achieve, however, because some economic activities may be illegal, informal, household production for own final use, or missed because of deficiencies in the data collection system. Such activities are said to constitute the non-observed ("hidden," "underground," or "shadow") economy. This Handbook?the product of collaboration among the OECD, the IMF, ILO, ISC-CIS ?identifies best practices for measuring the non-observed economy, consistent with international standards (in particular, with the System of National Accounts, 1993)....

Causes and Conflicts: The Centennial History of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York 1870-1970

George Martin

  Causes and Conflicts: The Centennial History of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York 1870-1970  George Martin  More than a century ago over 200 leading lawyers met in a schoolroom on Fifth Avenue and Twenty-Sixth Street to organize the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. They were hot with reform and with the sting of professional shame. Boss Tweedand his cronies were not only robbing the city's treasury, but worse, were also corrupting the courts and judges. Boss Tweed and his gang were routed but not without a long struggle and the help of many others in the city. Since that historical victory, the Association has taken up other More than a century ago over 200 leading lawyers met in a schoolroom on Fifth Avenue and Twenty-Sixth Street to organize the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. They were hot with reform and with the sting of professional shame. Boss Tweedand his cronies were not only robbing the city's treasury, but worse, were also corrupting the courts and judges. Boss Tweed and his gang were routed but not without a long struggle and the help of many others in the city. Since that historical victory, the Association has taken up other "causes and conflicts," sometimes with wide success, sometimes failing, but continuing a wide variety of activities with unabated zeal. George Martin tells of these struggles in this volume. It is the story of the Association through times of turbulence and times of trouble, including the famous March on Washington, the topping of Mayor Jimmie Walker under the Judge Seabury investigation, and the Joseph McCarthy Era. George Martin has......

<<<  Волшебство света. Лара Лаурин             Комета Нострадамуса. Столкновение - август 2004. ... >>>

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Right from the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role. Dan Ciampa, Michael Watkins . Книги.

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