Adobe Acrobat 7 PDF : The No Nonsense Guide! (No Nonsense Guide! series)

David Rivers

  Adobe Acrobat 7 PDF : The No Nonsense Guide! (No Nonsense Guide! series)  David Rivers  Book Description A visual reference to learning the components of the world's most popular document sharing application, this book covers the full spectrum of features in Adobe Acrobat 7. Covered is how to create basic PDFs, secure documents, and generate interactive forms. For users upgrading to the latest version of Acrobat, instructions are provided on using the many new features including LiveCycle Designer, the Organizer, and commenting.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description A visual reference to learning the components of the world's most popular document sharing application, this book covers the full spectrum of features in Adobe Acrobat 7. Covered is how to create basic PDFs, secure documents, and generate interactive forms. For users upgrading to the latest version of Acrobat, instructions are provided on using the many new features including LiveCycle Designer, the Organizer, and commenting....

Franklin: The Autobiography and other Writings on Politics, Economics, and Virtue (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)

Benjamin Franklin

  Franklin: The Autobiography and other Writings on Politics, Economics, and Virtue (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)  Benjamin Franklin  Book DescriptionBenjamin Franklin is one of the best known and least understood figures in the history of eighteenth-century political thought. Alan Houston clarifies our understanding of his thought by making available a representative selection of his most important political writings. The entire text of the Autobiography is included alongside letters, essays, pamphlets, and manuscript notes that cover political economy, moral psychology, and religious belief and practice, among other topics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionBenjamin Franklin is one of the best known and least understood figures in the history of eighteenth-century political thought. Alan Houston clarifies our understanding of his thought by making available a representative selection of his most important political writings. The entire text of the Autobiography is included alongside letters, essays, pamphlets, and manuscript notes that cover political economy, moral psychology, and religious belief and practice, among other topics....

Strengthen Your Singing Voice

Elizabeth Sabine

  Strengthen Your Singing Voice  Elizabeth Sabine  Book DescriptionHollywood voice strengthening specialist Elizabeth Sabine has spent a lifetime teaching vocal skills to rock singers such as Axl Rose and Colin Hay, and to top actors like Chuck Norris and Michael Richards. Sabine explains in this book the usual sources of vocal fatigue and describes how to overcome the pitfalls that have sunk a thousand vocal careers. In her inimitable, witty style, she tells how she acquired all of her vocal knowledge and how she has put it into practice in her own life. Includes an audio CD demonstrating lessons and warm-ups that have worked for some of the biggest names in the music industry. Hardcover, 6-1/4 inch. x 9-1/4 inch..  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHollywood voice strengthening specialist Elizabeth Sabine has spent a lifetime teaching vocal skills to rock singers such as Axl Rose and Colin Hay, and to top actors like Chuck Norris and Michael Richards. Sabine explains in this book the usual sources of vocal fatigue and describes how to overcome the pitfalls that have sunk a thousand vocal careers. In her inimitable, witty style, she tells how she acquired all of her vocal knowledge and how she has put it into practice in her own life. Includes an audio CD demonstrating lessons and warm-ups that have worked for some of the biggest names in the music industry. Hardcover, 6-1/4 inch. x 9-1/4 inch.....

Shrek 2: Ogre Hunter (With Mix & Match Game)

Janet Halfmann

  Shrek 2: Ogre Hunter (With Mix & Match Game)  Janet Halfmann  Book Description Bring the world of Shrek alive with Scholastic's SHREK 2 color/activity books. The kind of fun even an ogre would love.LICENSOR APPROVAL PENDING  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Bring the world of Shrek alive with Scholastic's SHREK 2 color/activity books. The kind of fun even an ogre would love.LICENSOR APPROVAL PENDING...

Семь преступлений в Риме

Гийом Прево

  Семь преступлений в Риме  Гийом Прево  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель.   Интеллектуальный детектив.   Рим. Начало XVI века. Город слепящей роскоши, вольных нравов, высокого искусства, тонких ватиканских интриг... Этот город не удивить изощренными преступлениями. Однако теперь потрясен даже ко всему привыкший Рим. Ведь таинственный убийца не просто оставляет тела своих жертв на самых знаменитых памятниках Вечного города, но и сопровождает каждое из преступлений загадочным посланием на латыни. Кто он? Почему убивает? Чего добивается? По какому принципу выбирает жертвы? Разгадка кроется где-то в посланиях преступника... но где?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель. Интеллектуальный детектив. Рим. Начало XVI века. Город слепящей роскоши, вольных нравов, высокого искусства, тонких ватиканских интриг... Этот город не удивить изощренными преступлениями. Однако теперь потрясен даже ко всему привыкший Рим. Ведь таинственный убийца не просто оставляет тела своих жертв на самых знаменитых памятниках Вечного города, но и сопровождает каждое из преступлений загадочным посланием на латыни. Кто он? Почему убивает? Чего добивается? По какому принципу выбирает жертвы? Разгадка кроется где-то в посланиях преступника... но где?...

<<<  Мушкетер и фея. Владислав Крапивин             Комета Нострадамуса. Столкновение - август 2004. ... >>>

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Adobe Acrobat 7 PDF : The No Nonsense Guide! (No Nonsense Guide! series). David Rivers . Книги.

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