Мушкетер и фея

Владислав Крапивин

  Мушкетер и фея  Владислав Крапивин  Эксмо.   Отцы-основатели: Русское пространство.   Мушкетер и фея, Сказки Севки Глущенко, Стеклянные сказки Симки Зуйка.   Цикл небольших повестей, объединенных под названием Эксмо. Отцы-основатели: Русское пространство. Мушкетер и фея, Сказки Севки Глущенко, Стеклянные сказки Симки Зуйка. Цикл небольших повестей, объединенных под названием "Мушкетер и фея", рассказывает о становлении характера Джонни Воробьева - от малыша до подростка. Вместе с героем растут, становятся все более многообразными и сложными его связи с миром и окружающими людьми. Повесть "Сказки Севки Глушенко" - о ребятах послевоенной поры. Второкласснику Севке, маленькому поэту и сказочнику, все труднее и труднее справляться с обрушившимися на него бедами. Но если не сдаваться и верить в свою мечту - она непременно сбудется... Время детства и юности, простор больших рек, друзья, первое знакомство с городом на Неве, стихи запрещенных полвека назад поэтов, загадки, открытия и таинственные истории... Все это сплелось в приключенческом сюжете нового романа Владислава Крапивина - "Стеклянные сказки Симки Зуйка"....

Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing (International Studies in Entrepreneurship)

Mark S. Turner

  Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing (International Studies in Entrepreneurship)  Mark S. Turner  Book Description Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing is positioned at the crossroads of the strategy and entrepreneurship fields. The common theme is how and why corporate entrepreneurship and corporate venturing can contribute toinnovation and strategic renewal in large established companies, in particular it explores ways to balance exploitation and exploration in established companies. The issue is how the locus of entrepreneurship affects the way corporate entrepreneurship addresses the exploitation/exploration challenge. In some chapters corporate entrepreneurship is dispersed across the organization and they examine the key elements of an entrepreneurial culture and the organizational conditions that are favorable to entrepreneurial initiatives. The other chapters contribute to the discussion on the potential role of corporate venturing which is separated from the main parts of the organization. They examine the advantages and disadvantages of corporate...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing is positioned at the crossroads of the strategy and entrepreneurship fields. The common theme is how and why corporate entrepreneurship and corporate venturing can contribute toinnovation and strategic renewal in large established companies, in particular it explores ways to balance exploitation and exploration in established companies. The issue is how the locus of entrepreneurship affects the way corporate entrepreneurship addresses the exploitation/exploration challenge. In some chapters corporate entrepreneurship is dispersed across the organization and they examine the key elements of an entrepreneurial culture and the organizational conditions that are favorable to entrepreneurial initiatives. The other chapters contribute to the discussion on the potential role of corporate venturing which is separated from the main parts of the organization. They examine the advantages and disadvantages of corporate......


Richard D. Jensen

  Tristeza  Richard D. Jensen  Book Description Tristeza is Richard D. Jensen's stirring and enchanting new novel of life, death, redemption and reincarnation set in sultry Mexico in the 1930s. Drifting cowboy Will Riley (son of Pudge Riley from Jensen's hit novel WhenCurly Won A Cathouse ) travels to sultry Mexico seeking adventure. While there he meets iconic real-life Mexican painters Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, and the mysterious Tristeza, a smoldering beauty with limitless black hair and sparkling eyes who bewitches Will and sets him on a collision course with destiny. Unbeknownst to Will, a dark secret threatens Tristeza's very soul and a lustful and vicious hacendado wants Tristeza for his own sordid game. Can Will save Tristeza from the evilSalvador's lust? Can Will's love save Tristeza's soul from certain doom? Tristeza is Richard D. Jensen's most exotic and enchanting novel to date, capturing the romance, intrigue and sultry rhythms of exotic Mexico. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Tristeza is Richard D. Jensen's stirring and enchanting new novel of life, death, redemption and reincarnation set in sultry Mexico in the 1930s. Drifting cowboy Will Riley (son of Pudge Riley from Jensen's hit novel WhenCurly Won A Cathouse ) travels to sultry Mexico seeking adventure. While there he meets iconic real-life Mexican painters Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, and the mysterious Tristeza, a smoldering beauty with limitless black hair and sparkling eyes who bewitches Will and sets him on a collision course with destiny. Unbeknownst to Will, a dark secret threatens Tristeza's very soul and a lustful and vicious hacendado wants Tristeza for his own sordid game. Can Will save Tristeza from the evilSalvador's lust? Can Will's love save Tristeza's soul from certain doom? Tristeza is Richard D. Jensen's most exotic and enchanting novel to date, capturing the romance, intrigue and sultry rhythms of exotic Mexico. ......

Wistrix Donn: The Mystery and the Miracle

Peter Devries

  Wistrix Donn: The Mystery and the Miracle  Peter Devries  Bohemian Ink Pub.   An action-filled epic of idealism and devotion, Bohemian Ink Pub. An action-filled epic of idealism and devotion, "Wistrix Donn" weaves philosophy, mythology, and mystery into a world of medieval fantasy. War consumes the lands of the east as rulers strive for power. Blood betrays blood. In the epicenter of the turmoil, a tower of amethyst appears?the Wistrix Donn. The emergence of the Wistrix Donn brings a whirlwind of paranormal activity, first wondrous, then terrible. The presence of these threats forces the return of the outcast Noetic and his estranged lover Ontic. Long ago, they received the blessing and the burden of the Mystery and the Miracle. Now, in the absence of their murdered god, Ontic and Noetic face cunning enemies of flesh-and-blood, as well as issues of faith, truth, and duty. They must come to terms with what is expected of them, as well as their feelings for each other. Heartbreaking choices lie ahead as armies threaten chaos, friends fall away, and the unthinkable emerges to challenge the divinely appointed pair....

British Cinema : A Critical and Interpretive History

Amy Sargeant

  British Cinema : A Critical and Interpretive History  Amy Sargeant  Book DescriptionA Critical and Interpretive History Although new writing and research on British cinema have burgeoned over the past fifteen years, few books provide a coherent overview of this fascinating and elusive national cinema. Amy Sargeant's personal and entertaining history fills this gap. With its insightful decade-by-decade analysis, British Cinema brings the subject to life for a new generation of students and general readers alike. Sargeant covers subjects as diverse as the art of intertitling, the narrative complexities of Shooting Star, and Brunel's burlesques. She examines the differing acting styles of Dietrich and Donat in the seminal Knight without Armour, discusses early promotional campaigns ofthe 1930s, and considers product endorsement by stars in the 1940s. She explains the effect of postwar government intervention in the 1950s. For Sargeant, the 1960s provide an overview of the tentative relationship between film and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA Critical and Interpretive History Although new writing and research on British cinema have burgeoned over the past fifteen years, few books provide a coherent overview of this fascinating and elusive national cinema. Amy Sargeant's personal and entertaining history fills this gap. With its insightful decade-by-decade analysis, British Cinema brings the subject to life for a new generation of students and general readers alike. Sargeant covers subjects as diverse as the art of intertitling, the narrative complexities of Shooting Star, and Brunel's burlesques. She examines the differing acting styles of Dietrich and Donat in the seminal Knight without Armour, discusses early promotional campaigns ofthe 1930s, and considers product endorsement by stars in the 1940s. She explains the effect of postwar government intervention in the 1950s. For Sargeant, the 1960s provide an overview of the tentative relationship between film and......

<<<  Who Invented the Computer? The Legal Battle That Changed Computing ...             Комета Нострадамуса. Столкновение - август 2004. ... >>>

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Мушкетер и фея. Владислав Крапивин . Книги.

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Триллеры| Буддизм| Право. Юриспруденция| Бокс| Игры, праздники, развлечения для детей| Графика| Естествознание| Общество, история| Кантри| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Афоризмы, цитаты, притчи| Универсальные| Семейные комедии| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Биржевое дело| Кассеты, диски, стартовые комплекты для видеокамер| Коммерческое право| Сказки| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Классические детективы| Право. Юриспруденция| Компьютеры и Интернет| Художественная литература| Все о человеке| Информатика. Вычислительная техника| Студентам ВУЗов| Студентам ВУЗов| Социология| Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность|
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