Technical Issues (Managing Multimedia: Project Management for Web and Convergent Media, Third Edition, Book 2)

Elaine England, Andy Finney

  Technical Issues (Managing Multimedia: Project Management for Web and Convergent Media, Third Edition, Book 2)  Elaine England, Andy Finney  Addison Wesley.   Are you an interactive media designer, producer or programmer struggling with the pressures of project management? If so, this new edition of Managing Multimedia will relieve the pressure, providing more practical advice and insider tips to help you deliver a high quality project on time and within budget. This updated and expanded third edition retains the strength of previous editions while adding new material relevant for the changing work environment. The book has been divided into two complementary volumes. This one focuses on the technical context and background of the various media involved in multimedia production and distribution, covering the Internet to Interactive TV. Aimed at the non-specialist, it provides an overview of all the techniques and technical processes in convergent media demonstrating the principle that managers of interactive media projects communicate and function more effectively when they understand the background technical issues involved.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Addison Wesley. Are you an interactive media designer, producer or programmer struggling with the pressures of project management? If so, this new edition of Managing Multimedia will relieve the pressure, providing more practical advice and insider tips to help you deliver a high quality project on time and within budget. This updated and expanded third edition retains the strength of previous editions while adding new material relevant for the changing work environment. The book has been divided into two complementary volumes. This one focuses on the technical context and background of the various media involved in multimedia production and distribution, covering the Internet to Interactive TV. Aimed at the non-specialist, it provides an overview of all the techniques and technical processes in convergent media demonstrating the principle that managers of interactive media projects communicate and function more effectively when they understand the background technical issues involved....

Computer-Assisted Instruction for Students at Risk for ADHD, Mild Disabilities, or Academic Problems

Renet L. Bender, William N. Bender

  Computer-Assisted Instruction for Students at Risk for ADHD, Mild Disabilities, or Academic Problems  Renet L. Bender, William N. Bender  B> The goal of this book is to help teachers fully integrate the use of computers into their classrooms. Throughout , the authors concentrate on the teaching tools and educational opportunities computers offer, particularly in today's diverse, multi-capability classes. KEY TOPICS: The authors begin with a discussion of the learning characteristics of students, particularly those with mild disabilities and continues with a clear explanation of the types of CAI available, the various ways in which computers may be used as tools, the practical aspects of using computers to enhance teaching, how computers can provide support for paperwork such as attendance records, grade books, report cards, letters to parents, and individual education plans (IEPs) and for collecting and managing data on student behavior. They also provide an entire chapter on professional development, including practical remedies for B> The goal of this book is to help teachers fully integrate the use of computers into their classrooms. Throughout , the authors concentrate on the teaching tools and educational opportunities computers offer, particularly in today's diverse, multi-capability classes. KEY TOPICS: The authors begin with a discussion of the learning characteristics of students, particularly those with mild disabilities and continues with a clear explanation of the types of CAI available, the various ways in which computers may be used as tools, the practical aspects of using computers to enhance teaching, how computers can provide support for paperwork such as attendance records, grade books, report cards, letters to parents, and individual education plans (IEPs) and for collecting and managing data on student behavior. They also provide an entire chapter on professional development, including practical remedies for "burnout" and advice on obtaining......

Birth Defects: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Icon Health Publications

  Birth Defects: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References  Icon Health Publications  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

Principles of Accounting with Annual Report, Peachtree Complete Accounting

Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso

  Principles of Accounting with Annual Report, Peachtree Complete Accounting  Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso  This text helps students hit the road with a practical set of tools, and the confidence they need to use those tools effectively in making business decisions. The goal is to introduce a new Principles of Accounting text that better reflects a more conceptual and decision-making approach to the material. The authors have taken a new This text helps students hit the road with a practical set of tools, and the confidence they need to use those tools effectively in making business decisions. The goal is to introduce a new Principles of Accounting text that better reflects a more conceptual and decision-making approach to the material. The authors have taken a new "macro- to micro-" approach to the Principles of Accounting course by starting with a discussion of real financial statements first, rather than starting with the Accounting Cycle (although the Accounting Cycle is thoroughly covered in Chapters 3 and 4). The objective is to establish how a financial statement communicates the financing, investing, and operating activities of a business to users of accounting information.They motivate students by grounding the discussion in the real world, showing them the relevance of the topics covered to their future career....

Метаморфозы (подарочное издание)


  Метаморфозы (подарочное издание)  Овидий  СЛОВО/SLOVO.   Великие книги мира.   СЛОВО/SLOVO. Великие книги мира. "Метаморфозы" - памятник античной литературы. Это произведение никогда не становилось лишь предметом изучения академической науки. Его читали во все времена. Римский поэт Овидий объединил в "Метаморфозах" несколько мифов, повествующих о любви и превращениях. Данное издание "Метаморфоз" в классическом переводе С.В.Шервинского иллюстрировано репродукциями великолепных полотен на мифологические темы Рубенса, Сурбарана, Буше, Пуссена, Караваджо и других европейских художников XVI-XVIII веков. Более 400 иллюстраций Формат 240 x 285 мм....

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Technical Issues (Managing Multimedia: Project Management for Web and Convergent Media, Third Edition, Book 2). Elaine England, Andy Finney . Книги.

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Оперы| История. Исторические науки| Исторические и военные боевики| Теоретическая физика| Автоматика. Радиоэлектроника. Связь| Журналы для детей и о детях| Компьютер в бизнесе| Альбомы, анкеты, дневнички| Зарубежная фэнтези| Сборники отечественных мультфильмов| Европейские языки| Промышленность| Абитуриентам| Средние века (XV - XVII века)| Мистика и ужасы| Исторические боевики| Фэнтези| Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность| Специальные и отраслевые экономики| Зарубежная фантастика| Фильмы о мафии| Туризм, путешествия и экспедиции| Спектакли и театральные постановки| Конструкторы из картона. Умная бумага| Бытовая техника| Хоккей| Товароведение| Фильмы о ворах и мошенниках| Языки программирования (прочие)| Все о человеке| Химия| Актрисы.| Джаз| Драмы| Путешествия. Туризм| Культура. Культурология| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Маркетинг. Общие вопросы| Зарубежная фантастика| Конструкторы деревянные| История| Древний мир (до XV века)| Охрана и безопасность труда. Трудовые ресурсы| Медицина. Фармакология| Фильмы Александра Роу, Александра Птушко| Телевизионные мелодрамы| Фантастика. Фэнтези. Ужасы| Релаксация и медитация| Маркетинг. Реклама| Нетрадиционные исторические теории и гипотезы|
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