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Руководство по воздушно-капельным инфекциям
Медицина. Руководство по воздушно-капельным инфекциям. Издание 1982 года. Сохранность хорошая. Данная книга является второй частью руководства по инфекционным болезням. В ней освещаются общие вопросы инфекционной патологии, сопровождающейся преимущественным поражением органов дыхания, сердечно-сосудистой и нервной систем, дается подробное описание нозологических единиц на современном уровне знаний. Под редакцией действительного члена АН УзССР, члена корреспондента АМН СССР, профессора И.К.Мусабаева....
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Namibia Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library) International Business Publications, USA
Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers…...
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The Science Glass Ceiling: Academic Women Scientists and the Struggle to Succeed Sue V. Rosser
In The Science Glass Ceiling, Sue Rosser chronicles the plight of women faculty across the country. Noting difficulties, double standards, and backlash that they routinely face. Rosser interviewed some of the country's best female scientists about their research, love of science, and routing barriers faced. She offers suggestions and solutions for changing the science and technology culture at universities in order to establish a more level playing field. As the first woman Dean at a science/technical school, Rosser offers realistic solutions from an insider's perspective....
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Management and Organizations in the Chinese Context J. T. Li, Anne S. Tsui, Elizabeth Weldon
This book presents some of the latest research into the area of management and organizations in China. The essays cover a wide range of topics and perspectives from international joint venture management groups and alliance effectiveness to international business negotiation....
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Making the Most of Energy in Real State: Relevant Energy Facts for Real State Developers, Builders, Lenders, Appraisers, and Brokers U S. Department of Energy, Deena D. Kushner, Hans R. Isakson
This text has been developed to satisfy two major goals. First, we build the confidence, assurance, and poise of the reader with regard to energy matters, in general, and energy effects on real estate, in particular. The reader must have a basic understanding of the energy sectors so that he or she can be comfortable with what is to follow. Secondly, the text strives to develop competence in the reader, so that he or she can proficiently perform the analytical evaluations needed to incorporate energy factors into his or her business routines. The intent of these goals is to provide the reader with the tools needed, and to demonstrate how these tools can be used to improve the reader's way of doing business. The text includes applications of these tools to actual energy saving methods, but it does not dictate "pat" answers to the energy crisis. Instead, it strives to provide the reader with the best answers for a particular market area. This approach also enables the reader to adjust......
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Руководство по воздушно-капельным инфекциям. . Книги.
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