Corporation: A Global Business Simulation (4th Edition)

Jerald R. Smith, Peggy A. Golden

  Corporation: A Global Business Simulation (4th Edition)  Jerald R. Smith, Peggy A. Golden  Easy to start-up and use?even for learners with no computer experience?this multi-business unit computer simulation provides players with real-world experience in managing strategic choices and in engaging in negotiations. The simulation involves the takeover and continuing operation of a multi-divisional, multinational corporation. In playing the simulation, players acting as management teams make a variety of decisions that will have an impact on the future of their company, e.g.: the type and size of strategic business units (SBUs); the quality of product/service that will be delivered to the marketplace; the prices for all products in the portfolio; and the size of the sales force. For individuals who need to employ efficient market strategy and decision-making in a variety of industries.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Easy to start-up and use?even for learners with no computer experience?this multi-business unit computer simulation provides players with real-world experience in managing strategic choices and in engaging in negotiations. The simulation involves the takeover and continuing operation of a multi-divisional, multinational corporation. In playing the simulation, players acting as management teams make a variety of decisions that will have an impact on the future of their company, e.g.: the type and size of strategic business units (SBUs); the quality of product/service that will be delivered to the marketplace; the prices for all products in the portfolio; and the size of the sales force. For individuals who need to employ efficient market strategy and decision-making in a variety of industries....

Networks in the Knowledge Economy

  Networks in the Knowledge Economy  Oxford University Press.   In today's de-layered, knowledge-intensive organizations, most work of importance is heavily reliant on informal networks of employees within organizations. However, most organizations do not know how to effectively analyze this informal structure in ways that can have a positive impact on organizational performance. Networks in the Knowledge Economy is a collection of readings on the application of social network analysis to managerial concerns. Social network analysis (SNA), a set of analytic tools that can be used to map networks of relationships, allows one to conduct very powerful assessments of information sharing within a network with relatively little effort. This approach makes the invisible web of relationships between people visible, helping managers make informed decisions for improving both their own and their group's performance. Networks in the Knowledge Economy is specifically concerned with networks inside of organizations and addresses three critical areas in the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Oxford University Press. In today's de-layered, knowledge-intensive organizations, most work of importance is heavily reliant on informal networks of employees within organizations. However, most organizations do not know how to effectively analyze this informal structure in ways that can have a positive impact on organizational performance. Networks in the Knowledge Economy is a collection of readings on the application of social network analysis to managerial concerns. Social network analysis (SNA), a set of analytic tools that can be used to map networks of relationships, allows one to conduct very powerful assessments of information sharing within a network with relatively little effort. This approach makes the invisible web of relationships between people visible, helping managers make informed decisions for improving both their own and their group's performance. Networks in the Knowledge Economy is specifically concerned with networks inside of organizations and addresses three critical areas in the......

All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life

Winona Laduke

  All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life  Winona Laduke  This eagerly awaited non-fiction debut by acclaimed Native Environmental activist Winona LaDuke is a thoughtful and in-depth account of Native resistance to environmental and cultural degradation. LaDuke's unique understanding of Native ideas and people is born from long years of experience, and her analysis is deepened with inspiring testimonies by local Native activists sharing the struggle for survival. On each page of this volume, LaDuke speaks forcefully for self-determination and community. Hers is a beautiful and daring vision of political, spiritual, and ecological transformation. All Our Relations features chapters on the Seminoles, the Anishinaabeg, the Innu, the Northern Cheyenne, and the Mohawks, among others.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This eagerly awaited non-fiction debut by acclaimed Native Environmental activist Winona LaDuke is a thoughtful and in-depth account of Native resistance to environmental and cultural degradation. LaDuke's unique understanding of Native ideas and people is born from long years of experience, and her analysis is deepened with inspiring testimonies by local Native activists sharing the struggle for survival. On each page of this volume, LaDuke speaks forcefully for self-determination and community. Hers is a beautiful and daring vision of political, spiritual, and ecological transformation. All Our Relations features chapters on the Seminoles, the Anishinaabeg, the Innu, the Northern Cheyenne, and the Mohawks, among others....

Buying & Selling Antiques and Collectibles on eBay

Pamela Y. Wiggins

  Buying & Selling Antiques and Collectibles on eBay  Pamela Y. Wiggins  Thomson Course Technology.   If you're searching for one-of-a-kind collectibles, eBay offers a wealth of resources-right at your fingertips. Thomson Course Technology. If you're searching for one-of-a-kind collectibles, eBay offers a wealth of resources-right at your fingertips. "Buying & Selling Antiques and Collectibles on eBay" is the guide you need for conducting in-depth research, finding antiques online, and making intelligent bids, and for avoiding bad buys with insider tips on savvy bidding strategies. Are you interested in selling a rare antique on eBay? Find out how you can set up shop as you learn about taking and posting photos, writing catchy descriptions, setting your starting price, and standing out in the competitive eBay marketplace. Whether you're searching for the buy of a lifetime or looking for the highest offer on the items you've listed, "Buying & Selling Antiques and Collectibles on eBay" gives you the skills you need to meet your goals quickly and hassle-free. Focuses on a topic of major general cultural interest, eBay, and how to master its use for buying and selling antiques/collectibles. Taps into the......

Российские самодержцы

А. Е. Пресняков

  Российские самодержцы  А. Е. Пресняков  Книга.   Российские самодержцы.   В исторических очерках выдающегося русского ученого А. Е. Преснякова (1870 - 1929) рассказывается о самодержавных правителях Русской земли - царях Михаиле Федоровиче, Алексее Михайловиче, Александре I, Николае I, а также об истории становления Московского государства в XV - XVII вв.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Книга. Российские самодержцы. В исторических очерках выдающегося русского ученого А. Е. Преснякова (1870 - 1929) рассказывается о самодержавных правителях Русской земли - царях Михаиле Федоровиче, Алексее Михайловиче, Александре I, Николае I, а также об истории становления Московского государства в XV - XVII вв....

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Corporation: A Global Business Simulation (4th Edition). Jerald R. Smith, Peggy A. Golden . Книги.

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