Brickyards to Graveyards: From Production to Genocide in Rwanda (Suny Series in Anthropology of Work)

Villia Jefremovas

  Brickyards to Graveyards: From Production to Genocide in Rwanda (Suny Series in Anthropology of Work)  Villia Jefremovas  Explores how the conditions that shaped Rwanda's labor organization and industries also shaped Rwanda's genocide.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Explores how the conditions that shaped Rwanda's labor organization and industries also shaped Rwanda's genocide....

Restructuring Health Services: Experiences of Health Care Reform in a Changing Policy Environment

Kasturi Sen

  Restructuring Health Services: Experiences of Health Care Reform in a Changing Policy Environment  Kasturi Sen  Health service delivery is being restructured in many different ways in both the industrialized and developing countries. As the scholars in this volume show, this process is set to accelerate as a result of diverse factors including fiscal pressure, privatization, and the impending renegotiation of the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The key policy issues that arise are what are the implications of these changes on access and equity in the healthcare field. The research in this volume, which has been supported by the European Commission, reviews the rapidly changing context in which debates about financing health care and its relationship to globalization and privatization are taking place.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Health service delivery is being restructured in many different ways in both the industrialized and developing countries. As the scholars in this volume show, this process is set to accelerate as a result of diverse factors including fiscal pressure, privatization, and the impending renegotiation of the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The key policy issues that arise are what are the implications of these changes on access and equity in the healthcare field. The research in this volume, which has been supported by the European Commission, reviews the rapidly changing context in which debates about financing health care and its relationship to globalization and privatization are taking place....

Fighting Words: Working-Class Formation, Collective Action, and Discourse in Early Nineteenth-Century England

Marc W. Steinberg

  Fighting Words: Working-Class Formation, Collective Action, and Discourse in Early Nineteenth-Century England  Marc W. Steinberg  A key component of social life, discourse mediates the processes of class formation and social conflict. Drawing on dialogic theory and building on the work of E. P. Thompson, Marc W. Steinberg argues for the importance of incorporating discursive analysis into the historical reconstruction of class experience. Amending models of collective action, he offers new insights on how discourse shapes the dynamics of popular protest. To support his thesis, he presents studies of two English trade groups in the 1820s: cotton spinners from Lancashire factory towns and London silk weavers. For each case, Steinberg closely examines the labor process, industrial organization, social life, community politics, discursive struggles, and collective actions. By describing how workers shared experiences of exploitation and oppression in their daily lives, he shows how discourses of contention were products of struggle and how they framed possibilities for collective action. Embracing work in literary...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A key component of social life, discourse mediates the processes of class formation and social conflict. Drawing on dialogic theory and building on the work of E. P. Thompson, Marc W. Steinberg argues for the importance of incorporating discursive analysis into the historical reconstruction of class experience. Amending models of collective action, he offers new insights on how discourse shapes the dynamics of popular protest. To support his thesis, he presents studies of two English trade groups in the 1820s: cotton spinners from Lancashire factory towns and London silk weavers. For each case, Steinberg closely examines the labor process, industrial organization, social life, community politics, discursive struggles, and collective actions. By describing how workers shared experiences of exploitation and oppression in their daily lives, he shows how discourses of contention were products of struggle and how they framed possibilities for collective action. Embracing work in literary......

Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation (Routledge Environmental Management)

Richard Broadhurst

  Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation (Routledge Environmental Management)  Richard Broadhurst  Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation urges managers to balance the need for a systematic approach, with the need for a systemic development of an environmental management ethic. It is highly illustrated with over 50 line drawings and includes many case studies from around the world.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation urges managers to balance the need for a systematic approach, with the need for a systemic development of an environmental management ethic. It is highly illustrated with over 50 line drawings and includes many case studies from around the world....

Successful Strategic Planning: A Guide for Nonprofit Agencies and Organizations

Patrick J. Burkhart, Suzanne Reuss

  Successful Strategic Planning: A Guide for Nonprofit Agencies and Organizations  Patrick J. Burkhart, Suzanne Reuss  Strategic planning is often considered a complex and difficult task and is frequently avoided because of perceived lack of time, resources or expertise. This step-by-step guide aims to demystify the process of strategic planning for nonprofit agencies and organizations by using case examples to illustrate major concepts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic planning is often considered a complex and difficult task and is frequently avoided because of perceived lack of time, resources or expertise. This step-by-step guide aims to demystify the process of strategic planning for nonprofit agencies and organizations by using case examples to illustrate major concepts....

<<<  Воровской роман. Тайга и зона. А. Бушков             Контрольно-аналитическая деятельность руководителя дошкольного образовательного ... >>>

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Brickyards to Graveyards: From Production to Genocide in Rwanda (Suny Series in Anthropology of Work). Villia Jefremovas . Книги.

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