Requirements Engineering : Processes and Techniques (Worldwide Series in Computer Science)

Gerald Kotonya, Ian Sommerville, Ian Sommerville

  Requirements Engineering : Processes and Techniques (Worldwide Series in Computer Science)  Gerald Kotonya, Ian Sommerville, Ian Sommerville  Why this book was written The value of introducing requirements engineering to trainee software engineers is to equip them for the real world of software and systems development. What is involved in Requirements Engineering? As a discipline, newly emerging from software engineering, there are a range of views on where requirements engineering starts and finishes and what it should encompass. This book offers the most comprehensive coverage of the requirements engineering process to date ? from initial requirements elicitation through to requirements validation. How and Which methods and techniques should you use? As there is no one catch-all technique applicable to all types of system, requirements engineers need to know about a range of different techniques. Tried and tested techniques such as data-flow and object-oriented models are covered as well as some promising new ones. They are all based on real systems descriptions to demonstrate the applicability of the approach. Who...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Why this book was written The value of introducing requirements engineering to trainee software engineers is to equip them for the real world of software and systems development. What is involved in Requirements Engineering? As a discipline, newly emerging from software engineering, there are a range of views on where requirements engineering starts and finishes and what it should encompass. This book offers the most comprehensive coverage of the requirements engineering process to date ? from initial requirements elicitation through to requirements validation. How and Which methods and techniques should you use? As there is no one catch-all technique applicable to all types of system, requirements engineers need to know about a range of different techniques. Tried and tested techniques such as data-flow and object-oriented models are covered as well as some promising new ones. They are all based on real systems descriptions to demonstrate the applicability of the approach. Who......

TechTV Leo Laporte's 2003 Technology Almanac

Leo Laporte, Laura Burstein

  TechTV Leo Laporte's 2003 Technology Almanac  Leo Laporte, Laura Burstein  Get your daily dish of technology! The Tech TV Leo Laporte's 2003 Technology Almanac , follow-up to the smash hit Poor Leo's 2002 Computer Almanac , includes ALL NEW content. Some of this new content includes an entire page dedicated to each weekday with special tips for Windows and Mac users, laptop tips, and more; expanded coverage of consumer technologies such as Pocket PCs, cell phones, MP3 players, and many more; essays by Leo; new glossary including Get your daily dish of technology! The Tech TV Leo Laporte's 2003 Technology Almanac , follow-up to the smash hit Poor Leo's 2002 Computer Almanac , includes ALL NEW content. Some of this new content includes an entire page dedicated to each weekday with special tips for Windows and Mac users, laptop tips, and more; expanded coverage of consumer technologies such as Pocket PCs, cell phones, MP3 players, and many more; essays by Leo; new glossary including "Leo-fied" definitions; and a resource section that puts Leo's Rolodex right on your desk....

Hearing AIDS: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Icon Health Publications

  Hearing AIDS: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References  Icon Health Publications  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

Statistical Analysis And Data Display: An Intermediate Course With Examples In S-plus, R, And Sas (Springer Texts in Statistics)

Richard M. Heiberger, Burt Holland

  Statistical Analysis And Data Display: An Intermediate Course With Examples In S-plus, R, And Sas (Springer Texts in Statistics)  Richard M. Heiberger, Burt Holland  This book can serve as a stand-alone text for a contemporary year-long course in statistical methods. The book is organized around statistical topics with each chapter introducing concepts and terminology, developing the rationale for its methods, presenting the mathematics and calculations for its methods, and giving examples supported by graphs and computer output. The emphasis on graphical displays is a distinguishing characteristic as the essence of most statistical analyes is best conveyed with graphs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book can serve as a stand-alone text for a contemporary year-long course in statistical methods. The book is organized around statistical topics with each chapter introducing concepts and terminology, developing the rationale for its methods, presenting the mathematics and calculations for its methods, and giving examples supported by graphs and computer output. The emphasis on graphical displays is a distinguishing characteristic as the essence of most statistical analyes is best conveyed with graphs....

Проспер Мериме. Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1

Проспер Мериме

  Проспер Мериме. Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1  Проспер Мериме  Терра.   Проспер Мериме. Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1.   Творчество великого французского писателя являет нам непревзойденные образцы новеллистики. Его произведения отличает совершенная пластика и композиция, жестокий реализм и неувядающая поэтичность образов. В первый том включены историческая повесть Терра. Проспер Мериме. Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1. Творчество великого французского писателя являет нам непревзойденные образцы новеллистики. Его произведения отличает совершенная пластика и композиция, жестокий реализм и неувядающая поэтичность образов. В первый том включены историческая повесть "Хроника времен Карла IX", циклы новел и очерки....

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Requirements Engineering : Processes and Techniques (Worldwide Series in Computer Science). Gerald Kotonya, Ian Sommerville, Ian Sommerville . Книги.

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