Corporate Governance for New Directors: The Basics and Beyond

Michael L. Whitener, Robert N. Walton, Blake Redding

  Corporate Governance for New Directors: The Basics and Beyond  Michael L. Whitener, Robert N. Walton, Blake Redding  Appointment to a corporate board of directors is a tribute to an individual's leadership abilities, business acumen, and integrity. It is literally a vote of confidence by a company's shareholders that a particular individual can be relied upon to protect the shareholders interests and maintain the company on a responsible and profitable trajectory. During the past decade, however, board directorships have come to be cast in a different, and not always flattering, light. Corporate scandals have exposed numerous cases where directors were Appointment to a corporate board of directors is a tribute to an individual's leadership abilities, business acumen, and integrity. It is literally a vote of confidence by a company's shareholders that a particular individual can be relied upon to protect the shareholders interests and maintain the company on a responsible and profitable trajectory. During the past decade, however, board directorships have come to be cast in a different, and not always flattering, light. Corporate scandals have exposed numerous cases where directors were "asleep at the switch," failing to carry out their fiduciary duties, with drastic consequences for the corporation and its shareholders. Directors now face increased risk of being held liable for corporate failures and malfeasance. Being a corporate director has become a potentially perilous undertaking. Corporate Governance for New Directors provides newly appointed directors with the tools needed to carry out their duties to the corporation......

CIM Coursebook 08/09 Strategic Marketing Decisions (Cim Coursebook)

Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe

  CIM Coursebook 08/09 Strategic Marketing Decisions (Cim Coursebook)  Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe  'Butterworth-Heinemann's CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexities of marketing. The discussion and practical application of theories and concepts, with relevant examples and case studies, should help readers make immediate use of their knowledge and skills gained from the qualifications.'Professor Keith Fletcher, Director of Education, The Chartered Institute of Marketing'Here in Dubai, we have used the Butterworth-Heinemann Coursebooks in their various forms since the very beginning and have found them most useful as a source of recommended reading material as well as examination preparation.'Alun Epps, CIM Centre Co-ordinator, Dubai University College, United Arab EmiratesButterworth-Heinemann's official CIM Coursebooks are the definitive companions to the CIM professional marketing qualifications. The only study materials to be endorsed by The...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 'Butterworth-Heinemann's CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexities of marketing. The discussion and practical application of theories and concepts, with relevant examples and case studies, should help readers make immediate use of their knowledge and skills gained from the qualifications.'Professor Keith Fletcher, Director of Education, The Chartered Institute of Marketing'Here in Dubai, we have used the Butterworth-Heinemann Coursebooks in their various forms since the very beginning and have found them most useful as a source of recommended reading material as well as examination preparation.'Alun Epps, CIM Centre Co-ordinator, Dubai University College, United Arab EmiratesButterworth-Heinemann's official CIM Coursebooks are the definitive companions to the CIM professional marketing qualifications. The only study materials to be endorsed by The......

Современный русский язык. Сборник упражнений. Тесты, задания по орфографии и пунктуации, материалы для разбора

Л. В. Поповская, О. В. Лисоченко

  Современный русский язык. Сборник упражнений. Тесты, задания по орфографии и пунктуации, материалы для разбора  Л. В. Поповская, О. В. Лисоченко  Феникс.   Высшее образование.   Содержатся упражнения в форме тестов, задания по орфографии и пунктуации и материалы для разбора языковых единиц по учебной дисциплине Феникс. Высшее образование. Содержатся упражнения в форме тестов, задания по орфографии и пунктуации и материалы для разбора языковых единиц по учебной дисциплине "современный русский язык" (другие названия в учебных планах вузов "современный русский литературный язык", "русский язык"). Соответствует Государственному образовательному стандарту и программам курса. Рекомендуется для использования при подготовке студентов, обучающихся по специальностям 032900 - "Русский язык и литература", 031200 - "Педагогика и методика начального образования", 031001 - "Филология", 030601 - "Журналистика", а также "иностранные языки", "перевод и переводоведение" и др. Может быть использовано в системе послевузовского специального профессионального образования, в специальной профессиональной деятельности, а также при подготовке к поступлению в вуз....

Спонтанное осуществление желаний

Дипак Чопра

  Спонтанное осуществление желаний  Дипак Чопра  София.   Просто и ясно изложенные в этой книге знаменитого автора Семь Принципов Синхросудьбы вместе с несложными упражнениями помогут вам научиться читать знаки Вселенной, которые называют совпадениями. Нужно лишь осознать присутствие совпадений в вашей жизни и понять их смысл. Так вы попадете в мир Божественного Разума, где сможете творить свою удачу сами. Это не просто совпадения. Это путь к исполнению желаний.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин София. Просто и ясно изложенные в этой книге знаменитого автора Семь Принципов Синхросудьбы вместе с несложными упражнениями помогут вам научиться читать знаки Вселенной, которые называют совпадениями. Нужно лишь осознать присутствие совпадений в вашей жизни и понять их смысл. Так вы попадете в мир Божественного Разума, где сможете творить свою удачу сами. Это не просто совпадения. Это путь к исполнению желаний....

Us Department of the Treasury Handbook (World Foreign Policy and Government Library) (World Foreign Policy and Government Library)

Ibp Usa

  Us Department of the Treasury Handbook (World Foreign Policy and Government Library) (World Foreign Policy and Government Library)  Ibp Usa  Us Department of the Treasury Handbook (World Foreign Policy and Government Library)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Us Department of the Treasury Handbook (World Foreign Policy and Government Library)...

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Corporate Governance for New Directors: The Basics and Beyond. Michael L. Whitener, Robert N. Walton, Blake Redding . Книги.

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