Notes from Toyota-Land: An American Engineer in Japan

Darius Mehri

  Notes from Toyota-Land: An American Engineer in Japan  Darius Mehri  In 1996, Darius Mehri traveled to Japan to work as a computer simulation engineer within the Toyota production system. Once there, he found a corporate experience far different from what he had expected. Notes from Toyota-land, based on a diary that Mehri kept during his three years at an upper-level Toyota group company, provides a unique insider's perspective on daily work life in Japan and charts his transformation from a wide-eyed engineer eager to be part of the In 1996, Darius Mehri traveled to Japan to work as a computer simulation engineer within the Toyota production system. Once there, he found a corporate experience far different from what he had expected. Notes from Toyota-land, based on a diary that Mehri kept during his three years at an upper-level Toyota group company, provides a unique insider's perspective on daily work life in Japan and charts his transformation from a wide-eyed engineer eager to be part of the "Japanese Miracle" to a social critic, troubled by Japanese corporate practices. Mehri documents the sophisticated "culture of rules" and organizational structure that combine to create a profound control over workers. The work group is cynically used to encourage employees to work harder and harder, he found, and his other discoveries confirmed his doubts about the working conditions under the Japanese Miracle. For example, he learned that male employees treated their female counterparts as short-term employees,......

Time Management: Increase Your Personal Productivity And Effectiveness (Harvard Business Essentials)

  Time Management: Increase Your Personal Productivity And Effectiveness (Harvard Business Essentials)  The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Books in the series serve as “mentor and guide” to help managers understand business fundamentals such as financial tools, teams, change, hiring, and communication. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business School Publishing and other sources, these concise guides are carefully crafted to provide a highly practical resource for readers with all levels of experience, and will prove especially valuable for new and middle managers. Time Management discusses the various options for how to use your time effectively to achieve the best results both personally and organizationally. Topics include prioritizing tasks, scheduling, stress management, and work/life balance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Books in the series serve as “mentor and guide” to help managers understand business fundamentals such as financial tools, teams, change, hiring, and communication. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business School Publishing and other sources, these concise guides are carefully crafted to provide a highly practical resource for readers with all levels of experience, and will prove especially valuable for new and middle managers. Time Management discusses the various options for how to use your time effectively to achieve the best results both personally and organizationally. Topics include prioritizing tasks, scheduling, stress management, and work/life balance....

Is There Life After Film School?

Julie Maclusky

  Is There Life After Film School?  Julie Maclusky  Q: What are your most hated films? A: I've walked out of so many I can't even tell you. And I'd probably walk out of many of my own. The lucky students who get into film school (and then get through it without dropping out) have to compete for a small number of prestigious jobs once they graduate. Despite the enormous odds stacked against them, most students leave film school still hoping to become the next Spielberg or Scorsese. The mismatch between their dreams and the reality of working in the industry itself is considerable. Q: What are your most hated films? A: I've walked out of so many I can't even tell you. And I'd probably walk out of many of my own. The lucky students who get into film school (and then get through it without dropping out) have to compete for a small number of prestigious jobs once they graduate. Despite the enormous odds stacked against them, most students leave film school still hoping to become the next Spielberg or Scorsese. The mismatch between their dreams and the reality of working in the industry itself is considerable. "Is There Life After Film School?" shows that there are more options available to students than they might think. Through a series of in-depth, candid, and entertaining interviews with film industry insiders, the book reveals a range of career paths taken by scriptwriters, production designers, producers, and marketers. All of the interviewees share with the reader the specific qualities and crucial insider information that distinguish successful......

Karim Rashid: Evolution

Karim Rashid

  Karim Rashid: Evolution  Karim Rashid  Karim Rashid is redesigning the world we live in one design at a time, or in Karim's case, thousands of objects at a time. As one of the most prolific designers of his generation, Rashid is largely credited with bringing design to the masses. His best-selling Oh Chair and Garbo trash can brought the supple curves and bright colors of high design into millions of living rooms and home offices around the world. In this book, Rashid explains his varied approach to design (and life) through evocative, thought-provoking essays and lush, full-color treatments of his latest designs. This book illustrates how Rashid has helped popularize design and made it accessible to a wider audience. From fragance bottles to cyber-couture fashion, his designs embrace the present and look forward to the future, imagining how design can make life better, easier, and more enjoyable. Comfort and pleasure are part of the consumer experience and Rashid relishes his responsibility to satisfy these...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Karim Rashid is redesigning the world we live in one design at a time, or in Karim's case, thousands of objects at a time. As one of the most prolific designers of his generation, Rashid is largely credited with bringing design to the masses. His best-selling Oh Chair and Garbo trash can brought the supple curves and bright colors of high design into millions of living rooms and home offices around the world. In this book, Rashid explains his varied approach to design (and life) through evocative, thought-provoking essays and lush, full-color treatments of his latest designs. This book illustrates how Rashid has helped popularize design and made it accessible to a wider audience. From fragance bottles to cyber-couture fashion, his designs embrace the present and look forward to the future, imagining how design can make life better, easier, and more enjoyable. Comfort and pleasure are part of the consumer experience and Rashid relishes his responsibility to satisfy these......

Олесь Гончар. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 2

Олесь Гончар

  Олесь Гончар. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 2  Олесь Гончар  Художественная литература. Москва.   Олесь Гончар. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах.   Повесть Олеся Гончара Художественная литература. Москва. Олесь Гончар. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Повесть Олеся Гончара "Земля гудит" (первоначально называвшаяся "Непокоренная Полтавчанка", 1947) рассказывает о подлинных событиях, о реально существовавших людях - о молодых полтавских подпольщиках. Повесть и поныне читается как один из интереснейших художественных документов, отражающих борьбу народных мстителей с немецкими оккупантами во время Великой Отечественной войны. Роман "Таврия" (1952), также вошедший в этот том, повествует о жизни украинских батраков на юге Украины в предреволюционные годы....

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Notes from Toyota-Land: An American Engineer in Japan. Darius Mehri . Книги.

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