Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe: A World of Difference (Rodolfo DeBenedetti Lectures)

Alberto Alesina, Edward Glaeser

  Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe: A World of Difference (Rodolfo DeBenedetti Lectures)  Alberto Alesina, Edward Glaeser  In this timely study of the different approaches of America and Europe to the problems of domestic inequality and poverty, the authors describe just how different the two continents are in the level of State engagement in the redistribution of income. Thy discuss various possible economic explanations for the difference, including different levels of pre-tax income, openness, and social mobility; they survey politico-historical differences such as the varying physical size of nations, their electoral nd legal systems, and the character of their political parties, as well as their experiences of war; and they examine sociological explanations which include different attitudes to the poor and notions of social responsibility, as well as, most importatly, attitudes to race.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this timely study of the different approaches of America and Europe to the problems of domestic inequality and poverty, the authors describe just how different the two continents are in the level of State engagement in the redistribution of income. Thy discuss various possible economic explanations for the difference, including different levels of pre-tax income, openness, and social mobility; they survey politico-historical differences such as the varying physical size of nations, their electoral nd legal systems, and the character of their political parties, as well as their experiences of war; and they examine sociological explanations which include different attitudes to the poor and notions of social responsibility, as well as, most importatly, attitudes to race....

Institutional and Technological Change in Japan's Economy: Past and Present (Contemporary Japan)

  Institutional and Technological Change in Japan's Economy: Past and Present (Contemporary Japan)  Institutional and technological change is a highly topical subject. At the theoretical level, there is much debate in the field of institutional economics and about the role of technological change in endogenous growth theory. At a practical policy level, arguments rage about how Japan and the Japanese economy should plan for the future. In this book, leading economists and economic historians of Japan examine a range of key issues concerning institutional and technological change in Japan, rigorously using discipline-based tools of analysis, and drawing important conclusions as to how the process of change in these areas actually works. In applying these ideas to Japan, the writers in this volume are focusing on an issue which is currently being much debated in the country itself, and are helping our understanding of the world's second-largest economy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Institutional and technological change is a highly topical subject. At the theoretical level, there is much debate in the field of institutional economics and about the role of technological change in endogenous growth theory. At a practical policy level, arguments rage about how Japan and the Japanese economy should plan for the future. In this book, leading economists and economic historians of Japan examine a range of key issues concerning institutional and technological change in Japan, rigorously using discipline-based tools of analysis, and drawing important conclusions as to how the process of change in these areas actually works. In applying these ideas to Japan, the writers in this volume are focusing on an issue which is currently being much debated in the country itself, and are helping our understanding of the world's second-largest economy....

Medieval Art

Marilyn Stokstad

  Medieval Art  Marilyn Stokstad  This significantly updated and beautifully produced second edition survey of over a thousand years of Western art and architecture introduces the reader to a period of extraordinary historical and geographical extent ranging from ancient Rome to the age of exploration. The monumental arts and the diverse minor arts of the Middle Ages are presented here within the social, religious, and political frameworks of lands as varied as France and Denmark, Spain and Germany. Medieval Art spans the period from the second to the fifteenth centuries with over 400 illustrations, over 90 in color, four maps, a chronological table, glossary, bibliography, and index. This significantly updated and beautifully produced second edition survey of over a thousand years of Western art and architecture introduces the reader to a period of extraordinary historical and geographical extent ranging from ancient Rome to the age of exploration. The monumental arts and the diverse minor arts of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This significantly updated and beautifully produced second edition survey of over a thousand years of Western art and architecture introduces the reader to a period of extraordinary historical and geographical extent ranging from ancient Rome to the age of exploration. The monumental arts and the diverse minor arts of the Middle Ages are presented here within the social, religious, and political frameworks of lands as varied as France and Denmark, Spain and Germany. Medieval Art spans the period from the second to the fifteenth centuries with over 400 illustrations, over 90 in color, four maps, a chronological table, glossary, bibliography, and index. This significantly updated and beautifully produced second edition survey of over a thousand years of Western art and architecture introduces the reader to a period of extraordinary historical and geographical extent ranging from ancient Rome to the age of exploration. The monumental arts and the diverse minor arts of the......

Информационные системы технических средств транспорта

О. В. Белый, А. Е. Сазонов

  Информационные системы технических средств транспорта  О. В. Белый, А. Е. Сазонов  Элмор.   Книга представляет собой учебное пособие, посвященное использованию информационных технологий в системах управления транспортными средствами. Особое внимание уделено использованию информационных технологий в системах автоматизации судовых технологических процессов. Последовательно изложены следующие вопросы: программное обеспечение систем судовой автоматизации (управляющие программы, их надежность, методы испытаний и причины возникновения ошибок); влияние современных информационных технологий на развитие систем судовой автоматизации (возможности повышения безопасности судна и его экипажа); информационное обеспечение электронных картографических навигационно-информационных систем; использование информационных технологий при навигационном планировании перехода, а также в сфере инвестиционной деятельности на транспорте. Пособие предназначено для студентов вузов, готовящих специалистов в области водного транспорта, а также может быть использовано студентами...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Элмор. Книга представляет собой учебное пособие, посвященное использованию информационных технологий в системах управления транспортными средствами. Особое внимание уделено использованию информационных технологий в системах автоматизации судовых технологических процессов. Последовательно изложены следующие вопросы: программное обеспечение систем судовой автоматизации (управляющие программы, их надежность, методы испытаний и причины возникновения ошибок); влияние современных информационных технологий на развитие систем судовой автоматизации (возможности повышения безопасности судна и его экипажа); информационное обеспечение электронных картографических навигационно-информационных систем; использование информационных технологий при навигационном планировании перехода, а также в сфере инвестиционной деятельности на транспорте. Пособие предназначено для студентов вузов, готовящих специалистов в области водного транспорта, а также может быть использовано студентами......

Hong Kong: Front Door/Back Door

Michael Wolf, Kenneth Baker

  Hong Kong: Front Door/Back Door  Michael Wolf, Kenneth Baker  Thames and Hudson.   This trip through one of the most densely populated areas of the world is also a journey through a strangely underpopulated place, inhabited only by the traces of city dwellers. The dark back alleys that crisscross the city are home to objects that, at first glance, seem to be discarded - the random detritus of the man-made world. Under the scrutiny of Michael Wolf's photographic eye, these objects become fascinating installation pieces, while the abstract patterns of the buildings reveal the beauty and order that underlie the apparent chaos of the city. Thought-provoking texts by Kenneth Baker and Douglas Young explore the choices that people make of lifestyle, form, function, identity, and design, as well as the notion of Hong Kong as a brand. 75 color illustrations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thames and Hudson. This trip through one of the most densely populated areas of the world is also a journey through a strangely underpopulated place, inhabited only by the traces of city dwellers. The dark back alleys that crisscross the city are home to objects that, at first glance, seem to be discarded - the random detritus of the man-made world. Under the scrutiny of Michael Wolf's photographic eye, these objects become fascinating installation pieces, while the abstract patterns of the buildings reveal the beauty and order that underlie the apparent chaos of the city. Thought-provoking texts by Kenneth Baker and Douglas Young explore the choices that people make of lifestyle, form, function, identity, and design, as well as the notion of Hong Kong as a brand. 75 color illustrations....

<<<  The Mathematics of Money. Timothy Biehler             Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management. Teresa Bradley >>>

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Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe: A World of Difference (Rodolfo DeBenedetti Lectures). Alberto Alesina, Edward Glaeser . Книги.

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