Structures in the Stream : Water, Science, and the Rise of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (American Studies Series)

Todd Shallat

  Structures in the Stream : Water, Science, and the Rise of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (American Studies Series)  Todd Shallat  As the Mississippi and other midwestern rivers inundated town after town during the summer of 1993, concerned and angry citizens questioned whether the very technologies and structures intended to As the Mississippi and other midwestern rivers inundated town after town during the summer of 1993, concerned and angry citizens questioned whether the very technologies and structures intended to "tame" the rivers did not, in fact, increase the severityof the floods. Much of the controversy swirled around the apparent culpability of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the builder of many of the flood control systems that failed. In this book, Todd Shallat examines the turbulent first century of the dam and canal building Corps and follows the agency's rise from European antecedents through the boom years of river development after the American Civil War. Combining extensive research with a lively style, Shallat tells the story of monumental constructionand engineering fiascoes, public service and public corruption, and the rise of science and the army expert as agents of the state. More than an institutional history, Structures in the Stream offers significant insights into American......

Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Development 2002/2003 (Yearbook of International Co-Operation on Environment and Development)

Olav Schram Stokke, Oystein B. Thommessen

  Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Development 2002/2003 (Yearbook of International Co-Operation on Environment and Development)  Olav Schram Stokke, Oystein B. Thommessen  "An invaluable and comprehensive sourcebook on environmental and development issues" -- International Affairs Independent, high-quality analysis of the growing number of international agreements on environment and development Essential reference for lawyers, policy makers and professionals in international affairs Compiled and edited by the Fridjtof Nansen Institute, Norway, this is an authoritative and comprehensive reference to all international agreements on environment and development. Itdetails the objectives, status, rules, funding and implementation of each instrument. Essays by leading authorities assess the achievements and shortcomings of international co-operation. International governmental organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and participating countries are profiled....

Credit Card Nation: The Consequences of America's Addiction to Credit

Robert D. Manning

  Credit Card Nation: The Consequences of America's Addiction to Credit  Robert D. Manning  A fascinating and timely chronicle of America's tortured relationship to money--and the future crisis that looms as a result of our overwhelming reliance on credit. Credit-card debt is choking American prosperity off at the neck. In Credit Card Nation , Robert D. Manning tells a fascinating story about the present and future consequences of credit dependence across all strata of U.S. society. Through extensive interviews with consumers, Manning talks to debtors, and to average Americans, affected by what Manning describes as our A fascinating and timely chronicle of America's tortured relationship to money--and the future crisis that looms as a result of our overwhelming reliance on credit. Credit-card debt is choking American prosperity off at the neck. In Credit Card Nation , Robert D. Manning tells a fascinating story about the present and future consequences of credit dependence across all strata of U.S. society. Through extensive interviews with consumers, Manning talks to debtors, and to average Americans, affected by what Manning describes as our "credit card nation": an American juggernaut of indebtedness that spans personal, corporate, and governmental debt....

Seven Figure Selling: Proven Secrets to Success from Top Sales Professionals

Danielle Kennedy

  Seven Figure Selling: Proven Secrets to Success from Top Sales Professionals  Danielle Kennedy  The text is designed for current sales professionals that want to take their career, results and income to the next level. Danielle Kennedy, a nationally recognized saleswoman, talks to the best salespeople nationwide to learn their secrets of the tradeand pass this information onto her readers. Lean how to:  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The text is designed for current sales professionals that want to take their career, results and income to the next level. Danielle Kennedy, a nationally recognized saleswoman, talks to the best salespeople nationwide to learn their secrets of the tradeand pass this information onto her readers. Lean how to:...

Multiple Measures: Accurate Ways to Assess Student Achievement

Joan Ardovino, John Hollingsworth, Silvia Ybarra

  Multiple Measures: Accurate Ways to Assess Student Achievement  Joan Ardovino, John Hollingsworth, Silvia Ybarra  This easy-to-use guide to evaluating compensatory education programs offers a synthesis and an expansion of handouts, reports, graphs and charts, and communiques related to the authors? work with 50 school districts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This easy-to-use guide to evaluating compensatory education programs offers a synthesis and an expansion of handouts, reports, graphs and charts, and communiques related to the authors? work with 50 school districts....

<<<  The Keys to Conflict Resolution: Proven Methods of Resolving ...             Хирургия язвенной болезни желудка. И. В. Ярема, Б. М. ... >>>

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Structures in the Stream : Water, Science, and the Rise of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (American Studies Series). Todd Shallat . Книги.

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