The Keys to Conflict Resolution: Proven Methods of Resolving Disputes Voluntarily

Theodore W. Kheel

  The Keys to Conflict Resolution: Proven Methods of Resolving Disputes Voluntarily  Theodore W. Kheel  Over the last six decades, lawyer, businessman, and philanthropist Ted Kheel has resolved thousands of national and international disputes involving labor, business, civil rights, and the environment. In The Keys to Conflict Resolution, Kheel spells out his strategies for successful negotiation. In easy-to-follow language, he explains why the Over the last six decades, lawyer, businessman, and philanthropist Ted Kheel has resolved thousands of national and international disputes involving labor, business, civil rights, and the environment. In The Keys to Conflict Resolution, Kheel spells out his strategies for successful negotiation. In easy-to-follow language, he explains why the "soft touch" is often the surest method to bringing adversaries to the bargaining table -- and more importantly, getting them each to walk away from that table witha goal accomplished. Kheel takes readers behind the scenes to legendary negotiations, some successful and some not. He shows how the same principles used in defusing confrontations between unions and bosses and between nations can be employed in everydaylife....

Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century

Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg, Marc Stern, Marc A. Stern

  Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century  Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg, Marc Stern, Marc A. Stern  Edited by the UNDP, this collection of papers offers a new rationale and frame work for international development cooperation. Its main argument is that in actual practice development cooperation has already moved beyond aid. In the name of aid (i.e. assistance to poor countries), we are today dealing with issues such as the ozone hole, global climate change, HIV, drug trafficking and financial volatility. All of these issues are not really poverty-related. Rather, they concern global housekeeping: ensuring an adequate provision of global public goods.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Edited by the UNDP, this collection of papers offers a new rationale and frame work for international development cooperation. Its main argument is that in actual practice development cooperation has already moved beyond aid. In the name of aid (i.e. assistance to poor countries), we are today dealing with issues such as the ozone hole, global climate change, HIV, drug trafficking and financial volatility. All of these issues are not really poverty-related. Rather, they concern global housekeeping: ensuring an adequate provision of global public goods....

Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era

Georgios Doukidis, Nikolaos Mylonopoulos, Nancy Pouloudi

  Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era  Georgios Doukidis, Nikolaos Mylonopoulos, Nancy Pouloudi  The advent of the Information Society is marked by the explosive penetration of information technologies in all aspects of life and by a related fundamental transformation in every form of the organization. Researchers, business people and policy makers have recognized the importance of addressing technological, economic and social impacts in conjunction. For example, the rise and fall of the dot-com hype depended a lot on the strength of the business model, on the technological capabilities available tofirms and on the readiness of the society and economy at large sustain a new breed of business activity. However, it is notoriously difficult to examine the cross-impacts of social, economic and technological aspects of the Information Society. This kindof work requires multidisciplinary work and collaboration on a wide range of skills. Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era addresses this challenge by assembling the latest thinking of leading researchers and policy...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The advent of the Information Society is marked by the explosive penetration of information technologies in all aspects of life and by a related fundamental transformation in every form of the organization. Researchers, business people and policy makers have recognized the importance of addressing technological, economic and social impacts in conjunction. For example, the rise and fall of the dot-com hype depended a lot on the strength of the business model, on the technological capabilities available tofirms and on the readiness of the society and economy at large sustain a new breed of business activity. However, it is notoriously difficult to examine the cross-impacts of social, economic and technological aspects of the Information Society. This kindof work requires multidisciplinary work and collaboration on a wide range of skills. Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era addresses this challenge by assembling the latest thinking of leading researchers and policy......

Great Divestiture: Evaluating the Welfare Impact of the British Privatizations, 1979-1997

Massimo Florio, Mit Press

  Great Divestiture: Evaluating the Welfare Impact of the British Privatizations, 1979-1997  Massimo Florio, Mit Press  The privatization carried out under the Thatcher and Major governments in Britain has been widely (although not universally) considered a success, and has greatly influenced the privatization of state industries in the transition economies of Eastern Europe. Massimo Florio's systematic analysis is the first comprehensive treatment of the overall welfare impact of this broad national policy of divestiture. Using the tools of social cost-benefit analysis, Florio assesses the effect of privatization on consumers, taxpayers, firms, shareholders, and workers. His conclusion may be surprising to some; his findings suggest that the changeover to private ownership per se had little effect on long-term trends in prices and productivity in Britain and contributed to regressive redistribution. After historical and theoretical overviews of privatization and a look at macroeconomic trends in the Thatcher-Major era, Florio considers in detail the microeconomic effects of British...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The privatization carried out under the Thatcher and Major governments in Britain has been widely (although not universally) considered a success, and has greatly influenced the privatization of state industries in the transition economies of Eastern Europe. Massimo Florio's systematic analysis is the first comprehensive treatment of the overall welfare impact of this broad national policy of divestiture. Using the tools of social cost-benefit analysis, Florio assesses the effect of privatization on consumers, taxpayers, firms, shareholders, and workers. His conclusion may be surprising to some; his findings suggest that the changeover to private ownership per se had little effect on long-term trends in prices and productivity in Britain and contributed to regressive redistribution. After historical and theoretical overviews of privatization and a look at macroeconomic trends in the Thatcher-Major era, Florio considers in detail the microeconomic effects of British......

How to Work With Just About Anyone: A 3-Step Solution for Getting Difficult People to Change

Lucy Gill

  How to Work With Just About Anyone: A 3-Step Solution for Getting Difficult People to Change  Lucy Gill  THREE SIMPLE STEPS FOR TRANSFORMING YOUR WORKPLACE Every office has them: the ever-complaining colleague...the co-worker who is constantly late for meetings...the boss who either blows up at you or blows you off...or the one person who drives everyone else totally crazy. The problem is, the conventional methods -- like repeated warnings, threats, and heartfelt discussions -- for dealing with this negative behavior often don't seem to work. Drawing on a wealth of professional experienceas well as forty years of research, Lucy Gill exposes the futility of these common practices and replaces them with a three-step strategy for creating a productive, conflict-free workplace: 1. Get to the heart of the matter by focusing on what the real problem is. 2. Determine what problem-solving methods to avoid so that you don't perpetuate the conflict. 3. Choose a different and even surprising approach that will solve the problem and keep it solved. Whether you're...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин THREE SIMPLE STEPS FOR TRANSFORMING YOUR WORKPLACE Every office has them: the ever-complaining colleague...the co-worker who is constantly late for meetings...the boss who either blows up at you or blows you off...or the one person who drives everyone else totally crazy. The problem is, the conventional methods -- like repeated warnings, threats, and heartfelt discussions -- for dealing with this negative behavior often don't seem to work. Drawing on a wealth of professional experienceas well as forty years of research, Lucy Gill exposes the futility of these common practices and replaces them with a three-step strategy for creating a productive, conflict-free workplace: 1. Get to the heart of the matter by focusing on what the real problem is. 2. Determine what problem-solving methods to avoid so that you don't perpetuate the conflict. 3. Choose a different and even surprising approach that will solve the problem and keep it solved. Whether you're......

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The Keys to Conflict Resolution: Proven Methods of Resolving Disputes Voluntarily. Theodore W. Kheel . Книги.

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