The Advantage Series: Access 2002- Complete

Sarah E. Hutchinson, Glen J. Coulthard

  The Advantage Series: Access 2002- Complete  Sarah E. Hutchinson, Glen J. Coulthard  The Advantage Series presents the Feature-Method-Practice approach to computer software applications to today's technology and business students. This series implements an efficient and effective learning model, which enhances critical thinking skills and provides students and faculty with complete application coverage.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Advantage Series presents the Feature-Method-Practice approach to computer software applications to today's technology and business students. This series implements an efficient and effective learning model, which enhances critical thinking skills and provides students and faculty with complete application coverage....

Disappearing Cryptography, Second Edition - Information Hiding: Steganography and Watermarking

Peter Wayner

  Disappearing Cryptography, Second Edition - Information Hiding: Steganography and Watermarking  Peter Wayner  Disappearing Cryptography, Second Edition describes how to take words, sounds, or images and hide them in digital data so they look like other words, sounds, or images. When used properly, this powerful technique makes it almost impossible to trace the author and the recipient of a message. Conversations can be submerged in the flow of information through the Internet so that no one can know if a conversation exists at all. This full revision of the best-selling first edition describes a number of different techniques to hide information. These include encryption, making data incomprehensible; steganography, embedding information into video, audio, or graphics files; watermarking, hiding data in the noise of image or sound files; mimicry, Disappearing Cryptography, Second Edition describes how to take words, sounds, or images and hide them in digital data so they look like other words, sounds, or images. When used properly, this powerful technique makes it almost impossible to trace the author and the recipient of a message. Conversations can be submerged in the flow of information through the Internet so that no one can know if a conversation exists at all. This full revision of the best-selling first edition describes a number of different techniques to hide information. These include encryption, making data incomprehensible; steganography, embedding information into video, audio, or graphics files; watermarking, hiding data in the noise of image or sound files; mimicry, "dressing up" data and making it appear to be other data, and more. The second edition also includes an expanded discussion on hiding information with spread-spectrum algorithms, shuffling tricks, and synthetic worlds. Each chapter is......

Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks

Robert J. Shimonski, Will Schmied, v Chang, Thomas W. Shinder

  Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks  Robert J. Shimonski, Will Schmied, v Chang, Thomas W. Shinder  Plan, Design, Deploy, and Maintain a Secure DMZ Segment on Your Network After reading Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks you will understand how to design, plan, implement, maintain, secure, and test a DMZ segment using a variety of technologies. This one-of-a-kind book by best-selling authors Robert Shimonski and Dr. Thomas W. Shinder will teach you DMZ design principles and show you how to configure the hardware that makes up DMZs, securely populate the DMZs with systems and services, and implement security on a DMZ. Understand DMZ Concepts and Layout See how to plan your network security and why, and learn the risks of implementing DMZs. Master Intrusion Detection Systems in the DMZ Set up a honeypot, configure IDS, use CiscoSecure IDS and Snort, and set up an IDS on a small budget. Design and Implement a Wireless DMZ Learn why we need wireless DMZs and how to build the wireless DMZ. Find wireless DMZ examples and a wireless LAN security...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Plan, Design, Deploy, and Maintain a Secure DMZ Segment on Your Network After reading Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks you will understand how to design, plan, implement, maintain, secure, and test a DMZ segment using a variety of technologies. This one-of-a-kind book by best-selling authors Robert Shimonski and Dr. Thomas W. Shinder will teach you DMZ design principles and show you how to configure the hardware that makes up DMZs, securely populate the DMZs with systems and services, and implement security on a DMZ. Understand DMZ Concepts and Layout See how to plan your network security and why, and learn the risks of implementing DMZs. Master Intrusion Detection Systems in the DMZ Set up a honeypot, configure IDS, use CiscoSecure IDS and Snort, and set up an IDS on a small budget. Design and Implement a Wireless DMZ Learn why we need wireless DMZs and how to build the wireless DMZ. Find wireless DMZ examples and a wireless LAN security......

DOS 6 Running Start

Alan Simpson

  DOS 6 Running Start  Alan Simpson  There are a lot of DOS users out there. Still! Finally a publisher has decided to give you what you need. A comprehensive book which details all of the features of DOS 6 as well as a concise command reference at your fingertips.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There are a lot of DOS users out there. Still! Finally a publisher has decided to give you what you need. A comprehensive book which details all of the features of DOS 6 as well as a concise command reference at your fingertips....

Polytopes - Combinatorics and Computation (Dmv Seminar, 29)

Gil Kalai, G.M. Ziegler

  Polytopes - Combinatorics and Computation (Dmv Seminar, 29)  Gil Kalai, G.M. Ziegler  Questions that arose from linear programming and combinatorial optimization have been a driving force for modern polytope theory, such as the diameter questions motivated by the desire to understand the complexity of the simplex algorithm, or the need tostudy facets for use in cutting plane procedures. In addition, algorithms now provide the means to computationally study polytopes, to compute their parameters such as flag vectors, graphs and volumes, and to construct examples of large complexity. The papers of this volume thus display a wide panorama of connections of polytope theory with other fields. Areas such as discrete and computational geometry, linear and combinatorial optimization, and scientific computing have contributed a combination ofquestions, ideas, results, algorithms and, finally, computer programs. The volume grew out of a DMV Seminar on Questions that arose from linear programming and combinatorial optimization have been a driving force for modern polytope theory, such as the diameter questions motivated by the desire to understand the complexity of the simplex algorithm, or the need tostudy facets for use in cutting plane procedures. In addition, algorithms now provide the means to computationally study polytopes, to compute their parameters such as flag vectors, graphs and volumes, and to construct examples of large complexity. The papers of this volume thus display a wide panorama of connections of polytope theory with other fields. Areas such as discrete and computational geometry, linear and combinatorial optimization, and scientific computing have contributed a combination ofquestions, ideas, results, algorithms and, finally, computer programs. The volume grew out of a DMV Seminar on "Polytopes and Optimization", held in Oberwolfach in November 1997, and represents lectures and presentations from that......

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The Advantage Series: Access 2002- Complete. Sarah E. Hutchinson, Glen J. Coulthard . Книги.

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