The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause (Economics, Cognition, and Society)

Julian L. Simon, Timur Kuran

  The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause (Economics, Cognition, and Society)  Julian L. Simon, Timur Kuran  One of Julian Simon's last works-in-progress--cut short just before completion by his death in early 1998-- The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause explores the question of why human progress accelerated in Western Europe starting around 1750. Why did life expectancy, the household consumption level, speeds of travel and communication, the literacy rate, and other aspects of the standard of living leap above those in the previous centuries and millennia? What forces caused this extraordinary development to occur when it did--or even to occur at all--rather than centuries or millennia earlier or later? Simon answers this question by arguing persuasively that the total quantity of humanity--and the nexus of human numbers with technology--has been the main driving force behind what he calls One of Julian Simon's last works-in-progress--cut short just before completion by his death in early 1998-- The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause explores the question of why human progress accelerated in Western Europe starting around 1750. Why did life expectancy, the household consumption level, speeds of travel and communication, the literacy rate, and other aspects of the standard of living leap above those in the previous centuries and millennia? What forces caused this extraordinary development to occur when it did--or even to occur at all--rather than centuries or millennia earlier or later? Simon answers this question by arguing persuasively that the total quantity of humanity--and the nexus of human numbers with technology--has been the main driving force behind what he calls "Sudden Modern Progress." Further, he continues, if population numbers had risen more rapidly than they did, the "Great Breakthrough" would have occurred earlier. He also asserts......

Good Practices And Innovative Experiences In The South: Volume 2: Social Policies, Indigenous Knowledge and Appropriate Technology

Martin Khor, Lim Li Lin

  Good Practices And Innovative Experiences In The South: Volume 2: Social Policies, Indigenous Knowledge and Appropriate Technology  Martin Khor, Lim Li Lin  This book constitutes a unique, inspiring, and practically useful compilation of the rich variety of innovative good practice being pioneered at governmental, NGO, and community levels in so many Third World countries. It provides a wealth of information on a large number of particular policies, projects and organizations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book constitutes a unique, inspiring, and practically useful compilation of the rich variety of innovative good practice being pioneered at governmental, NGO, and community levels in so many Third World countries. It provides a wealth of information on a large number of particular policies, projects and organizations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa....

Ethical Issues in Professional Life

Joan Callahan

  Ethical Issues in Professional Life  Joan Callahan  When (if ever) may a professional deceive a client for the client's own good? Under what conditions (if any) is whistle-blowing morally required? These are just some of the questions that scholars as diverse as Michael D. Bayles, Thomas Nagel, Sissela Bok, Jessica Mitford, and Peter A. French confront in this stimulating anthology. Organized around philosophical issues such as the moral foundations of professional ethics, models of the professional-client relationship, deception, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, professional dissent, and professional virtue, the volume illuminates the complex ethical issues that arise in journalism, law, health care, counselling, education, engineering, business, politics, and social science research. A variety of pedagogic aids including clear introductions to and study questions for each set of readings, concrete cases designed to focus discussion, and an appendix on preparing cases and position papers, make the text invaluable for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When (if ever) may a professional deceive a client for the client's own good? Under what conditions (if any) is whistle-blowing morally required? These are just some of the questions that scholars as diverse as Michael D. Bayles, Thomas Nagel, Sissela Bok, Jessica Mitford, and Peter A. French confront in this stimulating anthology. Organized around philosophical issues such as the moral foundations of professional ethics, models of the professional-client relationship, deception, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, professional dissent, and professional virtue, the volume illuminates the complex ethical issues that arise in journalism, law, health care, counselling, education, engineering, business, politics, and social science research. A variety of pedagogic aids including clear introductions to and study questions for each set of readings, concrete cases designed to focus discussion, and an appendix on preparing cases and position papers, make the text invaluable for......

Creating a Successful Craft Business

Rogene A. Robbins, Robert Robbins

  Creating a Successful Craft Business  Rogene A. Robbins, Robert Robbins  From writing a business plan and financing an idea to choosing the most cost-efficient production method and best-suited sales approach, this guide provides a sound blueprint for turning a hobby into a lucrative career. Filled with the infectious spirit of people who have From writing a business plan and financing an idea to choosing the most cost-efficient production method and best-suited sales approach, this guide provides a sound blueprint for turning a hobby into a lucrative career. Filled with the infectious spirit of people who have "been there," this book will bring craft businesses to new levels of success....

Wireless Security: Models, Threats, and Solutions

Randall K. Nichols, Panos C. Lekkas

  Wireless Security: Models, Threats, and Solutions  Randall K. Nichols, Panos C. Lekkas  This comprehensive guide catalogs and explains the full range of the security challenges involved in wireless communications. Experts Randall K. Nichols and Panos C. Lekkas lay out the vulnerabilities, response options, and real-world costs connected with wireless platforms and applications.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This comprehensive guide catalogs and explains the full range of the security challenges involved in wireless communications. Experts Randall K. Nichols and Panos C. Lekkas lay out the vulnerabilities, response options, and real-world costs connected with wireless platforms and applications....

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The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause (Economics, Cognition, and Society). Julian L. Simon, Timur Kuran . Книги.

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