Pro/ENGINEER Tutorial (Release 2001) and MultiMedia CD

Roger Toogood, Jack Zecher

  Pro/ENGINEER Tutorial (Release 2001) and MultiMedia CD  Roger Toogood, Jack Zecher  The ten lessons in this tutorial introduce users to Pro/ENGINEER's design capabilities.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ten lessons in this tutorial introduce users to Pro/ENGINEER's design capabilities....

Formal Equivalence Checking and Design Debugging

Shi-Yu Huang, Kwang-Ting Cheng

  Formal Equivalence Checking and Design Debugging  Shi-Yu Huang, Kwang-Ting Cheng  Formal Equivalence Checking and Design Debugging covers two major topics in design verification: logic equivalence checking and design debugging. The first part of the book reviews the design problems that require logic equivalence checking and describesthe underlying technologies that are used to solve them. Some novel approaches to the problems of verifying design revisions after intensive sequential transformations such as retiming are described in detail. The second part of the book gives a thorough survey of previous and recent literature on design error diagnosis and design error correction. This part also provides an in-depth analysis of the algorithms used in two logic debugging software programs, ErrorTracer and AutoFix, developed by the authors. From the Foreword: `With the adoption of the static sign-off approach to verifying circuit implementations the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) industry will experience the first radical methodological revolution...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Formal Equivalence Checking and Design Debugging covers two major topics in design verification: logic equivalence checking and design debugging. The first part of the book reviews the design problems that require logic equivalence checking and describesthe underlying technologies that are used to solve them. Some novel approaches to the problems of verifying design revisions after intensive sequential transformations such as retiming are described in detail. The second part of the book gives a thorough survey of previous and recent literature on design error diagnosis and design error correction. This part also provides an in-depth analysis of the algorithms used in two logic debugging software programs, ErrorTracer and AutoFix, developed by the authors. From the Foreword: `With the adoption of the static sign-off approach to verifying circuit implementations the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) industry will experience the first radical methodological revolution......

Unlocking the Clubhouse : Women in Computing

Jane Margolis, Allan Fisher

  Unlocking the Clubhouse : Women in Computing  Jane Margolis, Allan Fisher  The information technology revolution is transforming almost every aspect of society, but girls and women are largely out of the loop. Although women surf the Web in equal numbers to men and make a majority of online purchases, few are involved in the design and creation of new technology. It is mostly men whose perspectives and priorities inform the development of computing innovations and who reap the lion's share of the financial rewards. As only a small fraction of high school and college computer science students are female, the field is likely to remain a The information technology revolution is transforming almost every aspect of society, but girls and women are largely out of the loop. Although women surf the Web in equal numbers to men and make a majority of online purchases, few are involved in the design and creation of new technology. It is mostly men whose perspectives and priorities inform the development of computing innovations and who reap the lion's share of the financial rewards. As only a small fraction of high school and college computer science students are female, the field is likely to remain a "male clubhouse," absent major changes. In Unlocking the Clubhouse , social scientist Jane Margolis and computer scientist and educator Allan Fisher examine the many influences contributing to the gender gap in computing. The book is based on interviews with more than 100 computer science students of both sexes from Carnegie Mellon University, a major center of computer science research, over a period of four......

The Craft of Information Visualization: Readings and Reflections

Benjamin B. Bederson, Ben Shneiderman

  The Craft of Information Visualization: Readings and Reflections  Benjamin B. Bederson, Ben Shneiderman  Since the beginning of the computer age, researchers from many disciplines have sought to facilitate people's use of computers and to provide ways for scientists to make sense of the immense quantities of data coming out of them. One gainful result of these efforts has been the field of information visualization, whose technology is increasingly applied in scientific research, digital libraries, data mining, financial data analysis, market studies, manufacturing production control, and data discovery. This book collects 38 of the key papers on information visualization from a leading and prominent research lab, the University of Maryland’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL). Celebrating HCIL’s 20th anniversary, this book presents a coherent body of work from a respected community that has had many success stories with its research and commercial spin-offs. Each chapter contains an introduction specifically written for this volume by two leading HCI...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Since the beginning of the computer age, researchers from many disciplines have sought to facilitate people's use of computers and to provide ways for scientists to make sense of the immense quantities of data coming out of them. One gainful result of these efforts has been the field of information visualization, whose technology is increasingly applied in scientific research, digital libraries, data mining, financial data analysis, market studies, manufacturing production control, and data discovery. This book collects 38 of the key papers on information visualization from a leading and prominent research lab, the University of Maryland’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL). Celebrating HCIL’s 20th anniversary, this book presents a coherent body of work from a respected community that has had many success stories with its research and commercial spin-offs. Each chapter contains an introduction specifically written for this volume by two leading HCI......

Foundations of Computer Science: From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation : From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation

Behrouz A. Forouzan

  Foundations of Computer Science: From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation : From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation  Behrouz A. Forouzan  This text successfully addresses the need to provide students with an overview of the many disciplines within computer science. Behrouz Forouzan has developed a five-part approach to introduce students to different aspects of the discipline without overwhelming them with technical detail.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text successfully addresses the need to provide students with an overview of the many disciplines within computer science. Behrouz Forouzan has developed a five-part approach to introduce students to different aspects of the discipline without overwhelming them with technical detail....

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Pro/ENGINEER Tutorial (Release 2001) and MultiMedia CD. Roger Toogood, Jack Zecher . Книги.

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