Managing Financial Institutes

Mona J. Gardner

  Managing Financial Institutes  Mona J. Gardner  This dynamic text allows learners to analyze and apply theory to managing performance for financial institutions. It is up-to-date, including new types of financial institutions and the evolving nature of the financial services industry. Not only does this text include risk management of financial institutions, it includes managing and analyzing different types of financial institutions. Additionally, this text provides the necessary institutional detail that learners need to know to be successful in the management of financial services firms. Numerous applied cases are included so learners can better understand how the concepts are applied. Targeted at the MBA corporate finance course, this book can also be used for both a banking course and financial institution management course.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This dynamic text allows learners to analyze and apply theory to managing performance for financial institutions. It is up-to-date, including new types of financial institutions and the evolving nature of the financial services industry. Not only does this text include risk management of financial institutions, it includes managing and analyzing different types of financial institutions. Additionally, this text provides the necessary institutional detail that learners need to know to be successful in the management of financial services firms. Numerous applied cases are included so learners can better understand how the concepts are applied. Targeted at the MBA corporate finance course, this book can also be used for both a banking course and financial institution management course....

Power Up: Transforming Organizations Through Shared Leadership

David L. Bradford, Allan R. Cohen

  Power Up: Transforming Organizations Through Shared Leadership  David L. Bradford, Allan R. Cohen  Wiley.   Stemming from research in their previous book, Managing for Excellence , David Bradford of Stanford University and Allan Cohen of Babson College have developed a new Wiley. Stemming from research in their previous book, Managing for Excellence , David Bradford of Stanford University and Allan Cohen of Babson College have developed a new "leadership system" based on reciprocal behavior between managers and subordinates. In Power Up: Transforming Organizations Through Shared Leadership , they diagram this model and show corporations how to adopt it. Blasting the fundamental assumption that leaders are responsible for everything within a company (and any unit therein), they suggest that management actually is the responsibility of everyone and offer ways to encourage such behavior even when resistance exists....

Finding Your Purpose: A Guide to Personal Fulfillment (Fifty-Minute Series.)

Barbara J. Braham

  Finding Your Purpose: A Guide to Personal Fulfillment (Fifty-Minute Series.)  Barbara J. Braham  One of the most fundamental questions we ask ourselves is One of the most fundamental questions we ask ourselves is "Why am I here?" In our efforts to answer this question, many of us become motivated to seek another path, one that will lead to greater personal and spiritual fulfillment. The same is true of ourprofessional lives. This book helps you find a level of success in your career by guiding you through the process of self-discovery. The knowledge you gain will help you clarify your values, recognize your talents and skills, and overcome the intuitive blocks you may have. Filled with many thought-provoking exercises and friendly advice, this book will show you how you can find your purpose and change your life. Learning Objectives: To help you discover your life purpose. To describe barriers that can get in the way of defining your life purpose. To present tools for overcoming these barriers to help you live a more fulfilling life....

The Handbook of Equity Derivatives (Wiley Series in Financial Engineering)

Jack Clark Francis, William W. Toy, J. Gregg Whittaker

  The Handbook of Equity Derivatives (Wiley Series in Financial Engineering)  Jack Clark Francis, William W. Toy, J. Gregg Whittaker  "There are so many ways to use derivatives that I'm almost surprised when someone doesn't use them. Producers and consumers, investors and issuers, hedgers and speculators, governments and financial institutions: almost everyone can use them." - From theForeword by Fischer Black, Cocreator of the Black-Scholes Model Never before has there been so much interest in equity derivatives-or so much innovation in structuring these products. As new forms of instruments proliferate, their complexityhas grown as well. Even equity derivatives professionals are unlikely to know all the details about every existing structure. With equity derivatives comprising one of the most important components of the capital markets, it's more crucial than ever for every financial professional, specialist and nonspecialist alike, to understand how derivative instruments behave, how they're structured, and how to use them profitably. Edited by leading thinkers in the field, The Handbook......

50 Fast Photoshop 7 Techniques (+ CD-ROM)

Gregory Georges

  50 Fast Photoshop 7 Techniques (+ CD-ROM)  Gregory Georges  Wiley Publishing, Inc.   50 Fast Photoshop Wiley Publishing, Inc. 50 Fast Photoshop "X" Techniques for is an immensely useful book for anyone wanting to take advantage of the very latest release of the world's top digital imaging tool, Adobe Photoshop. The techniques are valuable to both pros and hobbyists alike - they enable everyone to enjoy successful creation of fine art images and prints! The step-by-step and richly illustrated collection of awesome techniques are easily accessible and understandable to users on every level. This is a new kind of Photoshop book - one that can help both casual users through professional users save time while creating professional quality images and effects! CD-ROM is packed with low-res versions of all images from the book, allowing readers to follow along with the techniques. Tryouts and valuable utilities are also included....

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Managing Financial Institutes. Mona J. Gardner . Книги.

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