Защита от рака - профилактика. Последние достижения новой медицины

О. И. Елисеева

  Защита от рака - профилактика. Последние достижения новой медицины  О. И. Елисеева  ИГ ИГ "Весь". Библиотека доктора Елисеевой. Ольга Ивановна Елисеева - кандидат медицинских наук, врач высшей категории с 35-летним стажем. Последние годы она активно занимается диагностикой и лечением онкологических заболеваний. Многолетняя клиническая практика позволила О.И.Елисеевой выявить основные причины возникновения раковых опухолей. В книге рассматривается новый подход в предупреждении этих заболеваний. Он сочетает в себе основы древневосточного учения и последние достижения современной медицины. Приводятся методы профилактики, затрагивающие как физическое тело человека, так и его энергетические уровни. Особое внимание уделяется духовному и физическому очищению. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей....

Institutional Investors

E. Philip Davis, Dr. Benn Steil

  Institutional Investors  E. Philip Davis, Dr. Benn Steil  One of the most important recent developments in financial markets is the institutionalization of saving associated with the growth of pension funds, life insurance companies, and mutual funds. An increasing proportion of household saving is now managed by professional portfolio managers instead of being directly invested in the securities markets or held in the form of bank deposits. With the aging of the population and its adverse impact on public pension systems, the shift of individual savings to institutional investors is likely to become even more marked in the coming years. This book provides a comprehensive economic assessment of institutional investment. It charts the development and performance of the asset management industry and analyzes the implications of rising institutionalized saving for the development of the securities trading industry, the financial sector as a whole, and the wider economy. The book draws extensively on international experience,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин One of the most important recent developments in financial markets is the institutionalization of saving associated with the growth of pension funds, life insurance companies, and mutual funds. An increasing proportion of household saving is now managed by professional portfolio managers instead of being directly invested in the securities markets or held in the form of bank deposits. With the aging of the population and its adverse impact on public pension systems, the shift of individual savings to institutional investors is likely to become even more marked in the coming years. This book provides a comprehensive economic assessment of institutional investment. It charts the development and performance of the asset management industry and analyzes the implications of rising institutionalized saving for the development of the securities trading industry, the financial sector as a whole, and the wider economy. The book draws extensively on international experience,......

Successful Reengineering (General Engineering)

Daniel P. Petrozzo, John C. Stepper

  Successful Reengineering (General Engineering)  Daniel P. Petrozzo, John C. Stepper  "This book provides a much-needed focus on implementation ? clearly the most difficult aspect of reengineering." ?Thomas H. Davenport, Partner and Director of Research The Ernest & Young Center for Business Innovation "Successful Reengineering is an eminently practical handbook. Read it before embarking on a major reengineering effort to help avoid the pitfalls of the terrain." ?Robin L. Renn, Senior Vice President Quality and Reengineering American Express "Petrozzo and Stepper show how to translate the lofty concepts into actionable programs. They show how empowerment, teaming, and continuous improvement must all merge together when implementing reengineering. The book is must reading for any organization or individual who wants a hands-on, how-to understanding of the subject."?Earl Naumann, Author of Creating Customer Value...

Leading the Revolution: How to Thrive in Turbulent Times by Making Innovation a Way of Life

Gary Hamel

  Leading the Revolution: How to Thrive in Turbulent Times by Making Innovation a Way of Life  Gary Hamel  Gary Hamel, world-renowned business thinker and coauthor of Competing for the Future , the book that set the management agenda for the 1990s, now delivers an agenda for the twenty-first century with the national bestseller, Leading the Revolution . Fully revised with a new introduction, this book provides an action plan for any company or individual intent on becoming and staying an industry revolutionary. Hamel argues that the fundamental challenge companies face is reinventing themselves and their industries, not just in times of crisis-but continually. Based on an extensive study of Gary Hamel, world-renowned business thinker and coauthor of Competing for the Future , the book that set the management agenda for the 1990s, now delivers an agenda for the twenty-first century with the national bestseller, Leading the Revolution . Fully revised with a new introduction, this book provides an action plan for any company or individual intent on becoming and staying an industry revolutionary. Hamel argues that the fundamental challenge companies face is reinventing themselves and their industries, not just in times of crisis-but continually. Based on an extensive study of "gray-haired revolutionaries," including Charles Schwab, Cisco, Virgin, UPS, Semex, and GE Capital, Leading the Revolution shows how companies can continue to grow and thrive, even in ever-changing turbulent world markets. Distinctive features and benefits to readers: " Explains the underlying principles of radical innovation " Explores where revolutionary new......

Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously: Economic Development, the Environment, and Quality of Life in American Cities (American and Comparative Environmental Policy)

Kent E. Portney

  Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously: Economic Development, the Environment, and Quality of Life in American Cities (American and Comparative Environmental Policy)  Kent E. Portney  Today at least twenty-five major U.S. cities have pursued some form of sustainability initiative. Although many case studies and Today at least twenty-five major U.S. cities have pursued some form of sustainability initiative. Although many case studies and "how-to" manuals have been published, there has been little systematic comparison of these cities' programs and initiatives. In this book Kent Portney lays the theoretical groundwork for research on what works and what does not, and why. Distinguishing cities on the basis of population characteristics and region for his analysis, Portney shows how cities use the broad rubric of sustainability to achieve particular political ends. Cities that take sustainability seriously, such as Portland, San Francisco, and Seattle, use broad definitions that go well beyond concern for the physical environment or creating jobs. They pursue sustainability at many levels and integrate concern for economic development, the environment, and quality of life across all activities of city government. Cities that take sustainability less seriously, such as Cleveland,......

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Защита от рака - профилактика. Последние достижения новой медицины. О. И. Елисеева . Книги.

Волгодонск, Нижнекамск, Елец, Тобольск, Йошкар-Ола, Архангельск, Чита, Ковров, Назрань, ВеликийНовгород, Шахты, Волгоград, Нижнекамск, Кызыл, Москва , Бийск, Жуковский, Новомосковск,
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