Resumes for Environmental Careers, 2nd Ed.

Editors of VGM Career Books

  Resumes for Environmental Careers, 2nd Ed.  Editors of VGM Career Books  Strong, impressive resumes that lead to the right job! For job seekers wanting to create effective resumes that hit the target every time, the VGM Professional Resumes series is here to help them reach that goal. Each book in the seriesoffers essential advice plus 100 sample resumes and 20 cover letters tailored to a job seeker's needs or field of interest. Includes a variety of resume formats, tips on highlighting strengths and using active vocabulary, and helpful work sheets for gathering personal information.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strong, impressive resumes that lead to the right job! For job seekers wanting to create effective resumes that hit the target every time, the VGM Professional Resumes series is here to help them reach that goal. Each book in the seriesoffers essential advice plus 100 sample resumes and 20 cover letters tailored to a job seeker's needs or field of interest. Includes a variety of resume formats, tips on highlighting strengths and using active vocabulary, and helpful work sheets for gathering personal information....

Education, Cultures, and Economics: Dilemmas for Development (Reference Books in International Education)

Fiona E. Leach, Angela Little

  Education, Cultures, and Economics: Dilemmas for Development (Reference Books in International Education)  Fiona E. Leach, Angela Little  This edited volume reviews the conflict between economic prescriptions for improved education in the developing world and local cultures. Among the issues reviewed are: conceptions of culture and economics in development and education literature, economic considerations of school systems to promote cultural goals, the differentiation of schools from other sites of cultural reproduction, learning experiences of various cultural groups, and the cross-cultural work of development agencies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This edited volume reviews the conflict between economic prescriptions for improved education in the developing world and local cultures. Among the issues reviewed are: conceptions of culture and economics in development and education literature, economic considerations of school systems to promote cultural goals, the differentiation of schools from other sites of cultural reproduction, learning experiences of various cultural groups, and the cross-cultural work of development agencies....

Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy ( 2001 IRMA Conference Proceedings)

Mehdi Khosrow-Pour

  Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy ( 2001 IRMA Conference Proceedings)  Mehdi Khosrow-Pour  Today, opportunities and challenges of available technology can be utilized as strategic and tactical resources for your organization. Conversely, failure to be informed on the newest technologies and IT procedures can mean inefficiency at the manageriallevel of your organization. Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy is a valuable collection of papers from the 2001 Information Resources Management Association International Conference from May 2001 in Toronto, Ontario Canada. This in-depthresource presents IT management perspectives from professionals worldwide. The book represents the highest thinking on a variety of IT issues, research and applied practices. This book makes an excellent addition to not only your personal library but also to your institution?s library collection. Please recommend this publication to your librarian for library acquisition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Today, opportunities and challenges of available technology can be utilized as strategic and tactical resources for your organization. Conversely, failure to be informed on the newest technologies and IT procedures can mean inefficiency at the manageriallevel of your organization. Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy is a valuable collection of papers from the 2001 Information Resources Management Association International Conference from May 2001 in Toronto, Ontario Canada. This in-depthresource presents IT management perspectives from professionals worldwide. The book represents the highest thinking on a variety of IT issues, research and applied practices. This book makes an excellent addition to not only your personal library but also to your institution?s library collection. Please recommend this publication to your librarian for library acquisition....

From Training to Performance Improvement

Jeanne Farrington, James Fuller

  From Training to Performance Improvement  Jeanne Farrington, James Fuller  Achieve measurable gains! Organizations are spending millions of dollars every year training employees. Yet why are organizations sending their employees to training? They often don't know. Training is a quick fix; many managers don't believe that it really works. But even if it isn't the appropriate solution to a problem, many organizations automatically implement training for lack of a more reasoned, thoughtful alternative. Here's the approach you've waited for: performance improvement. Jim Fuller and Jeanne Farrington show you how to achieve measurable gains by implementing this cutting-edge technique at your organization. Achieve measurable gains! Organizations are spending millions of dollars every year training employees. Yet why are organizations sending their employees to training? They often don't know. Training is a quick fix; many managers don't believe that it really works. But even if it isn't the appropriate solution to a problem, many organizations automatically implement training for lack of a more reasoned, thoughtful alternative. Here's the approach you've waited for: performance improvement. Jim Fuller and Jeanne Farrington show you how to achieve measurable gains by implementing this cutting-edge technique at your organization. "A practical guide for identifying and eliminating the root causes of business problems. Business leaders and human resource professionals responsible for turning around bottom-line results will find From Training to Performance Improvement well worth the read." -- Kathleen Dalton, Procter & Gamble "Clear, concise, and......

Advertising, Promotion and Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications

Terence A. Shimp

  Advertising, Promotion and Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications  Terence A. Shimp  The sixth edition of Terence Shimp's market-leading Advertising, Promotion, and Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications fully integrates all aspects of marketing communication. While continuing to focus on the time honored, IMC methods, the text has undergone a significant revision to reflect new academic literature and practitioner developments in the field. Comprehensive treatment on the fundamentals of advertising and promotion combine with the Internet's impact on IMC. A major focus of this revision, Internet issues have been seamlessly integrated throughout the text to highlight the dynamic relationship between basic marketing communication concepts and the power of the Internet.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The sixth edition of Terence Shimp's market-leading Advertising, Promotion, and Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications fully integrates all aspects of marketing communication. While continuing to focus on the time honored, IMC methods, the text has undergone a significant revision to reflect new academic literature and practitioner developments in the field. Comprehensive treatment on the fundamentals of advertising and promotion combine with the Internet's impact on IMC. A major focus of this revision, Internet issues have been seamlessly integrated throughout the text to highlight the dynamic relationship between basic marketing communication concepts and the power of the Internet....

<<<  А. Толстой. Золотой ключик, или Приключения ...             Embedding Ethics: Shifting Boundaries of the Anthropological ... >>>

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Resumes for Environmental Careers, 2nd Ed.. Editors of VGM Career Books . Книги.

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