А. Толстой. Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино. Л. Владимирский. Буратино ищет клад

А. Толстой, Л. Владимирский

  А. Толстой. Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино. Л. Владимирский. Буратино ищет клад  А. Толстой, Л. Владимирский  АСТ, Астрель.   Любимое чтение.   Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино, Буратино ищет клад.   В книгу вошли две сказочные повести о приключениях веселого деревянного мальчика Буратино: `Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино` А.Толстого и `Буратино ищет клад` Л.Владимирского.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Любимое чтение. Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино, Буратино ищет клад. В книгу вошли две сказочные повести о приключениях веселого деревянного мальчика Буратино: `Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино` А.Толстого и `Буратино ищет клад` Л.Владимирского....

Седьмая встреча

Хербьерг Вассму

  Седьмая встреча  Хербьерг Вассму  СЛОВО/SLOVO.   У камина.   Хербьерг Вассму - популярная норвежская писательница, лауреат многих престижных литературных премий. Ее произведения любят и знают в Европе, некоторые из них экранизированы. В своем последнем романе, СЛОВО/SLOVO. У камина. Хербьерг Вассму - популярная норвежская писательница, лауреат многих престижных литературных премий. Ее произведения любят и знают в Европе, некоторые из них экранизированы. В своем последнем романе, "Седьмая встреча" (впервые на русском языке), Вассму обращается к современности. В центре его - Руфь Нессет, яркая, сильная женщина, талантливая и самобытная художница. Ее путь к славе будет гораздо более прямым и легким, чем путь к любимому мужчине....

Publishing the Nonprofit Annual Report: Tips, Traps, and Tricks of the Trade

Caroline Taylor

  Publishing the Nonprofit Annual Report: Tips, Traps, and Tricks of the Trade  Caroline Taylor  Publishing the Nonprofit Annual Report offers your nonprofit organization hands-on guidance to help you create an annual report that goes beyond fulfilling your financial reporting responsibilities and instead becomes a valuable communications, marketing, and image-building tool. Written by Caroline Taylor--a consultant who has more than twenty years of experience producing award-winning annual reports--this essential guide takes you through the report-writing cycle from start to finish. Step by step, she shows you how to create a plan, fit the report process into the overall schedule, assign tasks, develop the executive message, work with designers to integrate visual elements, and get the report printed on time and within budget.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Publishing the Nonprofit Annual Report offers your nonprofit organization hands-on guidance to help you create an annual report that goes beyond fulfilling your financial reporting responsibilities and instead becomes a valuable communications, marketing, and image-building tool. Written by Caroline Taylor--a consultant who has more than twenty years of experience producing award-winning annual reports--this essential guide takes you through the report-writing cycle from start to finish. Step by step, she shows you how to create a plan, fit the report process into the overall schedule, assign tasks, develop the executive message, work with designers to integrate visual elements, and get the report printed on time and within budget....

How to Be # One With Your Boss: How to Keep Your Job Longer and Enjoy It More

Don Aslett

  How to Be # One With Your Boss: How to Keep Your Job Longer and Enjoy It More  Don Aslett  How to be #1 With Your Boss Everyone wants to get the best job. Yet few are schooled, trained or even told what they must do to keep the boss happy. If the boss likes you he/she will promote, raise, assign, and treat you to the best. Here are all the little things to do and not do to keep and make your job the best ever. Don has employed over 44,000 people and shares his front line experience. At last, a boss has been willing to speak out, to bypass all the bushbeating and explain, clearly and plainly, what any boss expects of you. All in all, an infallible formula for keeping those paychecks coming. 112 pages; Illustrated.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How to be #1 With Your Boss Everyone wants to get the best job. Yet few are schooled, trained or even told what they must do to keep the boss happy. If the boss likes you he/she will promote, raise, assign, and treat you to the best. Here are all the little things to do and not do to keep and make your job the best ever. Don has employed over 44,000 people and shares his front line experience. At last, a boss has been willing to speak out, to bypass all the bushbeating and explain, clearly and plainly, what any boss expects of you. All in all, an infallible formula for keeping those paychecks coming. 112 pages; Illustrated....

Advances in Qualitative Organization Research, Volume 4

J.A. Wagner III, J.M. Bartunek, K.D. Elsbach

  Advances in Qualitative Organization Research, Volume 4  J.A. Wagner III, J.M. Bartunek, K.D. Elsbach  Advances in Qualitative Organization Research is an annual series devoted to the publication of qualitative research relevant to the interests of organizational scholars. As used to define the domain of AQOR , qualitative research encompasses all forms of field research performed with qualitative data, that is, data that present themselves in non-numeric form. Such research may be conducted using methods that are qualitative or a combination of qualitative and quantitative, with the aim of developing a thick description and grounded understanding of the focus of inquiry. Articles appearing in AQOR may concern topics derived from any of the organization sciences, including but not limited to the areas of Organizational Behaviour, Organization Theory, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, and Organization Development. AQOR is intended to appeal to a broad audience of organizational researchers, in  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Advances in Qualitative Organization Research is an annual series devoted to the publication of qualitative research relevant to the interests of organizational scholars. As used to define the domain of AQOR , qualitative research encompasses all forms of field research performed with qualitative data, that is, data that present themselves in non-numeric form. Such research may be conducted using methods that are qualitative or a combination of qualitative and quantitative, with the aim of developing a thick description and grounded understanding of the focus of inquiry. Articles appearing in AQOR may concern topics derived from any of the organization sciences, including but not limited to the areas of Organizational Behaviour, Organization Theory, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, and Organization Development. AQOR is intended to appeal to a broad audience of organizational researchers, in...

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А. Толстой. Золотой ключик, или Приключения Буратино. Л. Владимирский. Буратино ищет клад. А. Толстой, Л. Владимирский . Книги.

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