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Сто девяносто девять ступеней. Квинтет "Кураж" Мишель Фейбер
АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига. Альтернатива. Сто девяносто девять ступеней, Квинтет "Кураж". Интеллектуальные триллеры? Готические - точнее, готские - романы? Злая контркультурная пародия на "массовую" литературу? Критики попросту сходят с ума, пытаясь подобрать определение для работ "enfant terrible" современной англоязычной прозы Мишеля Фейбера - однако много ли стоят определения, если проза эта эффектна, экстравагантна и откровенно, через край талантлива?...
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Confirmative Evaluation : Practical Strategies for Valuing Continuous Improvement (Tech Training Series) Joan C. Dessinger
Book DescriptionThis much-needed book offers trainers, consultants, evaluation professionals, and human resource executives and practitioners a hands-on resource for understanding and applying the proven principles of confirmative evaluation. Confirmative evaluation is a marriage of evaluation and continuous improvement. Unlike other types of evaluation?which are used during the design of a learning program or applied immediately after conducting a program?confirmative evaluation follows several months after the program is implemented. It tests the endurance of outcomes, the return on investment, and establishes the effectivenss, efficiency, impact, and value of the training over time. Download DescriptionThis much-needed book offers trainers, consultants, evaluation professionals, and human resource executives and practitioners a hands-on resource for understanding and applying the proven principles of confirmative evaluation. Confirmative evaluation is a marriage of......
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Harold Prince - A Director's Journey Harold Prince
Book Description"The story of Harold Prince's career is inseparable from the history of the American musical theatre for the past 40 years...In-depth accounts of the development of landmark musicals Fiddler on the Roof, West Side Story, Cabaret, Company and Sweeney Todd will be of interest to any musical theatre buff." -American Theatre...
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Draw Now!: 30 Exercises for Beginners Ruth Glenn Little
Book DescriptionRuth Glenn Little has drawn upon her 20 years of experience teaching drawing skills and the building blocks of artistic success to create this easy-to-understand guide for beginners. Covering all the basics, Draw Now! includes: -30 easy exercises that teach progressive skills with reader-friendly instructions -A comprehensive glossary of terms -"No accessories required" lessons that allow readers to just pick up a pencil and begin learning -Encouraging writing that builds confidenceas it teaches Draw Now! is the perfect travel companion for those looking to take the first steps along the path to fulfilling their artistic dreams....
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Boomer Buildings: Mid Century Architecture Reborn Mitchell Giurgola Architects
Images Publishing Group. Book DescriptionIn an age of diminishing natural resources, architects and their clients need to know about an environmentally sustainable alternative to new construction: new life for old buildings. This book presents six case-study buildings, each morethan a generation old that were on the brink of oblivion. Mitchell/Giurgola Architects, based in New York City, worked closely with the client to determine how each project could be salvaged by incorporating updated program elements to serve a new generation of users. All six case studies present in detail how each project is analyzed, from its energy use to its mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as its structural stability. The buildings often expand in size, with a seamless melding of new and old. Contemporary curtain walls not only improve building performance, but also lend a fresh aesthetic appeal. The results are born-again buildings created for a fraction of the cost and consuming far fewer materials than a......
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Сто девяносто девять ступеней. Квинтет "Кураж". Мишель Фейбер . Книги.
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