Teacher Development: Exploring Our Own Practice (Developing Practice in Primary Education)

Janet Soler, Anna Craft, Hilary Burgess, Open University

  Teacher Development: Exploring Our Own Practice (Developing Practice in Primary Education)  Janet Soler, Anna Craft, Hilary Burgess, Open University  This selection of carefully chosen articles invites teachers to explore their own professional development and review their practice in schools. It draws together the multifaceted nature of primary teaching through a focus upon historical, cultural, and political influences and considers the impact this has upon the way primary teachers develop professional knowledge. Issues explored in the book include: changing approaches to: curriculum selection; school organization and; curriculum planning. These are situated and considered in the personal contexts of primary teachers' continuing professional development. Themes explored include: analysis of critical incidents as a strategy for developingreflective prac  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This selection of carefully chosen articles invites teachers to explore their own professional development and review their practice in schools. It draws together the multifaceted nature of primary teaching through a focus upon historical, cultural, and political influences and considers the impact this has upon the way primary teachers develop professional knowledge. Issues explored in the book include: changing approaches to: curriculum selection; school organization and; curriculum planning. These are situated and considered in the personal contexts of primary teachers' continuing professional development. Themes explored include: analysis of critical incidents as a strategy for developingreflective prac...

Computer Organization

Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky

  Computer Organization  Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky  *A comprehensive overview of hardware and software issues make this a *A comprehensive overview of hardware and software issues make this a "must-have" for electrical and computer engineers *Contains new material on RISC processors, performance analysis, multiprocessors and memory systems *New two-color design and illustrations illuminate the text...

PowerPoint 2000: Quick Reference Guide

Drew Sellers, Marc Creaghan

  PowerPoint 2000: Quick Reference Guide  Drew Sellers, Marc Creaghan  This 4 page, laminated, full-color guide is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses PowerPoint 2000! In a concise user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the software. The guide includes instructions on: View Buttons, Creating a New Presentation, Adding text and Graphics, Using the Outline Pane, Using the Slide Itself, Adding Clip Art, Moving and Copying a Graphic, Resizing a Graphic, Achieving a consistent ?Look?, Changingthe Font, Adding Charts, Changing the Chart Type, Different Chart Types, Organizational Chart, Creating a Simple Table, Adding Transitions, Preset Animation, Changing Animation, Creating Slide Shows, Displaying Your Presentation, Timing Your Presentation, Adding Speakers Notes, Printing Your Presentation, Taking Your Presentation to another Computer.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This 4 page, laminated, full-color guide is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses PowerPoint 2000! In a concise user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the software. The guide includes instructions on: View Buttons, Creating a New Presentation, Adding text and Graphics, Using the Outline Pane, Using the Slide Itself, Adding Clip Art, Moving and Copying a Graphic, Resizing a Graphic, Achieving a consistent ?Look?, Changingthe Font, Adding Charts, Changing the Chart Type, Different Chart Types, Organizational Chart, Creating a Simple Table, Adding Transitions, Preset Animation, Changing Animation, Creating Slide Shows, Displaying Your Presentation, Timing Your Presentation, Adding Speakers Notes, Printing Your Presentation, Taking Your Presentation to another Computer....

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А. Барто

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Teacher Development: Exploring Our Own Practice (Developing Practice in Primary Education). Janet Soler, Anna Craft, Hilary Burgess, Open University . Книги.

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