The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes

Christopher James

  The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes  Christopher James  ---- James brings the art of hand-coated and alternative photography to a new levelThe Book of Alternative Photographic Processes will become the new standard text for alternative hand-coated photography. -- quoted from Dick Sullivan, Founder and Co-Owner, Bostick & Sullivan. *** Photographic artists and students will welcome this full-color, comprehensive technical resource that explores every aspect of alternative photography. Written in a highly accessible style, each of the books chapters introduces the history of a technique, presents an overview of the relevant alternative or non-silver photographic process, reviews its chemistry, and provides practical guidance in how to make it work. Traditional and digital contact negative production are featured- plus an array of processes including cyanotype, Van Dyke, Kallitype, gum bichromate, platinum/palladium, Ziatype, Ambrotype, and hand-applied emulsions. *** ---- The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes is both landmark and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ---- James brings the art of hand-coated and alternative photography to a new levelThe Book of Alternative Photographic Processes will become the new standard text for alternative hand-coated photography. -- quoted from Dick Sullivan, Founder and Co-Owner, Bostick & Sullivan. *** Photographic artists and students will welcome this full-color, comprehensive technical resource that explores every aspect of alternative photography. Written in a highly accessible style, each of the books chapters introduces the history of a technique, presents an overview of the relevant alternative or non-silver photographic process, reviews its chemistry, and provides practical guidance in how to make it work. Traditional and digital contact negative production are featured- plus an array of processes including cyanotype, Van Dyke, Kallitype, gum bichromate, platinum/palladium, Ziatype, Ambrotype, and hand-applied emulsions. *** ---- The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes is both landmark and......

Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy: Political and Social Change into the 21st Century

Colin Barlow

  Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy: Political and Social Change into the 21st Century  Colin Barlow  This substantial new book examines key economic, political and social aspects of Malaysia at the turn of the new century. It covers the years of rapid growth and dramatic structural change leading up to the 1997 financial crisis, and the subsequent adjustments which enabled the economy to resume its vigorous advance. The authors critically address affirmative action policies aiming to help Malays enter the modern economy and make income distribution more equitable while reducing poverty. They look at case studies of persisting poverty amidst economic progress, and also scrutinize the development of East Malaysia with its special problems away from the center of power in Kuala Lumpur. The authors review the direction of politics after Prime Minister Mahathir, as well as exploring Malaysia?s foreign, education, and labor policies. They canvass the idea of a ?new Malay? better adapted to modern society, investigate the position of the Chinese, examine the struggle for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This substantial new book examines key economic, political and social aspects of Malaysia at the turn of the new century. It covers the years of rapid growth and dramatic structural change leading up to the 1997 financial crisis, and the subsequent adjustments which enabled the economy to resume its vigorous advance. The authors critically address affirmative action policies aiming to help Malays enter the modern economy and make income distribution more equitable while reducing poverty. They look at case studies of persisting poverty amidst economic progress, and also scrutinize the development of East Malaysia with its special problems away from the center of power in Kuala Lumpur. The authors review the direction of politics after Prime Minister Mahathir, as well as exploring Malaysia?s foreign, education, and labor policies. They canvass the idea of a ?new Malay? better adapted to modern society, investigate the position of the Chinese, examine the struggle for......

Industrial Location Economics

Philip McCann

  Industrial Location Economics  Philip McCann  Because space is not homogenous, economic activities occur in different locations. Understanding the reasons behind this and understanding exactly how industries are spatially organized is the central theme of this book. Industrial Location Economics discusses different aspects of industrial location behavior from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives. Each of the analytical traditions provides insights into the nature of industrial location behavior and the factors which can influence it. The authors, internationally renowned scholars from around the world, detail the issues and characteristics surrounding spatial economic behavior. Classical approaches to location analysis are compared and contrasted with more recent approaches in order to highlight common analytical themes and the strengths and limitations of each approach. The arguments are extended to cover questions of industrial clustering and the growth and development of cities. Finally the organization,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Because space is not homogenous, economic activities occur in different locations. Understanding the reasons behind this and understanding exactly how industries are spatially organized is the central theme of this book. Industrial Location Economics discusses different aspects of industrial location behavior from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives. Each of the analytical traditions provides insights into the nature of industrial location behavior and the factors which can influence it. The authors, internationally renowned scholars from around the world, detail the issues and characteristics surrounding spatial economic behavior. Classical approaches to location analysis are compared and contrasted with more recent approaches in order to highlight common analytical themes and the strengths and limitations of each approach. The arguments are extended to cover questions of industrial clustering and the growth and development of cities. Finally the organization,......

Execution Plain and Simple: Twelve Steps to Achieving Any Goal on Time and On Budget

Robert Neiman, Robert Neiman

  Execution Plain and Simple: Twelve Steps to Achieving Any Goal on Time and On Budget  Robert Neiman, Robert Neiman  Breakthrough ways to keep your business goals on target and on deadline A practical job aid for any manager who needs to get an organization to execute better, Execution Plain and Simple provides a proven 12-step plan to get results, overcome delays, and achieve tough goals faster. This short book will help you generate momentum toward critical goals and achieve performance breakthroughs--no matter what the goal or project. Reveals how to execute a goal on time and on budget Shows how to cut through off-target diversions, flagging enthusiasm, and active resistance Explains how to cultivate change and support growth Features case examples from clients, including General Electric, Motorola, and many others  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Breakthrough ways to keep your business goals on target and on deadline A practical job aid for any manager who needs to get an organization to execute better, Execution Plain and Simple provides a proven 12-step plan to get results, overcome delays, and achieve tough goals faster. This short book will help you generate momentum toward critical goals and achieve performance breakthroughs--no matter what the goal or project. Reveals how to execute a goal on time and on budget Shows how to cut through off-target diversions, flagging enthusiasm, and active resistance Explains how to cultivate change and support growth Features case examples from clients, including General Electric, Motorola, and many others...

United We Brand

Mike Moser

  United We Brand  Mike Moser  Five Steps to an Unforgettable Brand Today's customers face a dizzying array of choices, whether they're buying a car, choosing a school, or contributing to a charity. As a result, brand is often the critical differentiating factor in a customer'sdecision-making process. Yet for most companies, there is a yawning gap between how the brand is viewed within the company-and how it is perceived out in the world. Marketing veteran Mike Moser argues that the problem isn't that executives don't Five Steps to an Unforgettable Brand Today's customers face a dizzying array of choices, whether they're buying a car, choosing a school, or contributing to a charity. As a result, brand is often the critical differentiating factor in a customer'sdecision-making process. Yet for most companies, there is a yawning gap between how the brand is viewed within the company-and how it is perceived out in the world. Marketing veteran Mike Moser argues that the problem isn't that executives don't "get" their brand. It's that they don't know how to funnel that knowledge into a form that is easily communicated and understood by every person-whether employee, partner, customer, or investor-who comes in contact with it. In United We Brand , Moser unveils a hands-on tool he has developed over the course of two decades of branding experience with organizations ranging from brand giants like Reebok and Dell Computers to fledgling startups to nonprofit firms. The "Brand......

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The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes. Christopher James . Книги.

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