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Старик и море (аудиокнига на 3 CD) Эрнест Хемингуэй
Союз. "Читайте то, что я пишу, и не ищите ничего, кроме собственного, удовольствия. А если вы еще что-нибудь найдете, это уж будет ваш вклад в прочитанное. Не было еще хорошей книги, которая возникла бы из заранее выдуманного символа, запеченного в книгу, как изюм в сладкую булку ... Я попытался дать настоящего старика и настоящего мальчика, настоящее море и настоящую рыбу и настоящих акул. И, если мне это удалось сделать достаточно хорошо и правдиво, они, конечно, могут быть истолкованы по-разному". Э. Хемингуэй...
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Intermediate Financial Management (+ CD-ROM) Eugene F. Brigham, Phillip R. Daves
South-Western, Thomson. Comprehensive text with enough background material to refresh and reinforce earlier courses in corporate finance and enough advanced material to stimulate the most advanced learner. The predominant strengths of clarity, current coverage, and friendliness to learner and instructors continues in this new edition. Some of the areas where coverage has been expanded include corporate governance and reform, valuation, value based management, cash flow, and newly updated material on real options. The instructor's resources enable outstanding presentations and learning....
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Tarnished Eagles: The Court-Martial of Fifty Union Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels Thomas P. Lowry
17 b/w photos 6 x 9 An engaging roster of curmudgeons, drunkards, and fools From the author of The Story the Soldiers Wouldnt Tell Thomas P. Lowrys Tarnished Eagles is the first systematic look at Civil War courts-martial, and . . . it offers the surprising finding that officers, in fact, were in trouble more often than the enlisted men. . . . Lowry lets their court-martial records speak for themselves . . . while drawing some far- reaching conclusions from their experiences as a whole. William C. Davis More than 100,000 men in the Union army faced courts-martial during the years of the Civil War. In this new study, the author has chosen 50 Union colonels and lieutenant colonels to highlight the difficulties in placing civilians unfamiliar with the rigors of army life in command. For example, one colonel was so drunk he fell off his horse; another was nicknamed Stumpy because he tended to shout orders from behind a tree stump. The stories of these tragicomic characters, and of many......
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Economics for Financial Markets
Successful trading, speculating or simply making informed decisions about financial markets means it is essential to have a firm grasp of economics. Financial market behaviour revolves around economic concepts, however the majority of economic textbooks do not tell the full story. To fully understand the behaviour of financial markets it is essential to have a model that enables new information to be absorbed and analysed with some predictive implications. That model is provided by the business cycle. 'Economics for Financial Markets' takes the reader from the basics of financial market valuation to a more sophisticated understanding of the actions that traders take which ultimately drives the volatility in the financial markets. The author shows traders, investment managers, risk managers and finance professionals how to distil the flow of information and show what needs to be concentrated on, covering topics such as: * Why are financial markets subject......
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Creating Strategic Leverage: Matching Company Strengths with Market Opportunities Milind M. Lele
Not only examines how to analyze industry structure and how to determine your company's competitive position within it, but also details how to use such analysis in order to gain the competitive edge by anticipating or changing the rules of the game--even changing the game itself. Provides clear, concise solutions to some major problems such as how to describe and communicate a strategy and how to determine what's feasible and what's not, depending on your company's position. Packed with case studies from such industries as AT&T, Federal Express, United Airlines and more....
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Старик и море (аудиокнига на 3 CD). Эрнест Хемингуэй . Книги.
Белгород, Чебоксары, Бийск, Киров, Элиста, Старый Оскол, Копейск, Альметьевск, Дербент, Елец, Вологда, Курск, Москва, Северск, Невинномысск, Коломна, Кострома,
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