Trade Unions and Democracy: Strategies and Perspectives (Perspectives on Democratization)

  Trade Unions and Democracy: Strategies and Perspectives (Perspectives on Democratization)  This book explores the changing role of trade unions as products of, and agents for, democracy. Despite conventionally being portrayed as politically marginalized and in terminal decline, trade unions continue to represent a significant component of society within most industrialized countries and have demonstrated a capacity for revival and renewal in the face of difficult corcumstances. A distinguished panel of leading and emerging scholars in the field provide a critical assessment of the current role of trade unions in society, their capacity to impact on state policies in such a manner as to ensure greater accountability and fairness, and the nature and extent of internal representative democracy within the labor movement.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book explores the changing role of trade unions as products of, and agents for, democracy. Despite conventionally being portrayed as politically marginalized and in terminal decline, trade unions continue to represent a significant component of society within most industrialized countries and have demonstrated a capacity for revival and renewal in the face of difficult corcumstances. A distinguished panel of leading and emerging scholars in the field provide a critical assessment of the current role of trade unions in society, their capacity to impact on state policies in such a manner as to ensure greater accountability and fairness, and the nature and extent of internal representative democracy within the labor movement....

Divergent Paths: Hegel in Marxism and Engelsism

Norman Levine

  Divergent Paths: Hegel in Marxism and Engelsism  Norman Levine  Divergent Paths is the first in a series of three volumes that explores the historiography of the relationship between Hegel and Marx; it sets the terms of the relationship between Marx and Engels, and explores the genesis of the theories of Marxism and Engelsism from the late 19th century to the present day. Given the vast pool of contemporary post Marxist theoretical work, a study like this is sorely needed. This is the most thorough exploration of Marx's ideas from Hegel through to the present day and is absolutely essential reading.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Divergent Paths is the first in a series of three volumes that explores the historiography of the relationship between Hegel and Marx; it sets the terms of the relationship between Marx and Engels, and explores the genesis of the theories of Marxism and Engelsism from the late 19th century to the present day. Given the vast pool of contemporary post Marxist theoretical work, a study like this is sorely needed. This is the most thorough exploration of Marx's ideas from Hegel through to the present day and is absolutely essential reading....

Americans in Paris 1860-1900 (National Gallery Company)

Kathleen Adler, Erica E. Hirshler, H. Barbara Weinberg

  Americans in Paris 1860-1900 (National Gallery Company)  Kathleen Adler, Erica E. Hirshler, H. Barbara Weinberg  As the center of the art world in the late nineteenth century, Paris was a magnet for American art students and artists. They flocked to the studios of French artists like Jean-LA©on GA©rA?me, William Bouguereau, and others, dreamed of showing their work at the annual Paris Salon, and watched intently as new styles such as Impressionism began to take hold. Hardly an American painter was unaffected by developments in Paris, and even those who chose not to study there wanted their work to be affirmed by French audiences and taste makers. This beautifully illustrated book traces the role of American artists in Paris from the Salon des RefusA©s, in 1863, to the emergence of a uniquely American style of painting at the turn of the century. It includes iconic images by John Singer Sargent, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Mary Cassatt, and Winslow Homer, and by many other artists whose names and work were more widely known then than now. Engaging essays written by notable scholars...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As the center of the art world in the late nineteenth century, Paris was a magnet for American art students and artists. They flocked to the studios of French artists like Jean-LA©on GA©rA?me, William Bouguereau, and others, dreamed of showing their work at the annual Paris Salon, and watched intently as new styles such as Impressionism began to take hold. Hardly an American painter was unaffected by developments in Paris, and even those who chose not to study there wanted their work to be affirmed by French audiences and taste makers. This beautifully illustrated book traces the role of American artists in Paris from the Salon des RefusA©s, in 1863, to the emergence of a uniquely American style of painting at the turn of the century. It includes iconic images by John Singer Sargent, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Mary Cassatt, and Winslow Homer, and by many other artists whose names and work were more widely known then than now. Engaging essays written by notable scholars......

Клиническая психиатрия. Детский возраст

  Клиническая психиатрия. Детский возраст  Вышэйшая школа.   Даны эпидемиология, этиология и патогенез, клиническая картина, диагностика и лечение психических и поведенческих расстройств, возникающих у детей и подростков. Большое внимание уделяется расстройствам, обусловленным употреблением психоактивных веществ и нефармакологическим формам зависимостей, нарушениям пищевого поведения. Для студентов медицинских вузов, психиатров, наркологов, медицинских психологов, педиатров, психотерапевтов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Вышэйшая школа. Даны эпидемиология, этиология и патогенез, клиническая картина, диагностика и лечение психических и поведенческих расстройств, возникающих у детей и подростков. Большое внимание уделяется расстройствам, обусловленным употреблением психоактивных веществ и нефармакологическим формам зависимостей, нарушениям пищевого поведения. Для студентов медицинских вузов, психиатров, наркологов, медицинских психологов, педиатров, психотерапевтов....

Красное ухо

Эрик Шевийар

  Красное ухо  Эрик Шевийар  Флюид / FreeFly.   Французская линия.   Флюид / FreeFly. Французская линия. "Красное ухо" - гениальное издевательство над жанром путевых, этнологических, антропологических и так далее записок, над отношением белого человека к странам третьего мира, над тщеславием в целом и писательским, в частности. Но вместе с тем из этой книги можно многое почерпнуть о стране Мали: о ее флоре и фауне, о нравах и обычаях местных жителей, о деревнях и городах, о дорожном движении и экологии....

<<<  Why Johnny Can't Brand: Rediscovering the Lost Art of the Big Idea. ...             Патология. Джонатан Келлерман >>>

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Trade Unions and Democracy: Strategies and Perspectives (Perspectives on Democratization). . Книги.

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