Why Johnny Can't Brand: Rediscovering the Lost Art of the Big Idea

Bill Schley, Carl Nichols Jr.

  Why Johnny Can't Brand: Rediscovering the Lost Art of the Big Idea  Bill Schley, Carl Nichols Jr.  Too many companies think that splashy advertising and cool packaging is the same thing as branding. Marketers talk about brand charisma or brand warfare, spend millions on entertaining ads starring dancing chimpanzees or cowboys herding cats, but fail to differentiate their product or give consumers a real reason to pay attention. Then they wonder why their campaigns fail. This in-your-face, down-to-earth guide explains real branding: the process of creating an exclusive idea of value that consumers can trust you to deliver consistently. It offers a unique eight-week program that can help any company create a #1 brand by focusing on the one big idea that will make people really want your product or service. The same principles apply to Ford Motor Company and Frankie's Lawn & Garden shop. Schley and Nichols teach readers how to: ? abandon their precious lists of features and benefits ? focus on a simple, singular message ?...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Too many companies think that splashy advertising and cool packaging is the same thing as branding. Marketers talk about brand charisma or brand warfare, spend millions on entertaining ads starring dancing chimpanzees or cowboys herding cats, but fail to differentiate their product or give consumers a real reason to pay attention. Then they wonder why their campaigns fail. This in-your-face, down-to-earth guide explains real branding: the process of creating an exclusive idea of value that consumers can trust you to deliver consistently. It offers a unique eight-week program that can help any company create a #1 brand by focusing on the one big idea that will make people really want your product or service. The same principles apply to Ford Motor Company and Frankie's Lawn & Garden shop. Schley and Nichols teach readers how to: ? abandon their precious lists of features and benefits ? focus on a simple, singular message ?......

Income Tax Fundamentals 2005 (Income Tax Fundamentals)

Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller

  Income Tax Fundamentals 2005 (Income Tax Fundamentals)  Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller  Income Tax Fundamentals has led the market for more than twenty years with concise, practical, and current coverage of individual income tax preparation. Whittenburg and Altus-Buller's text/workbook format presents material in easy-to-digest sections wit self-checks, online quizzes and activities, multiple examples, and review problems. Income Tax Fundamentals is the perfect text for a hands-on approach to tax in many class settings, including four-year colleges, community colleges, or career schools.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Income Tax Fundamentals has led the market for more than twenty years with concise, practical, and current coverage of individual income tax preparation. Whittenburg and Altus-Buller's text/workbook format presents material in easy-to-digest sections wit self-checks, online quizzes and activities, multiple examples, and review problems. Income Tax Fundamentals is the perfect text for a hands-on approach to tax in many class settings, including four-year colleges, community colleges, or career schools....

Alternative Risk Transfer: Integrated Risk Management through Insurance, Reinsurance, and the Capital Markets (The Wiley Finance Series)

Erik Banks

  Alternative Risk Transfer: Integrated Risk Management through Insurance, Reinsurance, and the Capital Markets (The Wiley Finance Series)  Erik Banks  A practical approach to ART-an alternative method by which companies take on various types of risk This comprehensive book shows readers what ART is, how it can be used to mitigate risk, and how certain instruments/structures associated with ART should be implemented. Through numerous examples and case studies, readers will learn what actually works and what doesn't when using this technique. Erik Banks (CT) joined XL Capital's weather/energy risk management subsidiary, Element Re, as a Partner and Chief Risk Officer in 2001.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A practical approach to ART-an alternative method by which companies take on various types of risk This comprehensive book shows readers what ART is, how it can be used to mitigate risk, and how certain instruments/structures associated with ART should be implemented. Through numerous examples and case studies, readers will learn what actually works and what doesn't when using this technique. Erik Banks (CT) joined XL Capital's weather/energy risk management subsidiary, Element Re, as a Partner and Chief Risk Officer in 2001....


  Биби  Эксмо.   Смешатека.   Эксмо. Смешатека. "Смешатека" - новая серия книг со Смешариками! Простые и веселые истории обо всем на свете. Одна книжка - одна тема. Для чего нужен светофор, зачем чистить зубы, как правильно мириться... А еще на каждой странице - простые вопросы-помощники, которые помогут все хорошенько понять и запомнить....

Military Flight Aptitude Tests (Arco Military Test Tutor)

Solomon Wiener

  Military Flight Aptitude Tests (Arco Military Test Tutor)  Solomon Wiener  Admission to the military's flight training programs is very competitive. To qualify for a flight training program, candidates must earn a qualifying score on the test that pertains to their chosen branch. Military Flight Aptitude Tests provides the guidance and test preparation to qualify for military flight training with an in-depth review of each question type. Details are included about career opportunities as military pilots, flight officers, and pilots as well as information on becoming an officer. Information is also provided on each of the flight training programs: Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Army, and Navy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Admission to the military's flight training programs is very competitive. To qualify for a flight training program, candidates must earn a qualifying score on the test that pertains to their chosen branch. Military Flight Aptitude Tests provides the guidance and test preparation to qualify for military flight training with an in-depth review of each question type. Details are included about career opportunities as military pilots, flight officers, and pilots as well as information on becoming an officer. Information is also provided on each of the flight training programs: Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Army, and Navy....

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Why Johnny Can't Brand: Rediscovering the Lost Art of the Big Idea. Bill Schley, Carl Nichols Jr. . Книги.

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