Inspiring Other (Leading from the Center): What Really Motivates People (Leading from the Center)

  Inspiring Other (Leading from the Center): What Really Motivates People (Leading from the Center)  Duke Corporate Education  Duke Corporate Education  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Duke Corporate Education...

National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer

Stefan Szymanski, Andrew Zimbalist

  National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer  Stefan Szymanski, Andrew Zimbalist  National cultures are built around national pastimes. How we play helps define who we think we are. This is the story of two great sports?America's game, and the world's game. Baseball is America's game, a national obsession that remains largely North American, even though it bills its championship as the World Series. Soccer is the world's game, a sport over which no nation can claim ownership. Its World Cup is truly international and the ultimate yardstick of national self-esteem. National Pastime is the first in-depth cross-cultural comparison of these sporting passions and the mega-businesses they have become. In National Pastime , Stefan Szymanski and Andrew Zimbalist examine how organizational structures have made Major League Baseball a profitable business (notwithstanding common claims made by the owners) while soccer leagues around the world struggle to break even. They weave a rich variety of stories, anecdotes, and photos into their account...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин National cultures are built around national pastimes. How we play helps define who we think we are. This is the story of two great sports?America's game, and the world's game. Baseball is America's game, a national obsession that remains largely North American, even though it bills its championship as the World Series. Soccer is the world's game, a sport over which no nation can claim ownership. Its World Cup is truly international and the ultimate yardstick of national self-esteem. National Pastime is the first in-depth cross-cultural comparison of these sporting passions and the mega-businesses they have become. In National Pastime , Stefan Szymanski and Andrew Zimbalist examine how organizational structures have made Major League Baseball a profitable business (notwithstanding common claims made by the owners) while soccer leagues around the world struggle to break even. They weave a rich variety of stories, anecdotes, and photos into their account......

The Infamous King of the Comstock: William Sharon And the Gilded Age in the West (Wilbur S. Shepperson Series in Nevada History)

Michael J. Makley

  The Infamous King of the Comstock: William Sharon And the Gilded Age in the West (Wilbur S. Shepperson Series in Nevada History)  Michael J. Makley  William Sharon was one of the most colorful scoundrels in the nineteenth-century mining West. He epitomized the robber barons of the nation's Gilded Age and the political corruption and moral decay for which that period remains notorious, yet he was also a visionary capitalist who controlled more than a dozen of the greatest mines on Nevada's mighty Comstock Lode, built the Virginia & Truckee Railroad, manipulated speculation and prices on the San Francisco Stock Exchange, and revived the collapsed Bank of California. One enemy called him William Sharon was one of the most colorful scoundrels in the nineteenth-century mining West. He epitomized the robber barons of the nation's Gilded Age and the political corruption and moral decay for which that period remains notorious, yet he was also a visionary capitalist who controlled more than a dozen of the greatest mines on Nevada's mighty Comstock Lode, built the Virginia & Truckee Railroad, manipulated speculation and prices on the San Francisco Stock Exchange, and revived the collapsed Bank of California. One enemy called him "a thoroughly bad man?a man entirely void of principle," while a Comstock neighbor called him "one of the best men that ever lived in Virginia City." Both descriptions were reasonably accurate. In this first-ever biography of one of Nevada's most reviled historical figures, author Michael Makley examines Sharon's complex nature and the turbulent times in which he flourished. Arriving in San Francisco shortly after the Gold Rush began, Sharon......

Pharmacy Education at the University of Mississippi: Sketches, Highlights, And Memories (Pharmaceutical Heritage)

  Pharmacy Education at the University of Mississippi: Sketches, Highlights, And Memories (Pharmaceutical Heritage)  Discover the surprising history of Discover the surprising history of "Ole Miss" School of Pharmacy To mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the "Ole Miss" School of Pharmacy, noted contributors have gathered to spotlight its unique background. Pharmacy Education at the University of Mississippi: Sketches, Highlights, and Memories reviews the trials and triumphs in the fascinating history of the school, exploring a tumultuous century that included wars, social upheaval, curricular revolution, and amazing successes. This surprising?and engagingly written?book details the school's transformation from a second-rate institution to an internationally recognized program. Beyond being the first public university chartered in the state, the University of Mississippi has a long history of innovative thinking. Near the beginning of the twentieth century, the Mississippi State legislature recognized the need to adequately oversee those individuals who would dispense medicines. So, in 1908, the University......

Соколиная охота

Наталья Александрова

  Соколиная охота  Наталья Александрова  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель, Харвест.   Иронический детектив.   Криминальный авторитет по кличке Кабаныч и элегантный господин по фамилии Загряжский назначили АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель, Харвест. Иронический детектив. Криминальный авторитет по кличке Кабаныч и элегантный господин по фамилии Загряжский назначили "стрелку" в китайском ресторане. Что у них общего? Ответ: день смерти. Из ресторана обоих доставили в морг. Туда они унесли тайну своей встречи. Надежда Лебедева, детектив-любитель с большим стажем, оказалась в больнице с переломом ноги. Ночами не спалось, а окно палаты выходило прямо на морг, где разворачивались очень интересные события... Надежда стала обладателем ключа к большой тайне. Когда же ее соседку по больничной палате похитили неизвестные, Лебедева поняла, что не может оставаться в стороне......

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Inspiring Other (Leading from the Center): What Really Motivates People (Leading from the Center). Duke Corporate Education . Книги.

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