Медик. Опасные гастроли

Андрей Воронин

  Медик. Опасные гастроли  Андрей Воронин  Современный литератор.   Расследуя загадочное убийство двойника популярного артиста Андрея Данилко, капитан МВД Олег Коган открывает все новые и новые обстоятельства дела.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Современный литератор. Расследуя загадочное убийство двойника популярного артиста Андрея Данилко, капитан МВД Олег Коган открывает все новые и новые обстоятельства дела....

Рис, фасоль, чечевица. Необыкновенно полезно

  Рис, фасоль, чечевица. Необыкновенно полезно  Эксмо.   Повар и поваренок.   Рис, фасоль, чечевица мало кому представляются чем-то изысканным и вкусным. Тем не менее эти составляющие могут быть и аппетитными горячими блюдами, и незаменимы в летних салатах. Из них можно приготовить множество холодных закусок, очень вкусных супов, запеканок, гарниров. Рецепт прост: рис, фасоль или чечевица, немного пряностей, щепотка фантазии и - необыкновенно вкусное и полезное блюдо готово.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Повар и поваренок. Рис, фасоль, чечевица мало кому представляются чем-то изысканным и вкусным. Тем не менее эти составляющие могут быть и аппетитными горячими блюдами, и незаменимы в летних салатах. Из них можно приготовить множество холодных закусок, очень вкусных супов, запеканок, гарниров. Рецепт прост: рис, фасоль или чечевица, немного пряностей, щепотка фантазии и - необыкновенно вкусное и полезное блюдо готово....

Wildcats: Nemesis (Wildcats)

  Wildcats: Nemesis (Wildcats)  Robbie Morrison  Robbie Morrison  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robbie Morrison...

Programming Sudoku (Technology in Action)

Wei-Meng Lee

  Programming Sudoku (Technology in Action)  Wei-Meng Lee  Sudoku is the wildly popular new puzzle game. Sudoku puzzles are 9x9 grids, and each square in the grid consists of a 3x3 subgrid called a region. Your goal is to fill in the squares so that each column, row, and region contains the numbers 1 through 9 exactly once. And some squares already contain numbers or symbols, which lend clues toward the solution. Programming Sudoku provides you with great approaches to building and solving Sudoku and other similar puzzles. Using ingenious artificial intelligence and game theory techniques, you'll learn how to get a computer to solve these puzzles for you. This is a fun, intriguing read whether you're a novice or advanced programmer. It acknowledges the.NET platform as a base, but you'll find this book interesting whatever your programming background. The core techniques in the book enable you to solve Sudoku on any programming platform.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sudoku is the wildly popular new puzzle game. Sudoku puzzles are 9x9 grids, and each square in the grid consists of a 3x3 subgrid called a region. Your goal is to fill in the squares so that each column, row, and region contains the numbers 1 through 9 exactly once. And some squares already contain numbers or symbols, which lend clues toward the solution. Programming Sudoku provides you with great approaches to building and solving Sudoku and other similar puzzles. Using ingenious artificial intelligence and game theory techniques, you'll learn how to get a computer to solve these puzzles for you. This is a fun, intriguing read whether you're a novice or advanced programmer. It acknowledges the.NET platform as a base, but you'll find this book interesting whatever your programming background. The core techniques in the book enable you to solve Sudoku on any programming platform....

HDL Programming Fundamentals: VHDL and Verilog (Davinci Engineering)

Nazeih M Botros

  HDL Programming Fundamentals: VHDL and Verilog (Davinci Engineering)  Nazeih M Botros  Advances in semiconductor technology continue to increase the power and complexity of digital systems. To design such systems requires a strong knowledge of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), as well as the CAD tools required. Hardware Description Language (HDL) is an essential CAD tool that offers designers an efficient way for implementing and synthesizing the design on a chip. HDL Programming Fundamentals: VHDL and Verilog teaches students the essentials of HDL and the functionality of the digital components of a system. Unlike other texts, this book covers both IEEE standardized HDL languages: VHDL and Verilog. Both of these languages are widely used in industry and academia and have similar logic, but are different in style and syntax. By learning both languages students will be able to adapt to either one, or implement mixed language environments, which are gaining momentum as they combine the best features of the two...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Advances in semiconductor technology continue to increase the power and complexity of digital systems. To design such systems requires a strong knowledge of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), as well as the CAD tools required. Hardware Description Language (HDL) is an essential CAD tool that offers designers an efficient way for implementing and synthesizing the design on a chip. HDL Programming Fundamentals: VHDL and Verilog teaches students the essentials of HDL and the functionality of the digital components of a system. Unlike other texts, this book covers both IEEE standardized HDL languages: VHDL and Verilog. Both of these languages are widely used in industry and academia and have similar logic, but are different in style and syntax. By learning both languages students will be able to adapt to either one, or implement mixed language environments, which are gaining momentum as they combine the best features of the two......

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Медик. Опасные гастроли. Андрей Воронин . Книги.

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