How to Be a Happy Architect: Bauman Lyons Architects

  How to Be a Happy Architect: Bauman Lyons Architects  Irena Bauman  Irena Bauman  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Irena Bauman...

Вечер в Византии

Ирвин Шоу

  Вечер в Византии  Ирвин Шоу  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Классика.   Он - АСТ, АСТ Москва. Классика. Он - "человек кино". Человек, настолько привыкший к своему таланту и успеху, что не замечает, как в череде мимолетных интриг и интрижек, мелких уступок и компромиссов, случайных сделок с совестью талант и успех покидают его. И что же дальше - отчаянный "кризис среднего возраста" или боль прозрения и ясное, четкое осознание необходимости все начать вновь?...

Железная роза

Марша Кэнхем

  Железная роза  Марша Кэнхем  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Очарование.   Вариан Сент-Клер, аристократ до кончиков ногтей, ненавидел и презирал пиратов и считал женщин слабыми, изнеженными существами... пока однажды его не спасла от верной гибели отважная красавица Джульетта Данте - дочь знаменитого пиратского капитана, унаследовавшая и дело своего отца, и его несгибаемую гордость. Такой женщиной нельзя не восхищаться. Такую женщину нельзя не желать… Но - можно ли полюбить эту АСТ, АСТ Москва. Очарование. Вариан Сент-Клер, аристократ до кончиков ногтей, ненавидел и презирал пиратов и считал женщин слабыми, изнеженными существами... пока однажды его не спасла от верной гибели отважная красавица Джульетта Данте - дочь знаменитого пиратского капитана, унаследовавшая и дело своего отца, и его несгибаемую гордость. Такой женщиной нельзя не восхищаться. Такую женщину нельзя не желать… Но - можно ли полюбить эту "морскую королеву", зная, что любовь будет смертельно опасной?.....

From Mine to Mistress - Corporate Strategies and Government Policies in the International Diamond Industry

Chaim Even-Zohar

  From Mine to Mistress - Corporate Strategies and Government Policies in the International Diamond Industry  Chaim Even-Zohar  Mining Communications Ltd..   Secrecy clouds the entire diamond industry; its inner workings are often unclear to corporate and governmental decision-makers. Moreover, the rapid globalisation of the industry is impacting on corporate strategies, and producer-country governments are demanding domestic beneficiation. Meanwhile, the uncartelisation of the traditional monopoly structure has enhanced competition, causing a traditionally fragmented value chain to reorganise through growth or consolidation. This book is about adding value in the diamond pipeline from the mine (upstream) to the retail consumer (on the downstream side). At each level of the value chain, the revenue optimisation choices are discussed. What all decision-makers require is access to industry information, and an answer to their questions. While this book does not give all the answers, it describes the systems as they operate today, and identifies the interaction among all industry players. Taken in its entirety, this book will leave...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mining Communications Ltd.. Secrecy clouds the entire diamond industry; its inner workings are often unclear to corporate and governmental decision-makers. Moreover, the rapid globalisation of the industry is impacting on corporate strategies, and producer-country governments are demanding domestic beneficiation. Meanwhile, the uncartelisation of the traditional monopoly structure has enhanced competition, causing a traditionally fragmented value chain to reorganise through growth or consolidation. This book is about adding value in the diamond pipeline from the mine (upstream) to the retail consumer (on the downstream side). At each level of the value chain, the revenue optimisation choices are discussed. What all decision-makers require is access to industry information, and an answer to their questions. While this book does not give all the answers, it describes the systems as they operate today, and identifies the interaction among all industry players. Taken in its entirety, this book will leave......

eBoot Camp: Proven Internet Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business

Corey Perlman

  eBoot Camp: Proven Internet Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business  Corey Perlman  In this Web 2.0 era, small business owners are at a severe disadvantage because they have minimal, if any, knowledge, about Internet marketing. They also lack the budget to hire a top-notch web marketer. As a result, the thrust of their Internet marketing program is usually a poorly performing website that attracts few visitors. e Boot Camp is the solution to the entrepreneur's Internet marketing problem. This do-it-yourself book provides the know-how that's needed to win business in cyberspace while eliminating the need for a large marketing budget. In just an hour or two a week, the small business owner will gain control of his or her Internet marketing campaign, using the step-by-step method Perlman presents. Specifically, readers will learn the keys to improving their search-engine ranking (the critical driver of traffic to a Website), how to create and manage blogs and e-newsletters and, finally, the secrets to a successful, sales-driven website.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this Web 2.0 era, small business owners are at a severe disadvantage because they have minimal, if any, knowledge, about Internet marketing. They also lack the budget to hire a top-notch web marketer. As a result, the thrust of their Internet marketing program is usually a poorly performing website that attracts few visitors. e Boot Camp is the solution to the entrepreneur's Internet marketing problem. This do-it-yourself book provides the know-how that's needed to win business in cyberspace while eliminating the need for a large marketing budget. In just an hour or two a week, the small business owner will gain control of his or her Internet marketing campaign, using the step-by-step method Perlman presents. Specifically, readers will learn the keys to improving their search-engine ranking (the critical driver of traffic to a Website), how to create and manage blogs and e-newsletters and, finally, the secrets to a successful, sales-driven website....

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How to Be a Happy Architect: Bauman Lyons Architects. Irena Bauman . Книги.

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