The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Instruction (3rd Edition)

Margo A. Mastropieri, Thomas E. Scruggs

  The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Instruction (3rd Edition)  Margo A. Mastropieri, Thomas E. Scruggs  This text has a strong emphasis on inclusive teaching with a wealth of ideas and lessons for K-12 teaching strategies in the content areas. As highly respected researchers, the authors write from a fact-based perspective, which delivers proven strategies that will help both general and special education teachers instruct students with special needs most effectively. Introduces the PASS system: P rioritize objectives; A dapt materials, unique instruction, and environment; use a S ystematic teaching methodology; and develop a S ystematic plan for evaluation. Includes chapters on how to adapt instruction for math, science and social studies, language and literacy, and the arts. For readers with an interest in inclusion, mainstreaming, or an introduction to special education.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text has a strong emphasis on inclusive teaching with a wealth of ideas and lessons for K-12 teaching strategies in the content areas. As highly respected researchers, the authors write from a fact-based perspective, which delivers proven strategies that will help both general and special education teachers instruct students with special needs most effectively. Introduces the PASS system: P rioritize objectives; A dapt materials, unique instruction, and environment; use a S ystematic teaching methodology; and develop a S ystematic plan for evaluation. Includes chapters on how to adapt instruction for math, science and social studies, language and literacy, and the arts. For readers with an interest in inclusion, mainstreaming, or an introduction to special education....

Glencoe Accounting Advanced Course, Student Edition


  Glencoe Accounting Advanced Course, Student Edition  McGraw-Hill  The ultimate school-to-career connection! This program builds on the content presented in the First-Year Course. Maintaining its real-world focus, this course is designed for both college bound and vocational students alike. Students will continue to develop their skills in the real world of accounting software, through the integration of Peachtree throughout the text as an essential part of this program. Software tutorial directions are included at the point of instruction for each application.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ultimate school-to-career connection! This program builds on the content presented in the First-Year Course. Maintaining its real-world focus, this course is designed for both college bound and vocational students alike. Students will continue to develop their skills in the real world of accounting software, through the integration of Peachtree throughout the text as an essential part of this program. Software tutorial directions are included at the point of instruction for each application....

Como encuentro trabajo?/ How to find a Job?: Consejos Practicos/ Practical Advices

  Como encuentro trabajo?/ How to find a Job?: Consejos Practicos/ Practical Advices  Fernando Basurto Reyes  Fernando Basurto Reyes  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Fernando Basurto Reyes...

Organization and Systems Design: Theory of Deferred Action

Nandish V. Patel

  Organization and Systems Design: Theory of Deferred Action  Nandish V. Patel  Organization and systems are real, complex entities but the science of designing them should be simple. This book explores the process of organization and systems design by redefining and extending formalism capable of representing both purposeful structure and operational needs. The author proposes the notion of deferred action to cohere rationally designed systems with actual action. Researchers will glean radically different epistemological and ontological perspectives while designers will acquire entirely different intellectual tools, principles and mechanisms of design. Managers should learn to think of organization and systems differently and possibly change their management approach.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Organization and systems are real, complex entities but the science of designing them should be simple. This book explores the process of organization and systems design by redefining and extending formalism capable of representing both purposeful structure and operational needs. The author proposes the notion of deferred action to cohere rationally designed systems with actual action. Researchers will glean radically different epistemological and ontological perspectives while designers will acquire entirely different intellectual tools, principles and mechanisms of design. Managers should learn to think of organization and systems differently and possibly change their management approach....

Черный лед

Майкл Коннелли

  Черный лед  Майкл Коннелли  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель, Харвест.   The International Bestseller.   В рождественскую ночь в номере дешевого мотеля обнаружен труп сержанта Мура, возглавлявшего отдел по борьбе с наркотиками полицейского управления Лос-Анджелеса. Все улики, найденные на месте преступления, указывают на то, что произошло самоубийство. Но опытный детектив Гарри Босх, которому поручено расследование обстоятельств гибели Мура, уверен - сержант умер насильственной смертью. И его убийство - лишь звено в длинной цепи преступлений, тянущейся от Голливудского бульвара Лос-Анджелеса к бандам, контролирующим провоз наркотиков через мексиканскую границу...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель, Харвест. The International Bestseller. В рождественскую ночь в номере дешевого мотеля обнаружен труп сержанта Мура, возглавлявшего отдел по борьбе с наркотиками полицейского управления Лос-Анджелеса. Все улики, найденные на месте преступления, указывают на то, что произошло самоубийство. Но опытный детектив Гарри Босх, которому поручено расследование обстоятельств гибели Мура, уверен - сержант умер насильственной смертью. И его убийство - лишь звено в длинной цепи преступлений, тянущейся от Голливудского бульвара Лос-Анджелеса к бандам, контролирующим провоз наркотиков через мексиканскую границу......

<<<  Оплата труда. Порядок, правила и исключения. Л. В. Сальникова             Аз Бога Ведаю. Сергей Алексеев >>>

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The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Instruction (3rd Edition). Margo A. Mastropieri, Thomas E. Scruggs . Книги.

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