Covering Christmas

  Covering Christmas  Book DescriptionThis book was inspired by the great era of the American magazine-roughly 1910 to 1960-a time when most homes subscribed to at least several magazines. The December/Christmas issue was often the bestseller of the year; holiday covers demanded a publisher's best efforts and the results are evident. December was not a month for experimentation or weak execution, or a less than stellar artist. The nearly 100 covers collected here are both visually excellent and a pr?cis of American Christmas custom.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book was inspired by the great era of the American magazine-roughly 1910 to 1960-a time when most homes subscribed to at least several magazines. The December/Christmas issue was often the bestseller of the year; holiday covers demanded a publisher's best efforts and the results are evident. December was not a month for experimentation or weak execution, or a less than stellar artist. The nearly 100 covers collected here are both visually excellent and a pr?cis of American Christmas custom....

What the Stones Remember : A Life Rediscovered

Patrick Lane

  What the Stones Remember : A Life Rediscovered  Patrick Lane  Book DescriptionAt age sixty-five, poet Patrick Lane emerged from a lifetime of alcohol and drug addiction. He spent the first year of his sobriety close to home, tending his garden, where he cast his mind back over his life, searching for the memories he'd tried to drown in vodka. Lane has gardened for as long as he can remember, and his garden's life has become inseparable from his own. A new bloom on a plant, a skirmish among the birds, the way a tree bends in the wind, and the slow, measured change of seasons invariably bring to his mind an episode from his eventful past. In this powerful and beautifully written book, Lane offers readers an unflinching and unsentimental account of coming to one's senses in the presence of nature.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAt age sixty-five, poet Patrick Lane emerged from a lifetime of alcohol and drug addiction. He spent the first year of his sobriety close to home, tending his garden, where he cast his mind back over his life, searching for the memories he'd tried to drown in vodka. Lane has gardened for as long as he can remember, and his garden's life has become inseparable from his own. A new bloom on a plant, a skirmish among the birds, the way a tree bends in the wind, and the slow, measured change of seasons invariably bring to his mind an episode from his eventful past. In this powerful and beautifully written book, Lane offers readers an unflinching and unsentimental account of coming to one's senses in the presence of nature....

We Flew over the Bridge : The Memoirs of Faith Ringgold

Faith Ringgold

  We Flew over the Bridge : The Memoirs of Faith Ringgold  Faith Ringgold  Book DescriptionIn We Flew over the Bridge , one of the country’s preeminent African American artists?and award-winning children’s book authors?shares the fascinating story of her life. Faith Ringgold’s artworks?startling ?story quilts,? politically charged paintings, and more?hang in the Studio Museum in Harlem, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, and other major museums around the world, as well as in theprivate collections of Maya Angelou, Bill Cosby, and Oprah Winfrey. Her children’s books, including the Caldecott Honor Book Tar Beach , have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. But Ringgold’s path to success has not been easy. In this gorgeously illustrated memoir, she looks back and shares the story of her struggles, growth, and triumphs. Ringgold recollects how she had to surmount a wall of prejudices as she worked to refine her artistic vision and raise a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn We Flew over the Bridge , one of the country’s preeminent African American artists?and award-winning children’s book authors?shares the fascinating story of her life. Faith Ringgold’s artworks?startling ?story quilts,? politically charged paintings, and more?hang in the Studio Museum in Harlem, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, and other major museums around the world, as well as in theprivate collections of Maya Angelou, Bill Cosby, and Oprah Winfrey. Her children’s books, including the Caldecott Honor Book Tar Beach , have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. But Ringgold’s path to success has not been easy. In this gorgeously illustrated memoir, she looks back and shares the story of her struggles, growth, and triumphs. Ringgold recollects how she had to surmount a wall of prejudices as she worked to refine her artistic vision and raise a......

Orlando Buys a Farm (The Marmalade Cat Buys a Farm)

Kathleen Hale

  Orlando Buys a Farm (The Marmalade Cat Buys a Farm)  Kathleen Hale  Book DescriptionOrlando buys a derelict farm as a present for the kittens, and having tidied up and sorted out all the animals who have been living inside the farmhouse-pits in the parlour armchairs, hens in the plate rack and bees in the spare room-he, Grace and the kittens spend a wonderful year making butter, going to market, harvesting, lambing, and all the work of a farm. This book is especially based on Kathleen Hale's own experiences as a land girl in the First World War.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOrlando buys a derelict farm as a present for the kittens, and having tidied up and sorted out all the animals who have been living inside the farmhouse-pits in the parlour armchairs, hens in the plate rack and bees in the spare room-he, Grace and the kittens spend a wonderful year making butter, going to market, harvesting, lambing, and all the work of a farm. This book is especially based on Kathleen Hale's own experiences as a land girl in the First World War....


Steven Laird

  Charlatan  Steven Laird  Book DescriptionWith a precise eye for form and a clear love for the tone and timbre of language, Steven Laird creates a profound and surreal sense of place and time, upending it all with brilliant irony. Running through this collection is a disturbing sense that even the clearest perceptions?shaped by habits of speech and thought?can be treacherous, and standing on the highest rocks is a perilous act of faith: Walk the edge of the cliff?up here Eighty-seven feet falling sheer to the sea You are precarious, the cliff is sure? You need to be exact now. Throughout, Steven Laird teases magic from the landscape (where clouds are Book DescriptionWith a precise eye for form and a clear love for the tone and timbre of language, Steven Laird creates a profound and surreal sense of place and time, upending it all with brilliant irony. Running through this collection is a disturbing sense that even the clearest perceptions?shaped by habits of speech and thought?can be treacherous, and standing on the highest rocks is a perilous act of faith: Walk the edge of the cliff?up here Eighty-seven feet falling sheer to the sea You are precarious, the cliff is sure? You need to be exact now. Throughout, Steven Laird teases magic from the landscape (where clouds are "handwritten in loose cursive" and hills can be "read in translation") in poetry with a strong, exuberant voice?a voice that only "comes to rest / in a tambourine?s emptiness." Not even your guide can be trusted; this charlatan is no ordinary snake-oil salesman. He knows you need to name a thing before you can even......

<<<  Napoleon. Жизнь после смерти (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD). Эдвард Радзинский             География. Учебно-справочное пособие. В. В. ... >>>

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Covering Christmas. . Книги.

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