Words for School (Help for Homework)

Alison Milford

  Words for School (Help for Homework)  Alison Milford  This is a new title in Ladybird's popular This is a new title in Ladybird's popular "Help for Homework" series. It is an easy-to-use reference book, packed with useful information, which will encourage learning at home....

ЕГЭ по русскому языку. Учебно-тренировочные тесты и другие материалы для 9 класса. 2009

Т. Ю. Угроватова

  ЕГЭ по русскому языку. Учебно-тренировочные тесты и другие материалы для 9 класса. 2009  Т. Ю. Угроватова  АСТ, Астрель-СПб.   Книга содержит исчерпывающий материал для подготовки к экзамену и предназначена для работы в школе и дома. Адресована старшеклассникам и учителям.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель-СПб. Книга содержит исчерпывающий материал для подготовки к экзамену и предназначена для работы в школе и дома. Адресована старшеклассникам и учителям....

Manhattan Transfer

John E. Stith

  Manhattan Transfer  John E. Stith  Wildside Press.   MANHATTAN TRANSFER When aliens abduct New York City, carrying it into space inside a huge dome, the citizens trapped inside must find out why, what they can do to save themselves . . . and to save the dozens of other cities which the aliens have stolen from other planets. A stunning tour-de-force of science fiction storytelling, with gripping action, believable characters, and a plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat! ?Considerable ingenuity . . . Think of it as a visually spectacular movie . . . and a really outstanding, imaginative, and professional production staff and special effects crew working to bring off the big set-pieces and guarantee the thrills.? ?Locus ?Fascinating, intelligent account of people?some ordinary, some extraordinary?struggling to define and confront events that are beyond anything they have dared to imagine. One of the better surprise endings to come down the cosmos in light-years.? ?Chicago Tribune  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wildside Press. MANHATTAN TRANSFER When aliens abduct New York City, carrying it into space inside a huge dome, the citizens trapped inside must find out why, what they can do to save themselves . . . and to save the dozens of other cities which the aliens have stolen from other planets. A stunning tour-de-force of science fiction storytelling, with gripping action, believable characters, and a plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat! ?Considerable ingenuity . . . Think of it as a visually spectacular movie . . . and a really outstanding, imaginative, and professional production staff and special effects crew working to bring off the big set-pieces and guarantee the thrills.? ?Locus ?Fascinating, intelligent account of people?some ordinary, some extraordinary?struggling to define and confront events that are beyond anything they have dared to imagine. One of the better surprise endings to come down the cosmos in light-years.? ?Chicago Tribune...

New International Business English: Workbook (аудиокурс на 2 CD)

Leo Jones, Richard Alexander

  New International Business English: Workbook (аудиокурс на 2 CD)  Leo Jones, Richard Alexander  Cambridge University Press.   This bestselling course is the ideal next step for students who have completed Working in English. Fifteen topic-based units cover a wide range of business situations and the course provides frequent opportunity for discussion and thorough vocabulary development. The Workbook contains a valuable grammar review.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cambridge University Press. This bestselling course is the ideal next step for students who have completed Working in English. Fifteen topic-based units cover a wide range of business situations and the course provides frequent opportunity for discussion and thorough vocabulary development. The Workbook contains a valuable grammar review....

Geriatric Sleep Medicine (Sleep Disorders)

  Geriatric Sleep Medicine (Sleep Disorders)  More than half of the elderly have insomnia, and most times this affliction goes overlooked and untreated. Sleep disorders do not have to be an inevitable part of the aging process, and with correct diagnosis and treatment, sleep disorders are highly manageable. Basing its information on the most current medical science Geriatric Sleep Disorders focuses on diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in the elderly. Geriatric Sleep Disorders:  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин More than half of the elderly have insomnia, and most times this affliction goes overlooked and untreated. Sleep disorders do not have to be an inevitable part of the aging process, and with correct diagnosis and treatment, sleep disorders are highly manageable. Basing its information on the most current medical science Geriatric Sleep Disorders focuses on diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in the elderly. Geriatric Sleep Disorders:...

<<<  Православная энциклопедия. Том 5. Бессонов-Бонвеч.              География. Учебно-справочное пособие. В. В. ... >>>

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Words for School (Help for Homework). Alison Milford . Книги.

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