Making Sense of a Changing Economy: Technology, Markets, and Morals

Edward J. Nell, Routledge

  Making Sense of a Changing Economy: Technology, Markets, and Morals  Edward J. Nell, Routledge  Making Sense of a Changing Economy presents an unorthodox and original view of the current state of economic theory and policies. Deriding the general trend for `econobabble', the author explains the reason why conventional wisdom in economics now seems irrelevant and looks to likely future scenarios. Entertaining throughout, Nell employs a lightness of touch and wit not generally It associated with economic literature. It will appeal to those who care what is really happening in the economy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Making Sense of a Changing Economy presents an unorthodox and original view of the current state of economic theory and policies. Deriding the general trend for `econobabble', the author explains the reason why conventional wisdom in economics now seems irrelevant and looks to likely future scenarios. Entertaining throughout, Nell employs a lightness of touch and wit not generally It associated with economic literature. It will appeal to those who care what is really happening in the economy....

Mutual Gains: A Guide to Union-Management Cooperation

Edward Cohen-Rosenthal, Cynthia E. Burton

  Mutual Gains: A Guide to Union-Management Cooperation  Edward Cohen-Rosenthal, Cynthia E. Burton  "Points the way to widened worker participation, greater employment security, and improved competitiveness for workers and employers alike." William Batt, U.S. Department of Labor...

The Sunflower Forest: Ecological Restoration and the New Communion with Nature

William R. Jordan

  The Sunflower Forest: Ecological Restoration and the New Communion with Nature  William R. Jordan  Ecological restoration, the attempt to guide damaged ecosystems back to a previous, usually healthier or more natural, condition, is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most promising approaches to conservation. In this book, William R. Jordan III,who coined the term Ecological restoration, the attempt to guide damaged ecosystems back to a previous, usually healthier or more natural, condition, is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most promising approaches to conservation. In this book, William R. Jordan III,who coined the term "restoration ecology," and who is widely respected as an intellectual leader in the field, outlines a vision for a restoration-based environmentalism that has emerged from his work over twenty-five years. Drawing on a provocative range of thinkers, from anthropologists Victor Turner, Roy Rappaport, and Mary Douglas to literary critics Frederick Turner, Leo Marx, and R.W.B. Lewis, Jordan explores the promise of restoration, both as a way of reversing environmental damage and as a context for negotiating our relationship with nature. Exploring restoration not only as a technology but also as an experience and a performing art, Jordan claims that it is the indispensable key to conservation. At the same time, he......

Japan Inc.: An Introduction to Japanese Economics (Comic Book)

Shotaro Ishinomori, Alan G. Gleason

  Japan Inc.: An Introduction to Japanese Economics (Comic Book)  Shotaro Ishinomori, Alan G. Gleason  This is the second volume in Ishinomori's epic description of the Japanese economic - political system in manga (comic) book form. Deals with the banking, industrial and computer industries. Includes a chapter on economic cycles, sunspots, Kondratieff and Yoshimura cycles.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is the second volume in Ishinomori's epic description of the Japanese economic - political system in manga (comic) book form. Deals with the banking, industrial and computer industries. Includes a chapter on economic cycles, sunspots, Kondratieff and Yoshimura cycles....

The Consumer Society Reader

Juliet Schor, Douglas B. Holt, Douglas Holt

  The Consumer Society Reader  Juliet Schor, Douglas B. Holt, Douglas Holt  "We live in what may be the most consumer-oriented society in history. . . .Once a purely utilitarian chore, shopping has been elevated to the status of a national passion."--Juliet B. Schor, The Overworked American . A unique and definitive readeron our "national passion"--buying stuff--and its consequences for American society. We are citizens, owners and workers, believers and heathens, but today more than anything else we are consumers. How this came to be and its consequences for us all is the subject of this pioneering reader on the rise--and continued rise--of consumerism. The Consumer Society Reader features a range of key works on the nature and evolution of consumer society. It includes classics such as the Frankfurt School writers Adorno, Horkheimer, and Marcuse on the Culture Industry; Thorstein Veblen's oft-cited writings on "conspicuous consumption"; Betty Friedan on the housewife's central role in consumer society; and John Kenneth Galbraith's influential......

<<<  The Groves of Academe. Mary McCarthy             География. Учебно-справочное пособие. В. В. ... >>>

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Making Sense of a Changing Economy: Technology, Markets, and Morals. Edward J. Nell, Routledge . Книги.

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