The Medieval Stained Glass of Lancashire (Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Great Britain)

Penny Hebgin-Barnes

  The Medieval Stained Glass of Lancashire (Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Great Britain)  Penny Hebgin-Barnes  This is a catalogue of the pre-Gothic Revival stained glass found at 57 sites in Lancashire. Many of these are churches, but there are also domestic halls, museums, and schools. Highlights include important glazing dating from the 14th and 15th centuries at Cartmel Priory; a major window of c.1500 depicting the legend of St Helen at Ashton-under-Lyne; a sixteenth-century Seven Sacraments window at Cartmel Fell; fine imported 15th- and 16th-century continental panels at Chorley; and above all the magnificent but hitherto virtually unknown collection belonging to the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool. The introduction discusses many aspects of the stained glass of both Lancashire and the neighboring county of Cheshire: documentary sources, donors and heraldry, condition, iconography, as well as examining the style and techniques used by the glass-painters. The county's indigenous surviving glass mostly dates from the 16th century and while it is predominantly heraldic, several...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a catalogue of the pre-Gothic Revival stained glass found at 57 sites in Lancashire. Many of these are churches, but there are also domestic halls, museums, and schools. Highlights include important glazing dating from the 14th and 15th centuries at Cartmel Priory; a major window of c.1500 depicting the legend of St Helen at Ashton-under-Lyne; a sixteenth-century Seven Sacraments window at Cartmel Fell; fine imported 15th- and 16th-century continental panels at Chorley; and above all the magnificent but hitherto virtually unknown collection belonging to the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool. The introduction discusses many aspects of the stained glass of both Lancashire and the neighboring county of Cheshire: documentary sources, donors and heraldry, condition, iconography, as well as examining the style and techniques used by the glass-painters. The county's indigenous surviving glass mostly dates from the 16th century and while it is predominantly heraldic, several......

Paolo Mussat Sartor

Renato Miracco, Andrea Bellini, Paolo Sartor

  Paolo Mussat Sartor  Renato Miracco, Andrea Bellini, Paolo Sartor  The archives of Italian photographer Paolo Mussat Sartor date back to the early days of Arte Povera, when, as a friend to that movement's protagonists, he was able to capture the intimate working lives of artists such as Mario Merz, Giuseppe Penone, Giovanni Anselmo, Alighiero e Boetti, Giulio Paolini, Luciano Fabro, Jannis Kounellis, Michelangelo Pistoletto and Gilberto Zorio, and to convey the atmosphere in which their work was created. Sartor's black-and-white portraits situate their subjects emphatically, with an often formal compositional sensibility. An essential document for fans of Arte Povera and of postwar Italian art, this book also includes photographs of artists beyond that group, such as Daniel Buren, Gino de Dominicis, Luigi Mainolfi, Salvo, Luigi Ontani, Arman, Tony Cragg, Andro Wekua and Wilhelm Sasnal.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The archives of Italian photographer Paolo Mussat Sartor date back to the early days of Arte Povera, when, as a friend to that movement's protagonists, he was able to capture the intimate working lives of artists such as Mario Merz, Giuseppe Penone, Giovanni Anselmo, Alighiero e Boetti, Giulio Paolini, Luciano Fabro, Jannis Kounellis, Michelangelo Pistoletto and Gilberto Zorio, and to convey the atmosphere in which their work was created. Sartor's black-and-white portraits situate their subjects emphatically, with an often formal compositional sensibility. An essential document for fans of Arte Povera and of postwar Italian art, this book also includes photographs of artists beyond that group, such as Daniel Buren, Gino de Dominicis, Luigi Mainolfi, Salvo, Luigi Ontani, Arman, Tony Cragg, Andro Wekua and Wilhelm Sasnal....

Hobby Dobby

George Kidd

  Hobby Dobby  George Kidd  Dorby was an outgoing, precocious little boy who was always into something. Hobby Dobby is the humorous and sometimes hair-raising tales of his mishaps and misadventures, from building a homemade plane with sawmill boards, to fending off a devil-dog in the dark of the night. He learns the character of people at the country store owned and run by his grandparents. The little boy grew into the man by the name of George after leaving his boyhood home. Even now, when returning to the area, he is sent back in time and still answers to ?Dorby.? His teachers knew on record his real name, but since all his cousins and kids who knew him, which was most, used the nickname, the teachers did likewise. His given name is George. The nickname was just that?AND IT STUCK!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Dorby was an outgoing, precocious little boy who was always into something. Hobby Dobby is the humorous and sometimes hair-raising tales of his mishaps and misadventures, from building a homemade plane with sawmill boards, to fending off a devil-dog in the dark of the night. He learns the character of people at the country store owned and run by his grandparents. The little boy grew into the man by the name of George after leaving his boyhood home. Even now, when returning to the area, he is sent back in time and still answers to ?Dorby.? His teachers knew on record his real name, but since all his cousins and kids who knew him, which was most, used the nickname, the teachers did likewise. His given name is George. The nickname was just that?AND IT STUCK!...

Гипертония. Исцеление травами

Н. Заботина

  Гипертония. Исцеление травами  Н. Заботина  Ареал Принт.   Травы спасения.   Сегодня каждый второй житель России страдает гипертонией. Но лечится только каждый десятый, да и то зачастую неэффективно. Все потому, что очень немногие люди представляют себе, насколько коварно и серьезно это заболевание и какие опасные последствия влечет за собой. Инфаркт, инсульт, почечная недостаточность - все эти страшные болезни связаны с высоким давлением, на которое большинство людей просто не обращают внимания. А между тем предупредить гипертонию, контролировать ее и даже исцелить - вполне возможно! Для этого вам понадобится тонометр и простые рекомендации Надежды Заботиной, опытного фармацевта и фитотерапевта. Разумная стратегия питания, универсальные упражнения, самомассаж, необходимые лекарства и, конечно, самые эффективные целебные травяные сборы - все это вы найдете в книге Надежды Заботиной.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ареал Принт. Травы спасения. Сегодня каждый второй житель России страдает гипертонией. Но лечится только каждый десятый, да и то зачастую неэффективно. Все потому, что очень немногие люди представляют себе, насколько коварно и серьезно это заболевание и какие опасные последствия влечет за собой. Инфаркт, инсульт, почечная недостаточность - все эти страшные болезни связаны с высоким давлением, на которое большинство людей просто не обращают внимания. А между тем предупредить гипертонию, контролировать ее и даже исцелить - вполне возможно! Для этого вам понадобится тонометр и простые рекомендации Надежды Заботиной, опытного фармацевта и фитотерапевта. Разумная стратегия питания, универсальные упражнения, самомассаж, необходимые лекарства и, конечно, самые эффективные целебные травяные сборы - все это вы найдете в книге Надежды Заботиной....

Сказания о Русской Земле. Репринтное издание в четырех книгах. Книга 4

А. Нечволодов

  Сказания о Русской Земле. Репринтное издание в четырех книгах. Книга 4  А. Нечволодов  Уральское Отделение Всесоюзного Культурного Центра `Русская Энциклопедия`.   Сказания о Русской Земле, Приложения.   Репринтное воспроизведение издания 1913 года.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Уральское Отделение Всесоюзного Культурного Центра `Русская Энциклопедия`. Сказания о Русской Земле, Приложения. Репринтное воспроизведение издания 1913 года....

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The Medieval Stained Glass of Lancashire (Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Great Britain). Penny Hebgin-Barnes . Книги.

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