Best Golf Course Management Practices (2nd Edition)

L. B. McCarty

  Best Golf Course Management Practices (2nd Edition)  L. B. McCarty  Prentice Hall.   Best Golf Course Management Practices, Second Edition is the most complete and up-to-date guidebook and reference for those studying turfgrass management, including golf courses and sports fields. Written by top turfgrass scientists, this book provides in-depth information and tips on growing grass with minimum inputs. Included are chapters on the best turfgrasses for golf courses; preventing and managing environmental stresses such as cold, drought, and heat stress; golf course design and maintenance considerations for environmentally friendly turf; pest management; and irrigation water quality and quantity. The latest research and applied trends on pest control, soils and soil amendments, fertilizers and fertilization strategies, drainage, green's construction options, bentgrass/poa and bermudagrass green management, and the latest labor and budget requirements for maintaining modern golf facilities are included. FEATURING: A new chapter on budgets and personnel management Recent...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Prentice Hall. Best Golf Course Management Practices, Second Edition is the most complete and up-to-date guidebook and reference for those studying turfgrass management, including golf courses and sports fields. Written by top turfgrass scientists, this book provides in-depth information and tips on growing grass with minimum inputs. Included are chapters on the best turfgrasses for golf courses; preventing and managing environmental stresses such as cold, drought, and heat stress; golf course design and maintenance considerations for environmentally friendly turf; pest management; and irrigation water quality and quantity. The latest research and applied trends on pest control, soils and soil amendments, fertilizers and fertilization strategies, drainage, green's construction options, bentgrass/poa and bermudagrass green management, and the latest labor and budget requirements for maintaining modern golf facilities are included. FEATURING: A new chapter on budgets and personnel management Recent......

Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System

Leiyu Shi

  Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System  Leiyu Shi  Book DescriptionWritten by the authors of the widely used textbook Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach, this engaging new book gives students the most accessible and concise introduction to U.S. health care available. Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System utilizes a unique Book DescriptionWritten by the authors of the widely used textbook Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach, this engaging new book gives students the most accessible and concise introduction to U.S. health care available. Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System utilizes a unique "systems" approach that clarifies the complexities of health care organization and finance and presents a solid overview of how the various components fit together. This condensed and simplified version covers basic structures and operations of the U.S. health system -- from its historical origins and resources, to its individual services, cost, and quality....

Like No Other Time : The 107th Congress and the Two Years That Changed America Forever

Tom Daschle

  Like No Other Time : The 107th Congress and the Two Years That Changed America Forever  Tom Daschle  Book DescriptionTom Daschle, the Majority Leader of the historic 107th Senate, presents a candid insider’s account of the workings of the U.S. government during two of the most tumultuous years in the nation’s history. The 107th Congress faced a time like no other in the life of the nation. This was the era of the first presidential election to be decided by the United States Supreme Court, the fifty-fifty Senate, the horror of September 11, the anthrax attacks on media and the government (including Daschle’s own office), the war on terrorism, corporate scandals that shook the economy, the inexorable move toward war with Iraq, and other dramatic events, all leading up to the historic midterm elections of 2002. Through it all, Senator Tom Daschle had, with the exception of the President, the most privileged view of these unfolding developments, both in front of and behind the closed doors of government. In Like No Other Time , Daschle offers a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionTom Daschle, the Majority Leader of the historic 107th Senate, presents a candid insider’s account of the workings of the U.S. government during two of the most tumultuous years in the nation’s history. The 107th Congress faced a time like no other in the life of the nation. This was the era of the first presidential election to be decided by the United States Supreme Court, the fifty-fifty Senate, the horror of September 11, the anthrax attacks on media and the government (including Daschle’s own office), the war on terrorism, corporate scandals that shook the economy, the inexorable move toward war with Iraq, and other dramatic events, all leading up to the historic midterm elections of 2002. Through it all, Senator Tom Daschle had, with the exception of the President, the most privileged view of these unfolding developments, both in front of and behind the closed doors of government. In Like No Other Time , Daschle offers a......

To Punish and Protect : Against a System That Coddles Criminals

Jeanine Pirro

  To Punish and Protect : Against a System That Coddles Criminals  Jeanine Pirro  Book Description Deemed Book Description Deemed "the avenging angel of American justice" (Chris Matthews, Hardball ), Jeanine Pirro, the famed Westchester County district attorney, presents hard truths about a justice system that she believes coddles criminals at the expense of innocent victims. Taking readers inside her daily battles on behalf of victims -- from the adolescent girl forced to assume wifely duties after her father murdered her stepmother to a hardworking man shot over a parking place -- District Attorney Pirro delivers a bold indictment of the criminal justice system and lays bare the ways in which parents, communities, and the system share complicity in fostering a dangerous environment for our citizens. With the blunt courage of a woman who has spent her entire career working in a male-dominated world, Pirro demonstrates determination and compassion that will inspire anyone who has ever been a victim -- or a victim's loved one. Finally, To Punish and Protect ......

Miss Peggy Lee: A Career Chronicle

Robert Strom

  Miss Peggy Lee: A Career Chronicle  Robert Strom  Book DescriptionPeggy Lee holds a special place in the history of American popular and jazz music. From her birth on May 26, 1920, to her final recording on August 26, 1995, to the New Yorker's obituary from February of 2002, this chronological record covers every moment of her professional life. Detailed entries describe recordings (both albums and songs), radio and television appearances, her work in films, and her songwriting efforts, drawing from interviews with Lee and others, nightclub and concert reviews, and a wealth of other sources. Appendices list CD releases of Lee's recordings and the songs she composed. Illustrated with many rare photographs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPeggy Lee holds a special place in the history of American popular and jazz music. From her birth on May 26, 1920, to her final recording on August 26, 1995, to the New Yorker's obituary from February of 2002, this chronological record covers every moment of her professional life. Detailed entries describe recordings (both albums and songs), radio and television appearances, her work in films, and her songwriting efforts, drawing from interviews with Lee and others, nightclub and concert reviews, and a wealth of other sources. Appendices list CD releases of Lee's recordings and the songs she composed. Illustrated with many rare photographs....

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Best Golf Course Management Practices (2nd Edition). L. B. McCarty . Книги.

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