East Asia: The Road to Recovery

World Bank

  East Asia: The Road to Recovery  World Bank  East Asia: The Road to Recovery carefully analyzes the events that led to the current economic crisis in East Asia, the tremendous effects the crisis has had on the Asian economies, and prospects for the region's future. Chapters in the book cover the region's trade and competitiveness; the financial sector at the center of the crisis; the corporate sector's financial performance and governance; the social crisis resulting from the financial crash; protection of the environment as well as the people; andpolicies for sustainable recovery. This book not only discusses how this catastrophe could ever have taken place, but more importantly, what can be done to ensure that it won't happen again.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин East Asia: The Road to Recovery carefully analyzes the events that led to the current economic crisis in East Asia, the tremendous effects the crisis has had on the Asian economies, and prospects for the region's future. Chapters in the book cover the region's trade and competitiveness; the financial sector at the center of the crisis; the corporate sector's financial performance and governance; the social crisis resulting from the financial crash; protection of the environment as well as the people; andpolicies for sustainable recovery. This book not only discusses how this catastrophe could ever have taken place, but more importantly, what can be done to ensure that it won't happen again....

101 Ways to Make Meetings Active: Surefire Ideas to Engage Your Group

Mel Silberman, Kathy Clark

  101 Ways to Make Meetings Active: Surefire Ideas to Engage Your Group  Mel Silberman, Kathy Clark  Pfeiffer.   Say goodbye to the dull and deadly! Siberman's back-and better than ever! Think about your last meeting. Was it boring? Meetings often are. You might be yawning just thinking about it. You're not the only one! Those who attend stale meetings are as bored with them as the people responsible for running them. Pfeiffer. Say goodbye to the dull and deadly! Siberman's back-and better than ever! Think about your last meeting. Was it boring? Meetings often are. You might be yawning just thinking about it. You're not the only one! Those who attend stale meetings are as bored with them as the people responsible for running them. "Dull and deadly" is never the way to get things done. In his latest book, active training specialist Mel Silberman packs 101 tools, tips, and techniques guaranteed to brighten your next meeting. You'll move the action along while successfully fulfilling genuine business goals and objectives. This is a resource for everyone! "Mel has done it again! Use just a few of the more than 200 ideas in this gem of a book and never again will you hear 'ugh, another meeting.'"-Glenn M. Parker, team building consultant; author, Team Players and Teamwork ; co-author, Teamwork and Team play You'll get the basics on: Preparing a meeting Engaging participants......

Creating Business Value With Information Technology: Challenges and Solutions

Mamchul Shin

  Creating Business Value With Information Technology: Challenges and Solutions  Mamchul Shin  Addressing questions raised by managers and researchers over the last decade on the business value of information technology (IT), this book provides business professionals with a more precise rationale for making IT investments by detailing how computerization does not automatically create business value, but is one essential component that should be coupled with organizational changes such as new strategies, new business processes, and new organizational structures.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Addressing questions raised by managers and researchers over the last decade on the business value of information technology (IT), this book provides business professionals with a more precise rationale for making IT investments by detailing how computerization does not automatically create business value, but is one essential component that should be coupled with organizational changes such as new strategies, new business processes, and new organizational structures....

Altered Ambitions: What's Next in Your Life

Betsy Jaffe

  Altered Ambitions: What's Next in Your Life  Betsy Jaffe  Altered Ambitions offers new clues to the complexity of careers faced by professionals in our rapidly changing world. It helps you take stock, sort through ever changing options and cope with the pressures they bring. Packed with practical exercises, Altered Ambitions guides you in discovering strategic new ways to shape your life and career.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Altered Ambitions offers new clues to the complexity of careers faced by professionals in our rapidly changing world. It helps you take stock, sort through ever changing options and cope with the pressures they bring. Packed with practical exercises, Altered Ambitions guides you in discovering strategic new ways to shape your life and career....

Resources Accounting in China (Feem Series on Economics, Energy and Environment, 12)

Alessandro Lanza

  Resources Accounting in China (Feem Series on Economics, Energy and Environment, 12)  Alessandro Lanza  This volume, which brings together papers from a seminar held in Beijing in 1996, contains contributions written by Chinese participants as well as by visiting experts from the West. The different experience of the several authors is represented in the unique balance of the book: all the Chinese contributions point out the importance of the environment in economic development, expressing a determination to measure effects as a means to the successful management of natural resources. They concentrate on rather specific issues within the constraints of the prevailing economic situation, where identification and asset pricing tend to be specified by administrative norms. Several of these papers contain interesting and useful statistical information. The papers by the visiting experts also stress the importance of taking account of environmental aspects in deriving indicators relating to economic development. All the papers, however, reveal that work in this area is still evolving very...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume, which brings together papers from a seminar held in Beijing in 1996, contains contributions written by Chinese participants as well as by visiting experts from the West. The different experience of the several authors is represented in the unique balance of the book: all the Chinese contributions point out the importance of the environment in economic development, expressing a determination to measure effects as a means to the successful management of natural resources. They concentrate on rather specific issues within the constraints of the prevailing economic situation, where identification and asset pricing tend to be specified by administrative norms. Several of these papers contain interesting and useful statistical information. The papers by the visiting experts also stress the importance of taking account of environmental aspects in deriving indicators relating to economic development. All the papers, however, reveal that work in this area is still evolving very......

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East Asia: The Road to Recovery. World Bank . Книги.

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