Ранетки. Анкета с тату

Анна Володина

  Ранетки. Анкета с тату  Анна Володина  Росмэн-Пресс.   Ранетки.   Издание представляет собой анкету, основанную на литературном сценарии телевизионного сериала Росмэн-Пресс. Ранетки. Издание представляет собой анкету, основанную на литературном сценарии телевизионного сериала "Ранетки". К анкете прилагается лист с переводными татуировками....

Робинзон Крузо

Даниэль Дефо

  Робинзон Крузо  Даниэль Дефо  АСТ, Астрель.   Читаем дома.   Робинзон Крузо, отважный мореплаватель, стал жертвой кораблекрушения и попал на необитаемый остров. С помощью спасенных с утонувшего корабля вещей - съестных припасов, оружия, посуды и плотничьих инструментов - Робинзон начал новую жизнь на острове. Много суровых испытаний выпало на долю Робинзона, но он с мужеством преодолел все трудности. Спустя 28 лет счастливый случай помог Робинзону Крузо вернуться на родину и рассказать эту захватывающую историю! Книга адресована детям младшего школьного возраста. Адаптированный текст М.Тарловского.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Читаем дома. Робинзон Крузо, отважный мореплаватель, стал жертвой кораблекрушения и попал на необитаемый остров. С помощью спасенных с утонувшего корабля вещей - съестных припасов, оружия, посуды и плотничьих инструментов - Робинзон начал новую жизнь на острове. Много суровых испытаний выпало на долю Робинзона, но он с мужеством преодолел все трудности. Спустя 28 лет счастливый случай помог Робинзону Крузо вернуться на родину и рассказать эту захватывающую историю! Книга адресована детям младшего школьного возраста. Адаптированный текст М.Тарловского....

Overcoming Katrina: African American Voices from the Crescent City and Beyond (Palgrave Studies in Oral History)

D'Ann R. Penner, Keith C. Ferdinand

  Overcoming Katrina: African American Voices from the Crescent City and Beyond (Palgrave Studies in Oral History)  D'Ann R. Penner, Keith C. Ferdinand  Overcoming Katrina tells the stories of 27 New Orleanians as they fought to survive Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Their oral histories offer first-hand experiences: three days on a roof with Navy veteran Leonard Smith; at the convention center with waitress Eleanor Thornton; and with Willie Pitford, an elevator man, as he rescued 150 people in New Orleans East. Overcoming approaches the question of why New Orleans matters, from perspectives of the individuals who lived, loved, worked, and celebrated life and death there prior to being scattered across the country by Hurricane Katrina. This book's twenty-seven narrators range from Mack Slan, a conservative businessman who disparages the younger generation for not sharing his ability to make Overcoming Katrina tells the stories of 27 New Orleanians as they fought to survive Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Their oral histories offer first-hand experiences: three days on a roof with Navy veteran Leonard Smith; at the convention center with waitress Eleanor Thornton; and with Willie Pitford, an elevator man, as he rescued 150 people in New Orleans East. Overcoming approaches the question of why New Orleans matters, from perspectives of the individuals who lived, loved, worked, and celebrated life and death there prior to being scattered across the country by Hurricane Katrina. This book's twenty-seven narrators range from Mack Slan, a conservative businessman who disparages the younger generation for not sharing his ability to make "good, rational decisions," to Kalamu ya Salaam, who was followed by the New Orleans Police Department for several years as a militant defender of Black Power in the late 1960s and '70s. These narratives are memorials to the corner stores,......

Visceral Pain: Clinical, Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Aspects

  Visceral Pain: Clinical, Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Aspects  Visceral pain, or pain in the internal organs, is often quite difficult for the clinician to recognize promptly as its characteristics are often atypical and vary with time. Patients with visceral pain also often present with concurrent painful conditions in more than one internal organ; this can give rise to an intricate complex of symptoms which can be misleading if not accurately evaluated. Also, despite its frequency, the mechanisms behind pain in the internal organs are not fully understood, and this impacts negatively on therapy. This concise pocketbook addresses the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the major visceral pain phenomena, the fundamentals of their neurophysiological mechanisms and the principles of their treatment. It also provides overviews of current diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines on the conditions most commonly associated with visceral pain.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Visceral pain, or pain in the internal organs, is often quite difficult for the clinician to recognize promptly as its characteristics are often atypical and vary with time. Patients with visceral pain also often present with concurrent painful conditions in more than one internal organ; this can give rise to an intricate complex of symptoms which can be misleading if not accurately evaluated. Also, despite its frequency, the mechanisms behind pain in the internal organs are not fully understood, and this impacts negatively on therapy. This concise pocketbook addresses the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the major visceral pain phenomena, the fundamentals of their neurophysiological mechanisms and the principles of their treatment. It also provides overviews of current diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines on the conditions most commonly associated with visceral pain....

Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia (Being the Adventures of Prince Prigio's Son)

Andrew Lang

  Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia (Being the Adventures of Prince Prigio's Son)  Andrew Lang  Andrew Lang (1844-1912) was a prolific Scots man of letters, a poet, novelist, literary critic and contributor to anthropology. He now is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales. He was educated at the Edinburgh Academy, St Andrews University and at Balliol College, Oxford. As a journalist, poet, critic and historian, he soon made a reputation as one of the ablest and most versatile writers of the day. Lang was one of the founders of the study of Andrew Lang (1844-1912) was a prolific Scots man of letters, a poet, novelist, literary critic and contributor to anthropology. He now is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales. He was educated at the Edinburgh Academy, St Andrews University and at Balliol College, Oxford. As a journalist, poet, critic and historian, he soon made a reputation as one of the ablest and most versatile writers of the day. Lang was one of the founders of the study of "Psychical Research, " and his other writings on anthropology include The Book of Dreams and Ghosts (1897), Magic and Religion (1901) and The Secret of the Totem (1905). He was a Homeric scholar of conservative views. Other works include Homer and the Epic (1893); a prose translation of The Homeric Hymns (1899), with literary and mythological essays in which he draws parallels between Greek myths and other mythologies; and Homer and his Age (1906). He also wrote Ballades in Blue China (1880) and Rhymes a la Mode (1884)....

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Ранетки. Анкета с тату. Анна Володина . Книги.

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