Richard Neutra: And The Search for Modern Architecture

Thomas S. Hines

  Richard Neutra: And The Search for Modern Architecture  Thomas S. Hines  Richard Neutra's work, his life experience, and his search for modern architecture coincided neatly with the lifespan of the modern movement. He experienced the buoyant struggles of the movement's early years, the heady triumph of its mid-century ascendancy, and the critique it faced in the 1960s and 1970s. His reputation enjoyed a resurgence that was hard to predict when Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture was first published over twenty years ago. In his seminal critical biography of this modernist master, Thomas S. Hines explores the efforts of Neutra and his modernist contemporaries to find the forms that would be most expressive of the twentieth century. In researching this classic of architectural scholarship, Hines enjoyed unparalleled access to the Neutra archives. Its collection of outstanding black-and-white photography includes a remarkable cache of photographs taken by Julius Shulman-the undisputed master of twentieth-century architectural...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Richard Neutra's work, his life experience, and his search for modern architecture coincided neatly with the lifespan of the modern movement. He experienced the buoyant struggles of the movement's early years, the heady triumph of its mid-century ascendancy, and the critique it faced in the 1960s and 1970s. His reputation enjoyed a resurgence that was hard to predict when Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture was first published over twenty years ago. In his seminal critical biography of this modernist master, Thomas S. Hines explores the efforts of Neutra and his modernist contemporaries to find the forms that would be most expressive of the twentieth century. In researching this classic of architectural scholarship, Hines enjoyed unparalleled access to the Neutra archives. Its collection of outstanding black-and-white photography includes a remarkable cache of photographs taken by Julius Shulman-the undisputed master of twentieth-century architectural......

Special Packaging Designs (Agile Rabbit Editions S.)

  Special Packaging Designs (Agile Rabbit Editions S.)  Packaging is an important factor in any retail environment and a key element in most marketing strategies. Consumers react immediately to package shapes, and are influenced by them when making buying decisions. Different product categories are often easy to recognize by their characteristic form, for example chocolate boxes or milk cartons. On the other hand, a manufacturer of an exclusive product, such as jewellery or perfume, may deliberately choose an unusual, eye-catching form.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Packaging is an important factor in any retail environment and a key element in most marketing strategies. Consumers react immediately to package shapes, and are influenced by them when making buying decisions. Different product categories are often easy to recognize by their characteristic form, for example chocolate boxes or milk cartons. On the other hand, a manufacturer of an exclusive product, such as jewellery or perfume, may deliberately choose an unusual, eye-catching form....

Donata: Islands of Silence

  Donata: Islands of Silence  Although she has spent many years assisting her husband, filmmaker Wim Wenders, Donata Wenders is a celebrated photographer in her own right. Her access to some of the most important creative figures of our day?musicians, artists, actors, and dancers?has given her opportunities to catch her famous subjects in rare moments of unselfconsciousness. Presented in an elegant package that features a linen jacket and gold embossing, these sumptuous black-and-white images of celebrities and ordinary people illustrate moments of exquisite contemplation, which she likens to Although she has spent many years assisting her husband, filmmaker Wim Wenders, Donata Wenders is a celebrated photographer in her own right. Her access to some of the most important creative figures of our day?musicians, artists, actors, and dancers?has given her opportunities to catch her famous subjects in rare moments of unselfconsciousness. Presented in an elegant package that features a linen jacket and gold embossing, these sumptuous black-and-white images of celebrities and ordinary people illustrate moments of exquisite contemplation, which she likens to "islands of silence." Accompanied by essays from novelist Siri Hustvedt and critic Mark Gisbourne, these glimpses of everyday life remind us of the world we all inhabit, regardless of our fame....

Investing with Anthony Bolton: The Anatomy of a Stock Market Phenomenon

Johnathan Davis

  Investing with Anthony Bolton: The Anatomy of a Stock Market Phenomenon  Johnathan Davis  Who is the most successful investment manager in Britain? Arguments could rage forever, but no professional would dispute that Anthony Bolton of Fidelity is among the very best. #1,000 invested in his Special Situations fund at its launch in 1979 would today be worth more than #80,000. No other mainstream UK fund manager has put together such a consistently impressive performance over such a long period. The 80-fold increase represents an average compound growth rate of 19.9% per annum, or 6% per annum more than the FTSE All-Share Index over the same period. This track record is every bit as good as that recorded by American investment superstars such as Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. Fidelity Special Situations fund is now the largest and most popular fund in the UK, with more than #3.6 billion of assets.What are the secrets of Bolton's success? In this important new book, published to coincide with the 25th anniversary of its launch, Jonathan Davis, investment columnist of The...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Who is the most successful investment manager in Britain? Arguments could rage forever, but no professional would dispute that Anthony Bolton of Fidelity is among the very best. #1,000 invested in his Special Situations fund at its launch in 1979 would today be worth more than #80,000. No other mainstream UK fund manager has put together such a consistently impressive performance over such a long period. The 80-fold increase represents an average compound growth rate of 19.9% per annum, or 6% per annum more than the FTSE All-Share Index over the same period. This track record is every bit as good as that recorded by American investment superstars such as Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. Fidelity Special Situations fund is now the largest and most popular fund in the UK, with more than #3.6 billion of assets.What are the secrets of Bolton's success? In this important new book, published to coincide with the 25th anniversary of its launch, Jonathan Davis, investment columnist of The......

Музей нонконформистского искусства. Музей изобразительных искусств республики Карелия. Е. Орлов, Ю. Линник, Д. Тронкали

  Музей нонконформистского искусства. Музей изобразительных искусств республики Карелия. Е. Орлов, Ю. Линник, Д. Тронкали  ДЕАН, Святослав.   Дорога, Саморазвивающийся квадрат, Геометрия пространства, О цвете, как о свете, Orloviana (венок сонетов), На темы картин Евгения Орлова (цикл стихотворений), Озарения (конспект монографии), Состояния (поэма), Истинная вода Вселенной: ощущение источника бытия в творчестве Евгения Орлова.   В этом альбоме сведены воедино российский художник Евгений Орлов, карельский писатель Юрий Линник и американский литературовед и искусствовед Джозеф Тронкали. Их связывает вместе общий интерес к нонконформистскому искусству. В книге показана роль каждого из них в развитии этого направления искусства, даны их краткие биографии и представлено их творчество. Альбом содержит цветные и тоновые иллюстрации работ Евгения Орлова и фотографии, сделанные Геннадием Орловым, Вячеславом Алферовым, Галиной Корневой, Вальмонтом Аникул и самим художником.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ДЕАН, Святослав. Дорога, Саморазвивающийся квадрат, Геометрия пространства, О цвете, как о свете, Orloviana (венок сонетов), На темы картин Евгения Орлова (цикл стихотворений), Озарения (конспект монографии), Состояния (поэма), Истинная вода Вселенной: ощущение источника бытия в творчестве Евгения Орлова. В этом альбоме сведены воедино российский художник Евгений Орлов, карельский писатель Юрий Линник и американский литературовед и искусствовед Джозеф Тронкали. Их связывает вместе общий интерес к нонконформистскому искусству. В книге показана роль каждого из них в развитии этого направления искусства, даны их краткие биографии и представлено их творчество. Альбом содержит цветные и тоновые иллюстрации работ Евгения Орлова и фотографии, сделанные Геннадием Орловым, Вячеславом Алферовым, Галиной Корневой, Вальмонтом Аникул и самим художником....

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Richard Neutra: And The Search for Modern Architecture. Thomas S. Hines . Книги.

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