The Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze Omnibus: Comprising Poverty and Famines, Hunger and Public Action, and India : Economic Development and Social Opportunity

Amartya Kumar Sen, Amartya Sen, Jean Dreze

  The Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze Omnibus: Comprising Poverty and Famines, Hunger and Public Action, and India : Economic Development and Social Opportunity  Amartya Kumar Sen, Amartya Sen, Jean Dreze  The Sen and Dreze omnibus comprises three outstanding works by two of the world's finest economists. The volume is a trilogy on the causes of hunger, the role public action can play in its alleviation, and the Indian experience in this context. Together the three works provide a comprehensive theoretical and empirical analysis of relevant developmental issues.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Sen and Dreze omnibus comprises three outstanding works by two of the world's finest economists. The volume is a trilogy on the causes of hunger, the role public action can play in its alleviation, and the Indian experience in this context. Together the three works provide a comprehensive theoretical and empirical analysis of relevant developmental issues....

Telecosm: The World After Bandwidth Abundance

George Gilder

  Telecosm: The World After Bandwidth Abundance  George Gilder  The guru of high technology and a man whose The guru of high technology and a man whose "slightest utterance can move stocks" (The Wall Street Journal) presents a clear, cogent vision of the future of telecommunications; what it will mean in our everyday lives; and how savvy investors can get on the bandwagon today. With his books (including the groundbreaking Microcosm), top-selling newsletter, testimony before Congress, and annual Telecosm conferences, George Gilder has become the premier prophet of bandwidth and connectivity. In this revised version of Telecosm, Gilder takes technology buffs and investors on a mind-bending tour inside the worldwide webs of glass and light, explaining how fiber optics and wireless breakthroughs are pushing new technologies and new companies to the fore....

Stochastic Optimization in Continuous Time

Fwu-Ranq Chang

  Stochastic Optimization in Continuous Time  Fwu-Ranq Chang  Most of the current books on stochastic control theory are written for students in mathematics or finance. This introduction is designed, however, for those interested in the relevance and applications of the theory's mathematical principles to economics. Therefore, mathematical methods are discussed intuitively and illustrated with economic examples. More importantly, mathematical concepts are introduced in language and terminology familiar to graduate students in economics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most of the current books on stochastic control theory are written for students in mathematics or finance. This introduction is designed, however, for those interested in the relevance and applications of the theory's mathematical principles to economics. Therefore, mathematical methods are discussed intuitively and illustrated with economic examples. More importantly, mathematical concepts are introduced in language and terminology familiar to graduate students in economics....

A Practical Guide to Planning for E-Business Success: How to E-enable Your Enterprise

Anita Cassidy

  A Practical Guide to Planning for E-Business Success: How to E-enable Your Enterprise  Anita Cassidy  News of the Web's demise has been greatly exaggerated. The Internet continues to impact our lives and how we do business. It has the power to transform entire industries and create new ones, challenge industry leaders, and enable businesses in entirely new ways. The question is no longer will you participate in the Internet revolution, but when and how. Rather than talking Internet hype, A Practical Guide to Planning for E-Business Success shows you how to do it - and do it right - from beginning to end.The only thing worse than no e-business presence is a bad e-business presence. Well-known authority Anita Cassidy explores using Internet technology to redefine and enable your business in entirely new ways. She provides a step-by-step process for developing and implementing a solid e-business strategy. She gives you examples, checklists, FAQs, and templates that help you begin and steer you in the right direction. Research shows that despite the bust e-commerce is booming....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин News of the Web's demise has been greatly exaggerated. The Internet continues to impact our lives and how we do business. It has the power to transform entire industries and create new ones, challenge industry leaders, and enable businesses in entirely new ways. The question is no longer will you participate in the Internet revolution, but when and how. Rather than talking Internet hype, A Practical Guide to Planning for E-Business Success shows you how to do it - and do it right - from beginning to end.The only thing worse than no e-business presence is a bad e-business presence. Well-known authority Anita Cassidy explores using Internet technology to redefine and enable your business in entirely new ways. She provides a step-by-step process for developing and implementing a solid e-business strategy. She gives you examples, checklists, FAQs, and templates that help you begin and steer you in the right direction. Research shows that despite the bust e-commerce is booming.......

Strategic Planning : A Practical Guide

Peter J. Rea, Harold Kerzner

  Strategic Planning : A Practical Guide  Peter J. Rea, Harold Kerzner  Strategic Planning A Practical Guide Peter Rea, Ph.D., Harold Kerzner, Ph.D. In today?s business world, now more than ever, the only constant is change. With technology producing a steady stream of innovations, consumer preferences shifting rapidly,and world-wide free trade increasing, successful managers face a growing challenge to remain a step ahead of the future. From business students to corporate managers, anyone interested in this discipline will find no resource more insightful and engagingthan Strategic Planning: A Practical Guide. From their extensive experience consulting with Fortune 500 companies, Rea and Kerzner have succeeded in crafting the definitive introduction to strategic planning and management policy and strategy?from the grass-roots principles to the practical applications utilized by organizations today. Examining the integral roles of finance, marketing, learning curves, research and development, inventory control, and manufacturing techniques,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic Planning A Practical Guide Peter Rea, Ph.D., Harold Kerzner, Ph.D. In today?s business world, now more than ever, the only constant is change. With technology producing a steady stream of innovations, consumer preferences shifting rapidly,and world-wide free trade increasing, successful managers face a growing challenge to remain a step ahead of the future. From business students to corporate managers, anyone interested in this discipline will find no resource more insightful and engagingthan Strategic Planning: A Practical Guide. From their extensive experience consulting with Fortune 500 companies, Rea and Kerzner have succeeded in crafting the definitive introduction to strategic planning and management policy and strategy?from the grass-roots principles to the practical applications utilized by organizations today. Examining the integral roles of finance, marketing, learning curves, research and development, inventory control, and manufacturing techniques,......

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The Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze Omnibus: Comprising Poverty and Famines, Hunger and Public Action, and India : Economic Development and Social Opportunity. Amartya Kumar Sen, Amartya Sen, Jean Dreze . Книги.

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