На шаг сзади

Хеннинг Манкелль

  На шаг сзади  Хеннинг Манкелль  Иностранка.   Лекарство от скуки.   Летней ночью накануне Иванова дня в Хагестадском национальном парке собирается группа молодежи. Две девушки и парень, нарядившиеся в костюмы восемнадцатого века, пьют вино и распевают старинные застольные песни. В разгар веселья кто-то методично расстреливает из-за кустов всех троих. Трупы молодых людей бесследно исчезают, а через два месяца вдруг обнаруживаются на месте убийства. Что это - выходка сумасшедшего или хладнокровный вызов, брошенный полиции, которая не в состоянии раскрыть преступление?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Иностранка. Лекарство от скуки. Летней ночью накануне Иванова дня в Хагестадском национальном парке собирается группа молодежи. Две девушки и парень, нарядившиеся в костюмы восемнадцатого века, пьют вино и распевают старинные застольные песни. В разгар веселья кто-то методично расстреливает из-за кустов всех троих. Трупы молодых людей бесследно исчезают, а через два месяца вдруг обнаруживаются на месте убийства. Что это - выходка сумасшедшего или хладнокровный вызов, брошенный полиции, которая не в состоянии раскрыть преступление?...

Леонид Леонов. Собрание сочинений в девяти томах. Том 2

Леонид Леонов

  Леонид Леонов. Собрание сочинений в девяти томах. Том 2  Леонид Леонов  Государственное издательство художественной литературы.   Леонид Леонов. Собрание сочинений в девяти томах.   Во второй том Собрания сочинений включен роман Государственное издательство художественной литературы. Леонид Леонов. Собрание сочинений в девяти томах. Во второй том Собрания сочинений включен роман "Барсуки"....

How to Start a Business in Texas (Legal Survival Guides)

Traci Truly

  How to Start a Business in Texas (Legal Survival Guides)  Traci Truly  Book DescriptionStarting your own business can be intimidating and overwhelming. How to Start a Business in Texas makes the process easier and more manageable. How to Start a Business in Texas is a comprehensive aid to starting and running your own business. This book covers everything from employment agreements to finding financial support. There are contract laws listed, as well as ways to protect your business from liability and fraud. There is also an easy-to-understand explanation of how to determine what form of business is best suited for you. Written by attorneys, this book will guide you through the creation of your own business, while avoiding hassle and worry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionStarting your own business can be intimidating and overwhelming. How to Start a Business in Texas makes the process easier and more manageable. How to Start a Business in Texas is a comprehensive aid to starting and running your own business. This book covers everything from employment agreements to finding financial support. There are contract laws listed, as well as ways to protect your business from liability and fraud. There is also an easy-to-understand explanation of how to determine what form of business is best suited for you. Written by attorneys, this book will guide you through the creation of your own business, while avoiding hassle and worry....

Sacred Architecture

A.T. Mann

  Sacred Architecture  A.T. Mann  Book Description Ever since the cave dwellers, we have honored and acknowledged our spiritual roots in stone, wood, and iron, constructing sacred places that reflect our faith and wonder. Provided in this reference are the world's most spectacular examples of sacred architecture, on display in hundreds of color and black-and-white photographs and illustrations. Istanbul's spectacular Blue Mosque, the towering spires of Notre Dame, the Temple at Luxor, Native American sweat lodges, and many other examples of sacred architecture are represented, with accompanying text that places each structure in its proper theological context. Natural cathedrals are also featured, including the stone circles of England's Lake District and the slopes of Japan's Mount Fuji, making this a rich and encompassing study of our most sacred places.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Ever since the cave dwellers, we have honored and acknowledged our spiritual roots in stone, wood, and iron, constructing sacred places that reflect our faith and wonder. Provided in this reference are the world's most spectacular examples of sacred architecture, on display in hundreds of color and black-and-white photographs and illustrations. Istanbul's spectacular Blue Mosque, the towering spires of Notre Dame, the Temple at Luxor, Native American sweat lodges, and many other examples of sacred architecture are represented, with accompanying text that places each structure in its proper theological context. Natural cathedrals are also featured, including the stone circles of England's Lake District and the slopes of Japan's Mount Fuji, making this a rich and encompassing study of our most sacred places....

Christian Moller: A Time and Place

Christian Moller

  Christian Moller: A Time and Place  Christian Moller  Book Description Book Description"A Time and Place" describes a fascinating balancing act between the analogue and digital worlds, performed by Christian Moeller, a trained architect operating as an experimental creative force. A lavishly illustrated report on the extensive body of work output by Moeller between 1991 and 2003, this monograph mixes book and internet pages allowing printed matter and time-based elements to link up and form a whole that embraces both media, consistently and with little redundancy. Cleverly designed alongside an elaborate new media equivalent available only on the internet, "A Time and Place" asks to be read in front of an on-line computer, so that the texts, drawings, and photographs that appear in the book can form a meaningful complement to the digitized sequences of image and sound posted on the web....

<<<  Руководство по хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии. В ...             Миф о вечной империи и Третий рейх. Артур Меллер ван ден Брук, Андрей Васильченко >>>

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На шаг сзади. Хеннинг Манкелль . Книги.

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