Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work & Learning

Craig Prichard

  Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work & Learning  Craig Prichard  This book questions the naive, self interested and popularized messages that surround knowledge work and knowledge management. Case studies highlight the politics of new communications technologies which are frequently offered as a means for managing knowledge in the workplace.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book questions the naive, self interested and popularized messages that surround knowledge work and knowledge management. Case studies highlight the politics of new communications technologies which are frequently offered as a means for managing knowledge in the workplace....

Management by Vice : A Humorous Satire on R&D Life in a Fictitious Company

C.B. Don

  Management by Vice : A Humorous Satire on R&D Life in a Fictitious Company  C.B. Don  A business humor book with a perspective unlike any other to date. A unique and thoroughly enjoyable science/management satire, A business humor book with a perspective unlike any other to date. A unique and thoroughly enjoyable science/management satire, "Management by Vice" is a hilarious new book by C.B. Don that portrays the rarely disclosed scientist-versus-manager relationship in a fictitious high-tech firm dubbed "The Company". It is written from the viewpoint of the technical staff and unlike most business tomes, it offers no didactic workplace advice, nor does it analyze the latest managerial methods. Although serious issues are covered, such as inequities in profit sharing, patent authorship, pilfering of innovative concepts, abuse of authority and grievance proceedings, the reader will primarily be highly entertained and delighted by: (1) Unforgettable characters from the flippant CEO more interested in sailing than sales to his assortment of bungling managers, who are expert at mismanaging even the most promising research projects, to the misunderstood and down-trodden R&D scientists laboring......

The New Retirement How To Secure Financial Freedom And Live Out Your Dreams

Dan Benson

  The New Retirement How To Secure Financial Freedom And Live Out Your Dreams  Dan Benson  In The New Retirement , Dan Benson helps you answer the question, In The New Retirement , Dan Benson helps you answer the question, "How do I make the money last while making the most of the rest of my life?" and puts you on the road to a financially free "New Retirement." Your future will seem brighter as you discover fresh, creative ways to become financially secure while staying young at heart, strong of body, and keen of mind....

A Practical Guide to Inspecting Exteriors

Roy Newcomber, Roy Newcomer

  A Practical Guide to Inspecting Exteriors  Roy Newcomber, Roy Newcomer  Information for the inspector, investor, appraiser, home buyer, home owner and handyman regarding exteriors  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Information for the inspector, investor, appraiser, home buyer, home owner and handyman regarding exteriors...

The Illustrated Guide to PSpice for windows

Robert Lamey

  The Illustrated Guide to PSpice for windows  Robert Lamey  A technicians and technologist's guide to using PSpice circuit.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A technicians and technologist's guide to using PSpice circuit....

<<<  Mastering the Instructional Design Process : A Systematic ...             Миф о вечной империи и Третий рейх. Артур Меллер ван ден Брук, Андрей Васильченко >>>

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Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work & Learning. Craig Prichard . Книги.

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