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Альманах программиста. Том 4. Безопасность в Microsoft .NET
Русская Редакция. Альманах программиста. От составителя, Шифрование, Шифрование. Пространство имен Cryptography в .NET Framework, Шифрование. Защита данных с помощью Advanced Encryption Standard, Безопасный код. Хэширование паролей, атрибут AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers, .NET Remoting. Защита трафика .NET Remoting с помощью приемников каналов асимметричного шифрования, Защита кода и данных, Защита в .NET. Сервисы признаков, политик, разрешений и применения политик в инфраструктуре CLR, Принципы безопасного кодирования для .NET Framework, Безопасный код. Обзор расширений S4U Kerberos в Windows Server 2003, Защита в IIS 6.0. Новые средства IIS надежно защищают информацию и серверные процессы, Авторизация. Ролевая защита на основе Authorization Manager в .NET-приложениях на промежуточном уровне, Безопасность. Защита SOAP-пакетов на основе WS-Security и приемников каналов Remoting, Оценка уязвимостей. Полезные советы по выявлению уязвимостей в вашем коде, Затемнение кода. Пресечение попыток обратного проектирования вашего кода.... Альманах представляет собой тематическую подборку статей из журнала MSDN Magazine/Русская Редакция. Издание адресовано широкому кругу программистов, интересующихся современными и перспективными информационными технологиями. Четвертый том альманаха, посвященный проблемам безопасности, состоит из двух тематических рубрик, содержащих 16 статей. В этих статьях рассматриваются такие вопросы, как шифрование и защита данных и кода на платформе 2003....
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Love and Money: A Life Guide to Financial Success Jeff D. Opdyke
"The financial decisions we make in our lives are sometimes not the easiest to discuss but have long-lasting effects. [Opdyke?s advice] has opened the door in my relationship to conversations that were a long time coming." ?Josh, regularreader of Opdyke?s "Love & Money" column, Florida Real answers to real questions about money and relationships: I have too much debt and my credit isn?t very good. How can I fix my financial problems? And how do I break thenews to my boyfriend? How do I teach my kids the value of money, when my parents shower them with expensive gifts? My wife makes more money than I do, does that give her a greater voice in our financial decisions? Are we still equal? How much should I give my child in allowance? And will it really help him learn the value of a dollar? We want to have our first baby, but we don?t know if we can afford it yet. How much money do we......
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The Personal Success Handbook: How to Achieve Personal Excellence, and Lead Yourself to Wealth, Health and Happiness Antony Iozzi
The Personal Success Handbook is a best-selling book on achieving holistic success in the six areas of life. It is highly motivation, practical and inspiring. Used by people from all walks of life, it can inject new enthusiasm in your quest forsuccess, and helps you achieve your life goals more as a good friend than as a teacher....
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The Economics of Adjustment and Growth Noreena Hertz
The Economics of Adjustment and Growth moves the study of macroeconomics for developing economies away from the traditional static approach and toward a more dynamic, growth-oriented framework. Pierre-Richard Agenor presents an analysis of policy issues involved in designing economic adjustment programs in developing countries and structural reform policies aimed at fostering economic growth. Emphasizing the need to take into account the structural features of these countries, his work dwellson the considerable body of analytical research and empirical evidence of the past two decades in academic circles and international organizations. It provides cutting-edge analysis of many current real-world issues, such as financial crises and the roleof trade integration in fostering economic growth. Overall the book offers an impressive overview of the macroeconomic and structural adjustment issues facing developing economies today....
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Managing Your Documentation Projects JoAnn T. Hackos
. Practical, authoritative, and the first comprehensive guide to managing every phase of your publication project. The only book devoted exclusively to technical publication project management, Managing Your Documentation Projects arms you with proven strategies and techniques for producing high-quality, extremely usable documentation, while cutting cost and time-to-market. Dr. JoAnn T.Hockos, a top documentation design and project management consultant to major corporations, including IBM and Hewlett-Packard, shares with you the fruit of her more than 15 years of experience in the field. She gives you: Clear-cut, rational guidelines to managing every phase of the project from planning and development, through production, distribution, and project evaluation. Scores of usable templates, checklists, summaries, and forms. Dozens of real-life case studies and scenarios taken from the author's extensive experience at top corporations. ......
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Альманах программиста. Том 4. Безопасность в Microsoft .NET. . Книги.
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