Broadband Growth and Policies in OECD Countries

OECD Publishing

  Broadband Growth and Policies in OECD Countries  OECD Publishing  Broadband plays a critical role in the workings of the economy and society. It connects consumers, businesses, and governments and facilitates social interaction. Hence, broadband policies are now a vital instrument to ensure the competitiveness of OECD countries and to address pressing societal concerns. This report examines broadband developments and policies, and highlights challenges such as connecting users to fibre-based networks or coverage of rural areas. It also outlines emerging issues that may need policy attention as we move to next-generation networks. The findings are also relevant to emerging and developing economies designing broadband strategies. About the authors: Taylor Reynolds works as economist and policy analyst in the OECD Information, Computer and Communications Policy Division. He analyses trends in information and communication technologies, policy and market structure, with a particular focus on broadband. His recent research has focused on the growth...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Broadband plays a critical role in the workings of the economy and society. It connects consumers, businesses, and governments and facilitates social interaction. Hence, broadband policies are now a vital instrument to ensure the competitiveness of OECD countries and to address pressing societal concerns. This report examines broadband developments and policies, and highlights challenges such as connecting users to fibre-based networks or coverage of rural areas. It also outlines emerging issues that may need policy attention as we move to next-generation networks. The findings are also relevant to emerging and developing economies designing broadband strategies. About the authors: Taylor Reynolds works as economist and policy analyst in the OECD Information, Computer and Communications Policy Division. He analyses trends in information and communication technologies, policy and market structure, with a particular focus on broadband. His recent research has focused on the growth......

How to Outsmart China: The Complete Guide to Successful Business in China

Marcus Lee

  How to Outsmart China: The Complete Guide to Successful Business in China  Marcus Lee  How to OUTSMART China unveils to you the Real China Opportunities that No other China Guide talk about. It is a personal sharing from a foreigner who spends years working and living inside China, answering all possible questions you have on Doing Business in China.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How to OUTSMART China unveils to you the Real China Opportunities that No other China Guide talk about. It is a personal sharing from a foreigner who spends years working and living inside China, answering all possible questions you have on Doing Business in China....

Problem Solving Heuristics for Primary School Mathematics-A Comprehensive Guide

Ng Wee Leng

  Problem Solving Heuristics for Primary School Mathematics-A Comprehensive Guide  Ng Wee Leng  This book is written primarily for teachers to guide their students, and for parents, their children, in mastering the 11 heuristics that are recommended in the latest Singapore Primary Mathematics Syllabus. For each of the 11 heuristics, a detailed description and discussion of its nature and applications are provided, along with suitable examples to demonstrate its use. A total of 144 problems are included in this book to help readers develop their understanding of the heuristics. In addition, a wider range of useful problem solving techniques is demonstrated, which will help upper primary school pupils to solve challenging mathematical problems effectively and confidently Target Audience- Department: Education Level: In-service education professionals, pre-service educators, parents, tutors, students Text Type: Main Text Salient Features- This is the first and only mathematics book that covers all 11 Heuristics in the Singapore Primary Mathematics Syllabus Helps...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is written primarily for teachers to guide their students, and for parents, their children, in mastering the 11 heuristics that are recommended in the latest Singapore Primary Mathematics Syllabus. For each of the 11 heuristics, a detailed description and discussion of its nature and applications are provided, along with suitable examples to demonstrate its use. A total of 144 problems are included in this book to help readers develop their understanding of the heuristics. In addition, a wider range of useful problem solving techniques is demonstrated, which will help upper primary school pupils to solve challenging mathematical problems effectively and confidently Target Audience- Department: Education Level: In-service education professionals, pre-service educators, parents, tutors, students Text Type: Main Text Salient Features- This is the first and only mathematics book that covers all 11 Heuristics in the Singapore Primary Mathematics Syllabus Helps......

The Nude Male: 21st Century Visions

David Leddick

  The Nude Male: 21st Century Visions  David Leddick  David Leddick, the popular and acclaimed author of 2001’s Male Nude Now, brings us the latest and most current survey of the male nude form, as seen through the eyes of today’s most important and influential artists who recognize the inherent physical and emotional beauty of the subject. This collection showcases such prominent photographers and illustrators as David Hockney, Sam Taylor-Wood, Clive Barker, Mark Beard, Tom Bianchi, Reed Masengill, Nan Goldin, Bruce La Bruce and Duane Michals, presenting images ranging from the erotic, to fantastic, romantic, dangerous, and funny. The Nude Male features the work of more than 120 established and emerging visual artists, making this collection nothing less than the premier catalog of the genre.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David Leddick, the popular and acclaimed author of 2001’s Male Nude Now, brings us the latest and most current survey of the male nude form, as seen through the eyes of today’s most important and influential artists who recognize the inherent physical and emotional beauty of the subject. This collection showcases such prominent photographers and illustrators as David Hockney, Sam Taylor-Wood, Clive Barker, Mark Beard, Tom Bianchi, Reed Masengill, Nan Goldin, Bruce La Bruce and Duane Michals, presenting images ranging from the erotic, to fantastic, romantic, dangerous, and funny. The Nude Male features the work of more than 120 established and emerging visual artists, making this collection nothing less than the premier catalog of the genre....

Как бросить пить? Новая эффективная методика самокодирования

В. Ф. Кузнецов

  Как бросить пить? Новая эффективная методика самокодирования  В. Ф. Кузнецов  Современное слово.   Данная книга рассчитана на тех, кто искренне желает избавиться от алкогольной зависимости, на родных и близких, обеспечивающих половину успеха в этом непростом деле, а также на широкий круг людей, которые столкнулись с этой проблемой или занимаются лечением алкоголизма.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Современное слово. Данная книга рассчитана на тех, кто искренне желает избавиться от алкогольной зависимости, на родных и близких, обеспечивающих половину успеха в этом непростом деле, а также на широкий круг людей, которые столкнулись с этой проблемой или занимаются лечением алкоголизма....

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Broadband Growth and Policies in OECD Countries. OECD Publishing . Книги.

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