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Henry Ford Y El Modelo T/Henry Ford and the Model T (Inventores Y Sus Descubrimientos/Inventors and Their Discoveries)
Monica L. Rausch...
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Eat This Not That: Thousands of Simple Food Swaps That Can Save You 10, 20, 30 Pounds-or More! David Zinczenko, Matt Goulding
Rodale Books. Eat what you want, when you want-and watch the pounds disappear! Americans spend more than $400 billion a year eating out, and behind each burger, turkey sandwich, and ice cream sundae is a simple decision that could help you control your weight-and your life. The problem is, restaurant chains and food producers aren't interested in helping you make healthy choices. In fact, they invest $30 billion a year on advertising, much of it aimed at confusing eaters and disguising the fat and calorie counts of their products. All of that has changed with Eat This, Not That! This book puts the entire food industry under the spotlight, and arms you with the savvy tricks and insider information it takes to eat well no matter where you are. With Eat This, Not That! you're the expert in every eating situation, from the frozen food aisle to your favorite fast food joint to your local sports bar. You control your food universe-and lose the pounds you want-because, unlike every other......
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Guilt with a Twist: The Promethean Way Lawrence H. Staples
Fisher King Press. We don't have to read books to learn a great deal about guilt. It seeps in through our pores, our eyes and our ears. Not a word has to be spoken. We can remember that look we got from our elders and the shock waves of humiliation and pain that suffused our minds and bodies. It would have been easier and less painful if we could have learned it all by just reading. The reading comes later when we are trying to understand and comfort the pain. A refreshingly unconventional look at the role of sin and guilt in our lives, "Guilt with a Twist: The Promethean Way" is the result of more than twenty years of thought and writing. It is also the result of many years of clinical work by a 76 year-old psychoanalyst who is still practicing. Lawrence Staples concludes that we must eat forbidden fruit and bear guilt if we are to grow and achieve our full potential. His unorthodox view has the potential not only to change the way we look at guilt but also to soften its effects and heal us. ......
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The Truth About Garden Remedies: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why Jeff Gillman
Timber Press. -...
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100 Questions & Answers About Kidney Cancer (100 Questions & Answers about . . .)
Steven C., M.D., Ph.D. Campbell, Brian I., M.D. Rini, Robert G., M.D. Uzzo, Brian R., M.D., Ph.D. La...
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Henry Ford Y El Modelo T/Henry Ford and the Model T (Inventores Y Sus Descubrimientos/Inventors and Their Discoveries). Monica L. Rausch . Книги.
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