Coming to Light: Avery Gottlieb Rothko--Provincetown Summers 1957-1961

Philip Cavanaugh

  Coming to Light: Avery Gottlieb Rothko--Provincetown Summers 1957-1961  Philip Cavanaugh  Book DescriptionIn the summer of 1957, Milton Avery, Adolph Gottlieb, and Mark Rothko renewed a friendship that had begun in the late 20s. All three were in Provincetown, on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, in the light and by the sea, and over the next few extraordinary summers they interacted, and advanced and accelerated radical new ideas in their individual bodies of work. The Provincetown summers witnessed Avery's largest and most abstract paintings, such as Sunset Sea of 1958, and the development of new directions in Gottlieb's work, including his 1957 paintings Blast II and Blue at Night . This same time marked the darkening of Rothko's palette and, in 1958, the birth of the new forms found in the Seagram Murals and the later paintings of of the Harvard commission. Coming to Light is the first publication and exhibition to focus on the works of this period by each artist. Edited by E.A. Carmean. Essays by Philip Cavanaugh, Sean Avery Cavanaugh, Tony...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn the summer of 1957, Milton Avery, Adolph Gottlieb, and Mark Rothko renewed a friendship that had begun in the late 20s. All three were in Provincetown, on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, in the light and by the sea, and over the next few extraordinary summers they interacted, and advanced and accelerated radical new ideas in their individual bodies of work. The Provincetown summers witnessed Avery's largest and most abstract paintings, such as Sunset Sea of 1958, and the development of new directions in Gottlieb's work, including his 1957 paintings Blast II and Blue at Night . This same time marked the darkening of Rothko's palette and, in 1958, the birth of the new forms found in the Seagram Murals and the later paintings of of the Harvard commission. Coming to Light is the first publication and exhibition to focus on the works of this period by each artist. Edited by E.A. Carmean. Essays by Philip Cavanaugh, Sean Avery Cavanaugh, Tony......

In and Out of Focus: Images from Central Africa, 1885-1960

Christraud M. Geary

  In and Out of Focus: Images from Central Africa, 1885-1960  Christraud M. Geary  Book Description This book accompanies an exhibition at the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, on the role of photography in Central Africa. This is the first book to link two related themes: the role of photographic images in constructing and circulating fantasies, ideas, and sentiments in Europe and the US relating to the peoples of Central Africa; and the role of photography in enabling Africans to project images of themselves by becoming familiar with photographic technology. Broad in thematic and temporal scope, the book focuses on several time periods, especially on the years before and between the two world wars. This is also the first publication devoted to the important holdings of the Eliot Elisofen PhotographicArchives, a department of the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution and a unique repository with more than 200,000 historical and contemporary images from all over Africa. This book raises important issues...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This book accompanies an exhibition at the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, on the role of photography in Central Africa. This is the first book to link two related themes: the role of photographic images in constructing and circulating fantasies, ideas, and sentiments in Europe and the US relating to the peoples of Central Africa; and the role of photography in enabling Africans to project images of themselves by becoming familiar with photographic technology. Broad in thematic and temporal scope, the book focuses on several time periods, especially on the years before and between the two world wars. This is also the first publication devoted to the important holdings of the Eliot Elisofen PhotographicArchives, a department of the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution and a unique repository with more than 200,000 historical and contemporary images from all over Africa. This book raises important issues......

This Unbearable Boredom of Being : A Crisis of Meaning in America

Genrich Krasko

  This Unbearable Boredom of Being : A Crisis of Meaning in America  Genrich Krasko  Book DescriptionThe late Dr. Viktor Frankl, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century and the author of the bestselling book, Man's Search for Meaning , wrote over 50 years ago: Book DescriptionThe late Dr. Viktor Frankl, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century and the author of the bestselling book, Man's Search for Meaning , wrote over 50 years ago: "Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for." The gist of this book, This Unbearable Boredom of Being , is that the most burning problems of today's America: crime, drugs, greed, ugly gender polarization, disintegration of family, decay in morals, racism, and so on, are the direct consequences of a crisis of meaning that has engulfed America. The author, Genrich Krasko, an acclaimed scientist and follower of Viktor Frankl, analyzes the causes of this existential crisis. Genrich Krasko identifies one powerful factor that plays an enormous and decisive role in exacerbating our crisis and virtually all our problems: the degradation of our educational system. He also discusses the roots of this degradation and a future, true, educational reform.......

Shirley Jackson?s American Gothic

Darryl Hattenhauer

  Shirley Jackson?s American Gothic  Darryl Hattenhauer  Book DescriptionArgues that Jackson anticipated the transition from modernism to postmodernism and should be ranked among the most significant writers of her time.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionArgues that Jackson anticipated the transition from modernism to postmodernism and should be ranked among the most significant writers of her time....

Making Words Sing : Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Song

Jonathan Dunsby

  Making Words Sing : Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Song  Jonathan Dunsby  Book DescriptionIn a wideranging discussion, Jonathan Dunsby considers the nature of vocality in songs of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn a wideranging discussion, Jonathan Dunsby considers the nature of vocality in songs of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries....

<<<  Суть науки каббала. Том 1. Михаэль Лайтман             Миф о вечной империи и Третий рейх. Артур Меллер ван ден Брук, Андрей Васильченко >>>

На главную

Coming to Light: Avery Gottlieb Rothko--Provincetown Summers 1957-1961. Philip Cavanaugh . Книги.

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