Computers are Your Future, Introductory (7th Edition)

Bill Daley

  Computers are Your Future, Introductory (7th Edition)  Bill Daley  This introduction to computers is noted for its lucid explanations of computing concepts, practical applications of technology theory, and emphasis on the historical and societal impacts of technological innovations. It features integrated coverage of management information systems, networking, email, and the Internet. Other coverage of cutting-edge topics includes Microsoft Office 2003, ethics, e-commerce, crime and security, privacy, communications trends and infrastructure, multimedia, buying and upgrading your computer system, and file management. For individuals seeking an introduction to computers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This introduction to computers is noted for its lucid explanations of computing concepts, practical applications of technology theory, and emphasis on the historical and societal impacts of technological innovations. It features integrated coverage of management information systems, networking, email, and the Internet. Other coverage of cutting-edge topics includes Microsoft Office 2003, ethics, e-commerce, crime and security, privacy, communications trends and infrastructure, multimedia, buying and upgrading your computer system, and file management. For individuals seeking an introduction to computers....

Instance Selection and Construction for Data Mining (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 608)

Huan Liu, Hiroshi Motoda

  Instance Selection and Construction for Data Mining (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 608)  Huan Liu, Hiroshi Motoda  The ability to analyze and understand massive data sets lags far behind the ability to gather and store the data. To meet this challenge, knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) is growing rapidly as an emerging field. However, no matter how powerful computers are now or will be in the future, KDD researchers and practitioners must consider how to manage ever-growing data which is, ironically, due to the extensive use of computers and ease of data collection with computers. Many different approaches have been used to address the data explosion issue, such as algorithm scale-up and data reduction. Instance, example, or tuple selection pertains to methods or algorithms that select or search for a representative portion of data that can fulfill a KDD taskas if the whole data is used. Instance selection is directly related to data reduction and becomes increasingly important in many KDD applications due to the need for processing efficiency and/or storage efficiency. One of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ability to analyze and understand massive data sets lags far behind the ability to gather and store the data. To meet this challenge, knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) is growing rapidly as an emerging field. However, no matter how powerful computers are now or will be in the future, KDD researchers and practitioners must consider how to manage ever-growing data which is, ironically, due to the extensive use of computers and ease of data collection with computers. Many different approaches have been used to address the data explosion issue, such as algorithm scale-up and data reduction. Instance, example, or tuple selection pertains to methods or algorithms that select or search for a representative portion of data that can fulfill a KDD taskas if the whole data is used. Instance selection is directly related to data reduction and becomes increasingly important in many KDD applications due to the need for processing efficiency and/or storage efficiency. One of the......

Contraception: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Icon Health Publications

  Contraception: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References  Icon Health Publications  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

MS Office 2000 Integrated Activities: A Comprehensive Approach, Text-Workbook


  MS Office 2000 Integrated Activities: A Comprehensive Approach, Text-Workbook  McGraw-Hill  Office 2000: Integrated Applications from Glencoe's Comprehensive Approach Series equips students with the skills needed to successfully use Microsoft Office. This text is suitable for a one-semester or one-quarter capstone course, for students with previous knowledge of Office 2000 applications.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Office 2000: Integrated Applications from Glencoe's Comprehensive Approach Series equips students with the skills needed to successfully use Microsoft Office. This text is suitable for a one-semester or one-quarter capstone course, for students with previous knowledge of Office 2000 applications....

Programming in Visual Basic 6.0 with Working Model CD-ROM

Julia Case Bradley, Anita C. Millspaugh, A. C. Millspaugh

  Programming in Visual Basic 6.0 with Working Model CD-ROM  Julia Case Bradley, Anita C. Millspaugh, A. C. Millspaugh  Intro Programming course is estimated currently at 150-200,000 and growing. Visual Basic is taking over where BASIC, Qbasic, and QuickBasic once dominated, in the Introductory Business Programming course. That trend will continue as VB continues to encroach on other less progressive languages such as COBOL and the Basic variations listed above within CIS and Business departments. The courses that can be supported by this text are not specific to any one type of institution, since VB in a Business course is largely a functional topic needed by all types of students from 2-4 year, to Vo-Tech, to extended, to even adult education.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Intro Programming course is estimated currently at 150-200,000 and growing. Visual Basic is taking over where BASIC, Qbasic, and QuickBasic once dominated, in the Introductory Business Programming course. That trend will continue as VB continues to encroach on other less progressive languages such as COBOL and the Basic variations listed above within CIS and Business departments. The courses that can be supported by this text are not specific to any one type of institution, since VB in a Business course is largely a functional topic needed by all types of students from 2-4 year, to Vo-Tech, to extended, to even adult education....

<<<  Ethics of Bankruptcy (Professional Ethics). Jukka Kilpi             Миф о вечной империи и Третий рейх. Артур Меллер ван ден Брук, Андрей Васильченко >>>

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Computers are Your Future, Introductory (7th Edition). Bill Daley . Книги.

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